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Author Topic: No more Mr. Nice Guy  (Read 5483 times)


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No more Mr. Nice Guy
« on: 28 November 2008, 11:26:17 pm »
Ok, I done had it. I had someone call me this morning waking me up, inquiring about an incall problem. However, he mentioned something about 'probably' calling me tomorrow to book. I was half way asleep so I didnt get to straighten him out...

1st of all, 'probably'? I need to know for sure. Its either you are or youre not. especially for an incall which means I have to set up a hotel. The guy didnt even say what time it was tomorrow and silly me I didnt even pin him down to a time. I wanted to say, "probably? well how about you  you figure it out and if I dont hear from you by this time tomorrow morning dont bother."

Its about time that I dont be left hanging like this. I dont know if this guy was just a wanna-be escort pretending to be a client or what. He sounded pretty young, and in the way he made the booking...sounded like he didnt know what he was doing. Anyone know what I mean?

Little Diamond

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Re: No more Mr. Nice Guy
« Reply #1 on: 29 November 2008, 12:07:56 am »
UA, you are waaaaaayy to soft!!!!!! enough already!!!


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Re: No more Mr. Nice Guy
« Reply #2 on: 29 November 2008, 01:14:10 am »

Well at least you are getting that together so that is positive! We can make mistakes and learn from them, it might take 1 or 3 or 5 but it comes and I'm sure soon you'll be quick smart with the details xx


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Re: No more Mr. Nice Guy
« Reply #3 on: 29 November 2008, 08:16:00 am »
Hon, enough is enough. Stop being afraid to piss someone off buy telling them what is what. I have had idiots calling me at 7 in the morning to book for the next day! I tell them point blank, to call tomorrow, and not so early either. Bye and hang up! I mean there is no need to behave like a door mat. Stand up for yourself man. You are providing a valued service, not asking for charity.


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Re: No more Mr. Nice Guy
« Reply #4 on: 29 November 2008, 08:57:33 am »
i only can second that,
and i feel the fear of pissing someone of is fear of rejection and need for approval

however you will find when you stand up and do draw your lines, people will show more respect to you, and to your service. by doing this you value yourself more and respect yourself more and that automatically results that other ppl do value and respect you more too. i also think that it ultimately increases the quality of your service, due you are taking care for yourself feel better in yourself and therefore give from a calm and centred place also i feel you can be even more authentic and congruent when standing up for yourself

Sophia M

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Re: No more Mr. Nice Guy
« Reply #5 on: 29 November 2008, 10:56:00 am »
Medea is absolutely right about this. I am in the process of transforming from a softy into a toughie, and I really have found that people have started to treat me with more respect. Also, interestingly, I think a lot of people like me more now. Maybe because I was such a complete doormat in the past that it got on peoples nerves. I'm aiming to be a polite, fair and respectful toughie, of course!


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Re: No more Mr. Nice Guy
« Reply #6 on: 29 November 2008, 01:08:34 pm »
i agree with everyone. you dont have to come across as complete bitch but when you set the boundries and stick to em you feel better about it.

I have an 'eiquette' section on my site which frankly translates to 'these are the rules, stick to them and i will be your friend... break them and i will think your a twat'.  It is the section of my site that 'I' read the most to make sure i havent changed my mind or want to add to it.  My best clients so far have been the ones that clearly read the whole thing and stuck to the 'rules'.  If someone gets shitty with you on the phone, how respectful are they going to be when you meet them?  Come on UA.... you can do it, we are all behind you!!!   ;)


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Re: No more Mr. Nice Guy
« Reply #7 on: 29 November 2008, 09:21:10 pm »
OK...ok, I gave off the impression of a door mat,  But y'all have a point though  
« Last Edit: 29 November 2008, 09:45:17 pm by UrbaneAspects »


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Re: No more Mr. Nice Guy
« Reply #8 on: 30 November 2008, 04:35:10 am »
OK...ok, I gave off the impression of a door mat,  But y'all have a point though  

Ahh sweetie, not a door mat just a big softie at heart. xx


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Re: No more Mr. Nice Guy
« Reply #9 on: 30 November 2008, 05:47:17 pm »
Firstly - turn your phone off at night, and have 'set hours' when you do answer enquiries (I leave a voicemail advising to call between 9am and 8pm.

Guys who say I'll call you when I'm in the area/tomorrow/next Thursday etc usually don't. If they do and you're still available then go ahead and make arrangements.

One of the first things I learnt was not to make any arrangements until definite times, dates, locations have been discussed. Unfortunately this has resulted in some guys not getting to see me because I got myself DEFINITELY booked before they were able to call.

Thing is we are a running a business and will take the first definite booking (unless something feels amiss!). I doubt any other self-eomplyed person would put everything on hold just in case "Joe" calls on Tuesday. Don't worry about straightening him out, jsut make sure you turn it off next time and get some good sleep!

Little Diamond

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Re: No more Mr. Nice Guy
« Reply #10 on: 30 November 2008, 06:39:19 pm »
Exactly that Strawberry.

If we were in the building trade , we  would take 40 per cent up front, 40 percent when you go to the job and 20 per cent when you finish. No business can survive on a "maybe" ! Just because we are dealing with slightly more fragile aspect of the human psyche , we are still a business!


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Re: No more Mr. Nice Guy
« Reply #11 on: 30 November 2008, 09:17:37 pm »
Firstly - turn your phone off at night, and have 'set hours' when you do answer enquiries (I leave a voicemail advising to call between 9am and 8pm.
Don't worry about straightening him out, jsut make sure you turn it off next time and get some good sleep!

thanks...but I cant turn my phone off at night...Late night bookings dont always measure up to disaster! But yes, last day or 2 I been hooked on straightening guys out and have just been getting a thrill out of it! Yesterday, I answered a private call on purpose just to yell at him for calling me private, call with your number unblocked and hung up  :D

But, of course this isnt about being belligerant, just getting the job done!


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Re: No more Mr. Nice Guy
« Reply #12 on: 30 November 2008, 09:41:49 pm »
Firstly - turn your phone off at night, and have 'set hours' when you do answer enquiries (I leave a voicemail advising to call between 9am and 8pm.
Don't worry about straightening him out, jsut make sure you turn it off next time and get some good sleep!

thanks...but I cant turn my phone off at night...Late night bookings dont always measure up to disaster! But yes, last day or 2 I been hooked on straightening guys out and have just been getting a thrill out of it! Yesterday, I answered a private call on purpose just to yell at him for calling me private, call with your number unblocked and hung up  :D

But, of course this isnt about being belligerant, just getting the job done!

Oh dear, we have turned him in to a monster....  you have now gone to the extream, a little ott maybe?  randomly shouting at people isnt going to help. 

I didnt answer private calls in the begining after reading that every other WG doesnt answer them and then one day i picked up before realising.  the guy wanted to book so i told him he would have to call from a number that wasnt hidden.  he had used the hotel phone not realising it wouldnt show up, he called me back a few mins later from his mobile and everything was ok.  Now i answer them and if they are timewasters i get rid of them.

You need to toughen up not dramatic up...


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Re: No more Mr. Nice Guy
« Reply #13 on: 01 December 2008, 01:30:07 am »
lol..true, but I told this guy to call me from a regular number and then I'll be happy to talk to him. He then asked me,  "are u available tonight?"


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Re: No more Mr. Nice Guy
« Reply #14 on: 01 December 2008, 03:26:42 am »
lol..true, but I told this guy to call me from a regular number and then I'll be happy to talk to him. He then asked me,  "are u available tonight?"

Well why shouldnt he ask, you were on the line.  he called, you picked up... why should he go to the effort of getting to another phone if your jsut going to say your not available anyway.  you either answer with held numbers or you dont.  And as on this occasion you did,  I think you made a drama out of something that was unessasary thats all.

There is a time to tell callers to sod off and there are other times when you have to accept that you over reacted, this is one of them in my opinion.