I have to disagree with you and agree with SM. Adult or not, some of the responces are well meaning but lack sensitivity. Its hardly special treatment or about memorizing her previous post. Telling someone to simply toughen up seems to undermine the point of being on the forum in my opinion. I would be feeling rather discouraged and weak if I had read some of the responces ive seen given that ive had moments where I feel quite similar to OP.
I'm not referring to you or Tickle in particular when I'm saying this - but as umpteen people have said, escorting is not for the thin-skinned. If you can't accept constructive advice/criticism on an anonymous online forum, then perhaps psychologically escorting is not a good idea for you.
Like Amy said, we don't know the back story of every poster here - well, I certainly don't. We all have issues we are dealing with in our lives, be they related to escorting or not. Some of us it's illness, others partners, family knowing/not knowing, children, housing, etc. etc.
The point is - would our clients care? Nope! They want a pleasant chat on the phone, a warm welcome, an enjoyable time in bed, and then to waltz off and not think twice about any of until next time. They certainly don't want to hear about another client upsetting us, our not being in the mood, PMT, whatever.
Everyone has good and bad days, but if you're consistently having problems dealing with escorting then you need to have a rethink about how you earn a living - and the same advice would be given to anyone about any job.