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Author Topic: Outcalls to a hotel  (Read 3831 times)


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Outcalls to a hotel
« on: 02 September 2008, 12:25:55 pm »
Hi again, so I have a booking for this Thursday for a full evening.

I have the name and booking ref and I intend to ring up and act as his PA and check that the details he has given are indeed correct.

So whats the procedure when going to the hotel? I have emailed him saying he will need to ring me on the day to confirm and then as soon as he knows the room number he will tell me that too. My question is do I sneak past reception or go up and say I am his PA can I be put through to his room please and say the book ref his name etc.

I just don't want to seem dodgy so what is the normal practice?


Anika Mae

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Re: Outcalls to a hotel
« Reply #1 on: 02 September 2008, 12:44:33 pm »
Go straight up, you're unlikely to be stopped if you look confident. If you don't see the lift immediately and go the wrong way, act like you're looking for someone in the lobby until you spot the lift. If an overzealous staff member stops you, just say you're going to see someone. You don't need to explain yourself to them.

In some cases you may need to say who you're visiting (in Brighton the hotels won't let passers-by in when it gets late for licensing reasons). If that happens things go more smoothly if you know the full name that your client has given the hotel.


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Re: Outcalls to a hotel
« Reply #2 on: 02 September 2008, 12:51:40 pm »
Ok great I will do that I know his name anyway well if he is being truthful that is but I will do that, thanks for the info.


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Re: Outcalls to a hotel
« Reply #3 on: 02 September 2008, 01:34:35 pm »
A helpful thing to do is actually get him to tell you where the lift is before you go in.


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Re: Outcalls to a hotel
« Reply #4 on: 02 September 2008, 02:16:32 pm »
A helpful thing to do is actually get him to tell you where the lift is before you go in.

Echo that. When your customer calls with his room number, ask him for a brief description of the reception area and where the lifts are located from the entrance. It saves you looking like a lost lamb and feeling self-conscious about your surroundings.

You don't have to tell anybody anything. When you call to confirm that your client is actually booked into the hotel, as you say, just pretend your his PA/secretary/business partner, and say that you're expecting Mr. Whatisname at some point. Ask if he's checked in and give them the reference number when prompted. You don't have to give your name, receptionists don't care. That fact that you have the reference number gives you access to information you otherwise wouldn't be able to obtain.

If you can, get him to confirm with you as conveniently possible for him. I usually get customers to confirm by 10am the latest. But I do also understand that some clients may be travelling and it may not always be possible to call at 10am. If it's an evening booking I give them until say 1pm. No later as it's a waste of my day if I can get to see another client.


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Re: Outcalls to a hotel
« Reply #5 on: 02 September 2008, 02:27:32 pm »
Ok great I will do that its an evening. He did say he can do an overnight but as it will be my first time I thought I would go for an evening instead as I might have another lined up the day after so I will let you know how it all goes, thanks.


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Re: Outcalls to a hotel
« Reply #6 on: 02 September 2008, 10:31:45 pm »
Hi just one more thing how long before a client gets in touch. I have listed on punternet and captain 69 both up and running but nobody has contacted me as of yet - I think I did it a couple of days ago. Am I being too impatient??

I can concentrate on my booking on thursday but I am getting bord of speaking to another potential at the mo from platinum before I quit.

I haven't listed on AW simply because I have taken it as it brings bad clients is that a fair assessment?


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Re: Outcalls to a hotel
« Reply #7 on: 02 September 2008, 11:53:31 pm »
I can only speak from my own experience but I would never write off AW - I have, with a couple of exceptions (who were not bad blokes per se, just incompatible) met some wonderful men from there, been on some great trips and not only that have gained my most favourite regular (as well as a good number of others) from it. The feedback system is a great help - you can look and see if a potential client has feedbacks from other ladies (who in turn have plenty of proper feedbacks themselves and so on) when he contacts you and some of them (not many!) even fill in their profiles so you can get a bit more of a idea about them and their likes/dislikes before you meet them.

The site takes a fair bit of stick and it can be a bit like amateur night, but you don't have to take bookings from everyone who contacts you, it's like anywhere else - when you get messages, decide whether or not you would like to see the guy or just bin them. I do this with all the 'txt spk' ones, anyone who repeatedly addresses me as 'babe', and also all the ones who have cock pics on their profiles (although being a bit of an uppity cow, I generally reply to them first to explain in no uncertain terms why). I wouldn't be without it, personally - the feedback system can work well for you too especially when you're new.

It is worth pointing out that AW makes it easy for men to spot new advertisers - you can set up an alert for when a new profile comes up within your chosen geographical area. Make it clear to anyone who contacts you that while you are new to AW, you are not new to escorting (even if you are!) as unfortunately there are people who will try to take advantage if they think you're a bit green.

I am on PunterNet, Punterlink and also Capt 69 - I get the majority of my site traffic from the first two but to the best of my knowledge have never had a booking from C69. Don't know whether this is unusual or not! Seriously, I would give AW a try - ignore all the bareback-cum-slut ads and just write your profile how you would like it. You can link it to your website which always appeals to AW users as they can see you are genuine and not just a picture-seller. Good luck with your booking! (and always find out where the lifts are first - if it's a late job, make sure you also find out if they lock the outer doors at a given time or be prepared to brazen it out with the concierge!)

Anika Mae

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Re: Outcalls to a hotel
« Reply #8 on: 03 September 2008, 12:58:51 am »
A couple of days isn't much. It's hard to be patient when you're new, but you'll have to be. A lot of clients keep an eye on sites they like for months before making a booking.

I've heard that the PunterNet SPD isn't that popular, so make some announcements to get yourself noticed. Punterlink and Puntingzone both put you on the front page when you're first listed, so they're good for a boost and both free. Punterlink has always been the best performing site for me.

I agree that AW is worth a try. You do need to watch out for people who'll try to take advantage of your inexperience (they're everywhere, but especially like AW), but it's a very popular site with plenty of good clients using it as well as bad ones. Hardly anything happens for me through the site, but I've had several bookings where the guys have mentioned that they found me on AW and followed the link to my site, and since most don't talk about how they found me I assume there are more.


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Re: Outcalls to a hotel
« Reply #9 on: 03 September 2008, 09:36:46 am »
Great advice I will list on a few more sites and see if that works.

Amy it didn't even occur to me about late departures so to speak in the hotel I will have to check that out I have already rang to confirm it and she asked me for his address arrgg I said I don't know I am on business she didn't seem to care and that was that lol.

I will make sure that I won't put I am a newbie as I understand about the taking advantage bit as I wouldn't want that.

Going to get up and wake up a bit more then I will start listing on some more sites thanks for all the info.


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Re: Outcalls to a hotel
« Reply #10 on: 03 September 2008, 02:04:24 pm »
Just an update done my profiles and guess what I had three emails yey lol! Although two were from AW and one doesn't know my rates despite going on my web page strange and the other wants pictures and a deal on rates I gave him my website address they either can't read or are timewasters or something. The other one seems a bit more genuine although I will see how it goes.


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Re: Outcalls to a hotel
« Reply #11 on: 03 September 2008, 03:17:40 pm »
This is the type of chancer you will get on AW when you are new - at best they are too lazy to read through your site and look at your rates (so why would you want to see them?) and the other one frankly, is taking the piss. Asking for a 'deal' when your rates are clearly specified is outrageous - if you reply at all (and I would), point out that you are not a market stall and your fees are not up for negotiation as you are worth every penny; it is worth adding this information to your profile if you haven't already as at least then you can't say they didn't know.

Asking for discount is very different to being offered it; I offer small discounts to very valued regulars (mates rates ;D), as I suspect other ladies do, but this is usually in the shape of overrunning booking time rather then reducing fees (and quite often runs to tea and cake after as I've got my baking head on since I decided to cut back a bit). I think a nice leisurely time spent not bothering with the clock too much is more appealing to clients than scratching and scraping over the odd tenner.

Anika Mae

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Re: Outcalls to a hotel
« Reply #12 on: 03 September 2008, 03:47:20 pm »
You'll get guys asking for your "best price", too. I wonder if that ever results in anything better than "they're on my website, idiot".