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Author Topic: Off due to shingles  (Read 967 times)


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Off due to shingles
« on: 27 September 2018, 07:28:24 pm »
Oh god can't seem to catch a break was doing really well then I came down with shingles, you can still work a normal job with them providing they are covered and not too painful. escorting is a different story just wondering if any of you have had it and how long you took off work. Not something I wanted to ask my doctor


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Re: Off due to shingles
« Reply #1 on: 27 September 2018, 09:21:18 pm »
Oh that's really not good and can be quite painful

It is the old one size doesn't fit all but in brief, it can be up to 4 weeks for the rash to go completely and the pain can last longer than that. Once the rash has dried it is not infectious but it can look unsightly depending on how many spots you have. So in reality you could start working again as soon as they dry up but it depends on how confident you are if the spots are visible

Sorry I cant be more help


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Re: Off due to shingles
« Reply #2 on: 28 September 2018, 11:52:48 pm »
I had them a few months ago, and they were sooo painful. Not good! I was in agony with the itching  :-\ I've just caught a chest infection and UTI too, so I feel your pain. It's that time of year where our immune systems take a kicking, huh? I have been camming to make up for the loss of income...