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Author Topic: Newbie! whats your procedure when client arrives?  (Read 1882 times)


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Newbie! whats your procedure when client arrives?
« on: 20 July 2015, 09:02:44 pm »
Hi everyone I'm a newbie will be starting escorting in the next couple days with an agency. What is your procedure as soon as client arrives? Do you ask them to freshen up? put money on the table? Might seem like a silly question but I'm worried I wont know what to do  :-[. Any advice helps.


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Re: Newbie! whats your procedure when client arrives?
« Reply #1 on: 20 July 2015, 09:08:01 pm »

Welcome! It's different for everyone but just do what feels natural. I normally start of by giving a friendly greeting, asking them about their journey to me, how has their day been, lovely to meet you etc. I then offer them a drink too to make them feel more comfortable. Most guys will bring up the topic of payment during this time but if they don't when I'm busy getting a drink I just simply ask to get the business part out of the way first. After the cash has exchanged hands I offer them use of the bathroom and shower facilities and store away the money without them seeing and then when they come out I am waiting on the bed with considerably less clothes on and then onto the business :)



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Re: Newbie! whats your procedure when client arrives?
« Reply #2 on: 20 July 2015, 09:08:27 pm »
Make quick pleasantries then offer them drink/shower and then I say shall we get the boring bit out the way first before letting them near the bathroom or my juice. If they decline a shower I just make an excuse that I'm going to grab a drink/put phone away and stash the cash


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Re: Newbie! whats your procedure when client arrives?
« Reply #3 on: 20 July 2015, 10:31:07 pm »
Agency should have done this!

Generally as above, it's a quick chat, drink, cash, move to bedroom. Some guys may put the cash on the table, others may hand it to you or some will hand over in an envelope. Many will say don't count the cash in front of the client but I don't see a problem with this as it's a business transaction like any other sale exchange. If in an envelope though, it's best to count in the bathroom or when they are not in the room to save their blushes/awkwardness. Remember to feign an air of confidence & knowing what you are doing if nervous  ;)

Good luck!


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Re: Newbie! whats your procedure when client arrives?
« Reply #4 on: 20 July 2015, 11:47:55 pm »
Disagree with the advice above; when they give you the money count in front of them.
If they hand it over and you go out the room to count and it's not enough they will insist you've taken some out.
Avoids any kind of argument if you count it as soon as they hand it over.
If you get into this habit from Day 1 you won't forget to do it and soon you won't find it awkward. It only takes a few seconds especially for say 30 mins or 1 hour you can just fan the money out in your hand and quickly check there's enough. :)

If they give you an envelope and you go into bathroom to check it could be empty or short and if you take it out of their sight it is your word against theirs.

Most clients will expect you to count it so won't care that you do.


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Re: Newbie! whats your procedure when client arrives?
« Reply #5 on: 21 July 2015, 12:05:10 am »
From my own experience I have to agree with the post above.

Once a  very decent guy left money on the table and I didnt bother to pick it up and count it for some reason.

So I proceed with the full hour worth of service, cum twice etc. Also doing a full body to body erotic massage in between, so in the end I pick up the money and see that its only a half hour fee.

Well, apparently he couldnt get enough cash together for 1 hour appointment, but failed to inform me he only wanted/ could afford half an hour.  He just left the cash on the table and stupid me assumed that we are going ahead as previously arranged (1 hour booking).. When I confronted him angrily to ask why didnt he stop me when it was clear we were well over half hour time, he replied that he got lost in the moment and got carried away.

Grrrr what a fucker!

But lesson learned though. Count upfront, Always in front of them, as if you take it away and find it short how would you prove it .

Good luck!
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