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Author Topic: Newbie - is there a market for non-penetrative male escorts?  (Read 9425 times)


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Newbie - is there a market for non-penetrative male escorts?
« on: 06 September 2024, 11:44:14 pm »
Hi all, newbie here. Not sure whether I was just being naive or not but I advertise as a non-sexual straight male companion & thought I'd more than likely end up with older females just wanting general companionship. I didn't realise how many clients just wouldn't bother reading my bio & just come out asking for all sorts. The fact I offer non-sexual wasn't an issue at first but I soon found myself agreeing to requests on the understanding that clients were aware I'd have to use a strap-on for penetrative. I'm happy to oblige with requests, I am a red blooded male at the end of the day with kinks of my own. But I am struggling to get beyond the time wasters. Do you think this is just because I'm new with no client base yet, or the fact I can't perform in the traditional way or is it just that male escorts don't get much work?

Happy for any comments!



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Re: Newbie - is there a market for non-penetrative male escorts?
« Reply #2 on: 07 September 2024, 12:46:36 am »
Oh....well....that was a disappointing read. Thanks for the link!


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Re: Newbie - is there a market for non-penetrative male escorts?
« Reply #3 on: 09 September 2024, 05:05:21 pm »
Hi Newbie,

It's not all doom and gloom, buddy. Yes, male escort agencies are all a scam. However, there is a market for straight males in the adult profession. I found it quite by mistake but I still work regularly even now. Don't be under any illusions that you'll be as busy as the girls get, but a couple of bookings a week is more than doable on your own. Have a good look at yourself, be objective and work out what your niche is and target that market. Don't use porn as a benchmark obviously lol. If you want any advice on getting started on your own feel free to message me.


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Re: Newbie - is there a market for non-penetrative male escorts?
« Reply #4 on: 09 September 2024, 08:10:46 pm »
there is a market for straight males in the adult profession. I found it quite by mistake but I still work regularly even now.

Sure you do.

We primarily make adult films and content. Experienced, professional, relaxed and fun. First timer friendly. If you need quality video content or just want to make your own adult film we'd love to hear from you.

Your Adultwork profile is clearly promoting a porn production company (presumably the one you keep trying to tout here in the posts which didn't make it through Premod); the majority of the marketing text is about 'content', the majority of the pictures and videos feature women/couples having sex and there is little or nothing there to appeal to lone female punters.

You have two feedbacks (both from men claiming couples bookings and one of whom only has feedback from you) and your profile has had 917 views since you put it up on the 20th of August including mine and your own - I get more than that in a day? You don't display a phone number and arrange using the AW system so where is the feedback for all these bookings you're getting?

If you want to advertise your porn production company then post an appropriate thread in the Spamming section. This is not the way to do it, and especially not when you're ignoring the poster who you're supposedly offering advice to.

One More Rodeo

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Re: Newbie - is there a market for non-penetrative male escorts?
« Reply #5 on: 10 September 2024, 09:30:34 am »
Have you thought of offering a massage? Something like a tantric massage maybe?
I'm not sure how busy realistically you would get but it might be something to look into.

I remember coming across an ad of a male escort who in his offering mentioned that he could pick you up from the airport.
I love this idea so much :) One of the very few things that I miss about being in a relationship is being picked up from the airport.
You could add to this a texting package if someone wants to keep in touch on their journey.


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Re: Newbie - is there a market for non-penetrative male escorts?
« Reply #6 on: 10 September 2024, 09:35:34 am »
Hi all, newbie here. Not sure whether I was just being naive or not but I advertise as a non-sexual straight male companion & thought I'd more than likely end up with older females just wanting general companionship. I didn't realise how many clients just wouldn't bother reading my bio & just come out asking for all sorts. The fact I offer non-sexual wasn't an issue at first but I soon found myself agreeing to requests on the understanding that clients were aware I'd have to use a strap-on for penetrative. I'm happy to oblige with requests, I am a red blooded male at the end of the day with kinks of my own. But I am struggling to get beyond the time wasters. Do you think this is just because I'm new with no client base yet, or the fact I can't perform in the traditional way or is it just that male escorts don't get much work?

Happy for any comments!


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Re: Newbie - is there a market for non-penetrative male escorts?
« Reply #7 on: 10 September 2024, 09:46:00 am »
Once upon a time there was a reasonably successful straight male escort, he was a 'James Bond' rugby type, exceedingly well presented, groomed, seem to recall he did however offer sexual intercourse. He gave up because the amount of TWs was disproportionate with amount of genuine bookings. Imagine how many we have to field and sift out, then reduce your bookings to few and far between even for someone who 'has it'.


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Re: Newbie - is there a market for non-penetrative male escorts?
« Reply #8 on: 10 September 2024, 02:19:17 pm »
Hi all, newbie here. Not sure whether I was just being naive or not but I advertise as a non-sexual straight male companion & thought I'd more than likely end up with older females just wanting general companionship. I didn't realise how many clients just wouldn't bother reading my bio & just come out asking for all sorts. The fact I offer non-sexual wasn't an issue at first but I soon found myself agreeing to requests on the understanding that clients were aware I'd have to use a strap-on for penetrative. I'm happy to oblige with requests, I am a red blooded male at the end of the day with kinks of my own. But I am struggling to get beyond the time wasters. Do you think this is just because I'm new with no client base yet, or the fact I can't perform in the traditional way or is it just that male escorts don't get much work?

Happy for any comments!


My ex partner is a male escort, he is actually very successful. He sees more women than men now but unless you want to do things to a man sexually you simply wont survive. This industry is not for straight men full stop.
'I don't know, its like there's a light at the end of the tunnel'
'That's hellfire, Dean'


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Re: Newbie - is there a market for non-penetrative male escorts?
« Reply #9 on: 10 September 2024, 03:19:08 pm »
Well since it's not going to die just yet, if you're reading Mike it's women. Not 'females'.

I think posters are missing the the OP was trying to advertise a non-sex 'companion' service (and currently has an ad on one of the scam advertising sites which promises that there's lots of work for straight men to 'escort' women to events and suchlike. That is one Direct Debit which needs cancelling right now; being a bit gullible and deluded isn't a crime, but don't keep paying to prove it!

Nevertheless, he's posted on a prostitution forum - I'm kind of struggling to see how anybody would think that sex work was going to be a lucrative option if you can't actually have sex; there are plenty of people who make a good living doing massage or oral bookings but their customers are men. Why would a woman pay for somebody to essentially use a dildo on her when she can a) do that herself for free (as well as likely get a shag, but that's by the by) or in the unlikely event that she did want to pay a man to fuck her she can pretty much pick and choose from any type or size of actual penis she wants?

I don't want to be obtuse, I'm genuinely interested in what the thought process was which took the OP from 'OK, I can't do X' to 'I think I'll start a business in an area where X is pretty important and I'll make £££££££!', because it does look a lot like he's another chancer who thinks our job is a piece of piss which requires no skill or competence, and thus which anybody can successfully do.

Oh, and it's 2024. If women (whether we have our own businesses or work for other people's) have work/industry functions to attend and nobody in RL we want to punish that much, we can go all by ourselves. We can even go to bars and restaurants unaccompanied! You're on a hiding to nothing.

One of the very few things that I miss about being in a relationship is being picked up from the airport.

But would you want to get in some random numptie's car? I wouldn't even do that with a punter I'd known ten years (although I don't travel by car unless it's absolutely unavoidable, admittedly).

One More Rodeo

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Re: Newbie - is there a market for non-penetrative male escorts?
« Reply #10 on: 10 September 2024, 03:24:34 pm »
But would you want to get in some random numptie's car? I wouldn't even do that with a punter I'd known ten years (although I don't travel by car unless it's absolutely unavoidable, admittedly).

I don't want to be in a numptie's car :-\
« Last Edit: 10 September 2024, 03:32:16 pm by One More Rodeo »


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Re: Newbie - is there a market for non-penetrative male escorts?
« Reply #11 on: 10 September 2024, 04:59:41 pm »
If a woman wants to get laid she’ll just go on tinder and find 20 guys willing to, but finding a good looking kind respectful guy with manners to take you out for dinner, stroke your ego then having sex while NOT treating you as a porn star that’s more difficult to find :-) I should imagine there’s a market for that (?). I personally know if a tantric masseur who pleasures women and he’s relatively busy, but his marketing is very clean cut type and not very straightforward. I believe the right marketing could get you business. You loose nothing by trying….
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Newbie - is there a market for non-penetrative male escorts?
« Reply #12 on: 10 September 2024, 05:13:45 pm »
The OP is also a long way from London, has said nothing about being a masseuse and has made it clear he cannot have penetrative sex.


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Re: Newbie - is there a market for non-penetrative male escorts?
« Reply #13 on: 10 September 2024, 05:31:15 pm »
If a woman wants to get laid she’ll just go on tinder and find 20 guys willing to, but finding a good looking kind respectful guy with manners to take you out for dinner, stroke your ego then having sex while NOT treating you as a porn star that’s more difficult to find :-) I should imagine there’s a market for that (?)

I'm sure there are women who would like that too regardless of my not being one of them, but liking something and being prepared to pay hundreds of £ for it are very different things, even civvy women who don't get paid £hundreds themselves for doing exactly the above.

I daresay most would just go on the online dating sites and have a weapons grade escape plan for the really dreadful ones. I'm sure most of us know that polite smalltalk over dinner with a random bloke can be excruciating at best even when you're being paid, and I suspect most women who were handing money over would rather get to the fun part (which may or may not turn out to be more fun than a Tinder or a sex toy, but still costs the same regardless).

To be fair, I should remember that we admins have the advantage that we've actually seen the marketing, which makes it easier for us to answer.


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Re: Newbie - is there a market for non-penetrative male escorts?
« Reply #14 on: 10 September 2024, 06:39:44 pm »
In general, I would say yes there is a market but it is tiny and not lucrative enough to make a living from.

My boyfriend is a very fit, active middle aged man who scrubs up well and has had 3 bookings from women in almost 2 years.

1 was a dinner date, the other two were purely sexual. If you're good looking, witty, charismatic, able to hold a conversation, flirt and make a woman feel good about herself without being skeevy, and if you have skills in the bedroom (massage, fingers, mouth, toys, maybe some kink etc) then you might make some money.

The market is saturated however, so your presentation and marketing would have to be on point. We're talking high quality pics that cater to the female gaze, an advert that shows confidence and charisma, an enticing price point, and ofc the skills behind closed doors to make it worthwhile.

As others have said, it's very easy for a woman to get NSA sex but (speaking from experience) it's very difficult to have have the kind of sex/date that they want. Between worries about safety, catfishing, or their date just not providing a satisfying time it can be frustrating out there. So if you have the skills and the aptitude for this line of work and can get that across in an advert then you might find you get a few bookings from it.