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Author Topic: Newbie! Qu.s of rape fantasies, beastiality and other 'alt' services...  (Read 11661 times)


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Re: Newbie! Qu.s of rape fantasies, beastiality and other 'alt' services...
« Reply #15 on: 15 August 2010, 04:57:07 pm »
I promise I'm female and genuine! Here, have a link to my adult work profile:
(if you have ANY suggestions on how to improve my profile I would really appreciate it!)

I'll confess, I made that mostly out of curiosity long before I found this forum, mostly because I knew I was in the security of not taking bookings yet. Quite interesting that my writing comes across as masculine, I really had no intentions of this being tittilating and offending people.
I don't want to upset anyone, but I am genuinely interested and get off on these kinds of things and I don't think I should hide that here. It made sense in my head to bring these interests into my working life to be honest!

I really appreciate the concerns some of you have expressed, its made me think I will definitely be starting with vanilla scenes and get a proper feel for the industry. You're right, I am still quite young, and I have no idea if I really will enjoy being an escort. However I don't think I'll be offering any GFEs any time soon either :)  

Thanks girls

Maria x
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Re: Newbie! Qu.s of rape fantasies, beastiality and other 'alt' services...
« Reply #16 on: 15 August 2010, 05:45:15 pm »
Maria, you do not have prove yourself to anybody - may I remind members that it is up to each individual whether they decide to post anonymously and there are many ladies who do exactly that without being expected to vouch for themselves. The trolls do come and go, but generally get bored long before they get to cause trouble, since it isn't a particularly incendiary atmosphere on the forum and this is as it should be :).

For what it's worth I don't think the OP's syntax or vocabulary come across as male, more as someone perhaps quite young for their age and trying to find an 'in' to a group of people who she perceives in a particular way; we really ought to be used to it by now. And as Lucy said, if advice is sought on here, it will be given, this is what the site is for.

We won't judge, Maria but we will never condone or encourage illegal activity of any kind, and the advice anyone receives will generally be of the type that promotes a responsible and safe way of working, which in the case is entirely at odds with the thread starter, but we also ought to remember that you haven't actually started working yet (and looking at your profile, I shudder to think of some of the emails you'll have got).

The overriding feeling I get from your posts (and you are not the only one we have here at the moment) is that you are still associating your personal life and the things you enjoy/want to  do with the job, and it is just not appropriate for you to do so. This doesn't mean you should be providing services you don't enjoy or pretending to be something you're not, but this is a way to earn money, not a fun/exciting way to get your kicks, and if you continue to think it is, you are playing a very dangerous game. Adultwork in particular is renowned for making it easy for the unscrupulous to target newbies, and as has already been said, this work needs to be approached with the same sort of professional attitude that providing any other personal service would - advertising yourself to basically be used and abused by all comers for a poxy ?70 an hour is more than likely going to teach you that this isn't anywhere near as much fun as you thought it might be. And what are you planning to do if you decide ten minutes in that it maybe isn't such a good idea?

I have known people in all parts of the industry and particularly BDSM providers who include among their services medical fetishes, breath play, knife and needle play, hot wax, serious CBT and all the rest of it in addition to every type of role play imaginable. These people have worked, studied and gained experience under others for years and the boundaries and rules agreed and abided by for each encounter are the strictest you are likely to find anywhere outside a US airport security department. Seriously, go to clubs or find a fuck buddy you trust for your fantasy stuff - apart from anything else, expecting clients to cater to your fantasies is not really how it works and why should it? THEY are paying YOU.

I can't really comment on the profile apart from that your prices are far too low, and since you do not offer OWO or CIM I think you may have misunderstood 'Bukkake'.


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Re: Newbie! Qu.s of rape fantasies, beastiality and other 'alt' services...
« Reply #17 on: 15 August 2010, 06:09:33 pm »
Thank you for your kind informative post Amy. I really appreciate that you've pointed out I'm still assocating my personal life with my potential working life, its really given me food for thought.
I should have realised myself taht you would discourage illegal activities, how stupid of me.

I think I will definitely be sitting down tonight and considering why I want to go into this industry and what I can offer my clients. You're right that I should not be using it as a way to get my kicks, I should be viewing it as a professional way to earn an extra income on the side, which as a university student would be useful to me, and I need to make sure I'm offering what I'm comfortable with doing and not misleading my clients.

I will also be reading through some threads and doing some research on other A/W profiles to get an idea of what sort of pricing I should be offering, thank you for pointing that out, and then I will give my profile a proper uphaul.
And thank you for noticing the bukkake, I hadn't realised that was showing up on the list, I'll go uncheck it.

Maria xx
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Re: Newbie! Qu.s of rape fantasies, beastiality and other 'alt' services...
« Reply #18 on: 15 August 2010, 06:32:49 pm »
I have known people in all parts of the industry and particularly BDSM providers who include among their services medical fetishes, breath play, knife and needle play, hot wax, serious CBT and all the rest of it in addition to every type of role play imaginable. These people have worked, studied and gained experience under others for years and the boundaries and rules agreed and abided by for each encounter are the strictest you are likely to find anywhere outside a US airport security department. Seriously, go to clubs or find a fuck buddy you trust for your fantasy stuff - apart from anything else, expecting clients to cater to your fantasies is not really how it works and why should it? THEY are paying YOU.

Taking this a little further, Maria - do you know anyone in your real life who is involved with kink and fetish scenes? As far as I can tell, the vast majority of people who are into this type of sexuality take safety extremely seriously and I think perhaps you could learn a little from them about how to indulge in your preferred fantasies without getting (excuse my frankness) assaulted, mutilated or murdered. You are far from alone in your sexuality and I hope you don't feel alienated by our responses - Amy has explained why we've reacted as we have; everyone here on this forum dies a bit inside when we hear yet another story of someone rushing into sex work with NO thought to their own safety, or even worse, the story of someone who already did it last week and now needs help with dealing with the horrible consequences that can occur. But we're all here to help anyone who might be about to get themselves into a difficult situation and so I'm really glad to see you've stuck around and listened to us. :) Sorry if that sounds patronising! I'm just honestly glad.

I believe there are safe online resources that you can access if you wish to get involved in certain types of kink and whatnot - forgive me, I am completely tediously vanilla and don't even know how to describe the broader reaches of human sexuality properly - although like anywhere online where you confess to being female and enjoying sex, you're bound to have a bunch of weirdos contact you that you should *not* arrange to meet up with in real life. But if you can safely make friends with people with similar interests (see: meeting in public spaces just to talk, etc) you might well be able to find people that you can trust to then explore more 'various' stuff with.

I don't know. I've suddenly realised that 'safe extreme sex' is rather an oxymoron. And I don't know how you'd reconcile a need for danger and power-play during sex with the need to not have your boundaries pushed (unless you wanted to be the one spanking and whipping and anally-penetrating - and even then, I believe psychological issues can arise). I suppose I should read up on it, really. This Wiki article is maybe a good start: Sane risk in kink. From my brief glimpse, there's a lot of stuff out there - communities, research, information-sharing, etc.

Anyway, sorry, you probably know all that already. As far as sex work is concerned, I am a firm believer that if you want to be safe and successful in this industry, you need to disconnect work from your personal sexual (or social or emotional) desires. Otherwise I'd be forming monogamous long-term relationships (that's my kinda kink :P) with, like, every single one of my clients. And my life would rapidly turn into a complete horrible mess. See how it goes?
Disclosure: The other person behind

sammy s

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Re: Newbie! Qu.s of rape fantasies, beastiality and other 'alt' services...
« Reply #19 on: 15 August 2010, 06:55:28 pm »
I'm probably going to get bollocked by people on here but I don't care because this has really upset me.
Am I missing something here? This person has discussed maybe acting out sexual fantasies with dogs. This is child abuse and illegal. Yet people are still offering kind advice to her.
I guarantee if someone arrived on this forum and sparked off about wanting to have sex with babies you would all be utterly outraged and would lock the post or delete it entirely.

For any real animal lovers out there like myself I would assume that they would be as offended and disgusted as I am and I don't think stuff like that should be on a forum for anyone to read.

I think saying that "rape scenarios" really turn her on is a very niave and silly thing to say too. There could be girls on here who have suffered sexual abuse too who will not take kindly to it being made as something fun.

Rant over but seriously - WTF!!!!! 


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Re: Newbie! Qu.s of rape fantasies, beastiality and other 'alt' services...
« Reply #20 on: 15 August 2010, 07:11:05 pm »
I have to admit that I was offended by some of Maria's comments- especially the rape role play stuff. I am aware that this is a particular kink that some people like, but I agree with Sammy, it is something that shouldn't be lightly spoken of on this forum because of some of the possible experiences that members could have had.

However Maria does seem to genuinely be asking for advice, and that should never be discouraged, but next time maybe she could have a little more sensitivity and thoughtfulness into how she words her posts and who will be reading her posts.

Equally Sammy, comparing bestiality to child abuse could also be deemed offensive, so I guess my point is that everyone needs to tread carefully when discussing this topic.


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sammy s

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Re: Newbie! Qu.s of rape fantasies, beastiality and other 'alt' services...
« Reply #21 on: 15 August 2010, 07:28:57 pm »
Ok I get what your saying faith and maybe child abuse wasn't a good comparison. I just think animals are as defensless as kids and nothing as serious as that should ever be discussed on a public forum as it could really upset a lot of people.



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Re: Newbie! Qu.s of rape fantasies, beastiality and other 'alt' services...
« Reply #22 on: 15 August 2010, 09:05:29 pm »
I'm really sorry for your distress Sammy, believe it or not I do love animals, and without getting into the moral and ethical issues of sex with animals I personally wouldn't want to do anything with an animal that was showing signs of distress about the situation. Of course there are people that argue animals can't give consent, I appreciate these views and I don't want to spark a debate about whether its right or wrong because people will always have different opinions.

I also apologise for those who may have suffered rape or sexual assult in the past and been affected by my words too, I really didn't intend to cause any distress and I agree I should have considered my wording more carefully. So I shall be more careful in future, sorry everyone!

And of course I don't condone real abuse at all, and I know there's a difference between fantasy (where I can control everything) and reality where the victim has no control and experiences great trauma. I can see now this is the main reason why I need to make sure personal fantasy and my working life are kept seperate.

Maria xx

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Lucy Chambers

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Re: Newbie! Qu.s of rape fantasies, beastiality and other 'alt' services...
« Reply #23 on: 15 August 2010, 10:43:02 pm »
Hi Maria

I think it's super that at least you are taking advice, it makes it feel worthwhile. I am sorry if I appeared a little harsh.

As to your profile, double your prices and push for the unspoilt college girl approach. Please take off the references to incest though, as you are leaving yourself open to a particular kind of client and I don't think you can understand yet where that can lead. As you gain experience, if you truly wish to explore the more extreme side of your sexuality you will then have the tools in place to control that.

Good luck for the future, and keep safe.


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Re: Newbie! Qu.s of rape fantasies, beastiality and other 'alt' services...
« Reply #24 on: 15 August 2010, 11:35:55 pm »
Thanks Lucy, I've updated my profile and hopefully it'll attract more of the right clientile now! Any more advice on how to improve it would be really appreciated.

Tho I won't be doing  GFE at all, I've worded it so that (hopefully) it seems I offer vanilla, but also more dirtier/humilation-esque scenes at my discretion. So I can provide my submissive side to my work life, but also keep it separate from my personal life.

I'm hoping if I settle into the industry well, with experience I can experiment with offering role play scenes, its a BAD idea to offer it when I have little experience with role playing!

Thanks again for being so understanding guys, I hope you'll forgive me for us getting off on the wrong foot slightly. :\
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Re: Newbie! Qu.s of rape fantasies, beastiality and other 'alt' services...
« Reply #25 on: 15 August 2010, 11:58:37 pm »
Of course there are people that argue animals can't give consent, I appreciate these views and I don't want to spark a debate about whether its right or wrong because people will always have different opinions.

Its the other way around Maria.  No one could EVER argue that animals can give their consent.  Of course they can't.

There would be no debate about whether it is right or wrong because it is completely, unbelievably, unmistakably WRONG.

I couldn't care less about what fantasies you have about bestiality just please never act on it.  You can't love animals and actually carry that fantasy out.  The distress that would be caused is indeed unimaginable.  This is why its ILLEGAL.

Apart from that it is good that you seem to be taking the advice given.  There's nothing wrong with acting out hardcore sexual fantasies if all involved have given their consent - thats the thing to bear in mind and you have set boundaries.  Thats not to say its going to be safe btw as everyone has already said.  

You might want to add that you offer a PSE on your AW profile maybe so its clear?

« Last Edit: 16 August 2010, 12:00:28 am by Cherrylips »


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Re: Newbie! Qu.s of rape fantasies, beastiality and other 'alt' services...
« Reply #26 on: 16 August 2010, 12:02:13 am »
Sorry for doubting your genuinity Maria  :-[

Consider me firmly embarrassed by my oh-so-perceptiveness!

And yes, you DID come on here for advice after all and not to be judged and it looks like you're well on the way to sorting things out already x

If it helps, I am THE most suspicious/ paranoid/ cynical/mistrusting  Escort..It's a wonder I ever accept any bookings at all!  :)


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Re: Newbie! Qu.s of rape fantasies, beastiality and other 'alt' services...
« Reply #27 on: 16 August 2010, 12:17:15 am »
My main question, cuz I haven't seen any threads about it anywhere, is offering various 'alt' fantasies, such as rape, incest, etc. These sorts of things turn me the fuck on, and that's what I'm  hoping I'm going to get out of escorting, but also be paid for it! Now I'm well aware I'm not going to get some hunky latino come along and 'force' me, I want more average clients who want that kind of fantasy.

....Am I completely out of my mind for catering to this kind of client?le? There's got to be men out there who want this kind of stuff, and I want to roleplay it. Of course I'm aware this blurs the line between actual rape and assault, and I'm more likely to attract psychos, but I don't feel I'm completely out of my mind...

As well as this, although I'm aware it is illegal in the UK, bestiality (probs just dogs) is another thing I'd love to experiment with, would I be crazy for discreetly offering this kind of service, in a kind of 'lets have a pre meet so I can meet your dog and check he's cool' thing?

There is, as ever, some good advice above, especially from Amy and Emily.

I have no idea as to whether they're still doing it, but a few years ago, someone was offering scat services including eating clients' poo. Doubtless there are more on AW now. It's something very few people would consider, but everyone has their own boundaries and their own position on the risk/reward continuum.

Similarly catering for fantasies that many would not want to touch comes with its own set of risks, and you need to decide if the rewards are worth it or not, especially by thinking of the likely reality rather than the fantasy version.

As far as the bestiality is concerned, penetration is illegal, but while oral sex with animals could possibly be prosecutable under animal welfare laws, it's not illegal under the bestiality offence.

But once it gets around that you might offer even this, some people are going to be very interested and not all of them will be clients. You've already seen that this is a very sensitive subject for some people, and - while not suggesting for a second that anyone here would do something nasty - there are those who would see it as a duty to stop you by any means possible: pointing the police, RSPCA or tabloids in your direction, for example.

You would have to be very, very careful about not being photographed or videoed - at least one prosecution was based on someone's photos being shown around - and this is not a way you want to become (in)famous.

As you've considered it, I hope you have looked for info on how to minimise the risks involved in being sexual with dogs even before you add in the prostitution aspect. If nothing else, it could introduce a bit of reality into the fantasies. Men dressed only in socks are notoriously not considered sexy by most, and I suspect the same applies to dogs...
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Re: Newbie! Qu.s of rape fantasies, beastiality and other 'alt' services...
« Reply #28 on: 16 August 2010, 12:37:10 am »
Maria, Cherrylips is right - no-one is arguing anything, it is categorically not possible for anyone to prove an animal is capable of giving  meaningful, informed consent (and this argument has also been recently used in an article I remember about whether wildlife documentaries were an invasion of animals' privacy, amongst other things) therefore these are not 'views' and there is no argument. However, everyone is taking it for granted that you believe (as I would think most people do) that sex without consent is wrong, and if this is not the case then that is entirely your business. There is also a school of thought (mainly among the people who have married their horses, and so forth) that if it is wrong to have sex with animals, why should it be OK to kill and eat them, but I don't do philosophical debate after midnight unless I'm in the pub, and I think with Ian's post that this particular area of your query has now been more than adequately discussed.

Back on the profile, one other thing I spotted (and I started bookings this morning at ten am, so I'm flagging a bit) is that it is not clear whether you understand the difference between incalls and outcalls - you have said that you will do incalls 'to' places which is misleading when incalls mean that the client visits you in a venue you have provided. If you mean you will be booking a hotel, say, to do incalls from, then that's what the wording should indicate.

When you say you have no intention of offering GFE ever-ever-ever, out of interest do you just mean that you won't do kissing, or that you aren't going to be friendly/welcoming, or what? It isn't a criticism - more that it's a vague term at the best of times and I'm interested in what you perceive this to mean?


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Re: Newbie! Qu.s of rape fantasies, beastiality and other 'alt' services...
« Reply #29 on: 16 August 2010, 12:50:45 am »
Amy and Cherrylips you're both right, it is impossible to prove any kind of informed consent from an animal and of course I believe any kind of sex should be completely consensual. I guess I kinda feel that if an animal is sexually mature with its own species and appears to appreciate the physical implications of sex, then surely it would also appreciate sex with humans too. Of course I agree that an animal that wasn't showing signs of being comfortable in a situation and is forced into it is totally abuse and is not acceptable.

I dunno its all a bit sketchy really, of course some of you believe its wrong, period and I totally respect that. Either way, you've  given me plenty of thought on the matter, and I won't be doing anything of the sort, ever.

Ah yes, I would be offering incalls FROM a hotel, would that be okay for offering an incall or should I just stick to outcalls?
With the GFE i just mean I don't want to offer much kissing/cuddles/lovey dovey stuff, I'd be friendly and welcoming throughout and obviously offer a certain degree of 'loving' stuff, else I'd probably put the clients off :)
« Last Edit: 16 August 2010, 12:56:27 am by PussyMaria »
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