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Author Topic: To indie or not to indie,i just dont know what to do!  (Read 2777 times)


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To indie or not to indie,i just dont know what to do!
« on: 03 January 2009, 08:53:59 pm »
Hi Everyone.

I need some help to make up my indecisive mind because if i dont decide soon i might drive myself crazy.

Ive been escorting through agencies for 7 months now and its been going okay but im really really torn over whether i should go indie or not?

Yes i make decent money through my agency but the downside is their rates are low so basically i have to see loads of men a day to clear a decent amount.

Ive even put a profile on AW and getting loads of enquiries but now im terrified that my agency will spot me anyway and possibly take me off their books because of it. (not that im taking their clients or anything,the two things are totally seperate)

Do any of you ladies have experience of starting with an agency and then going indie? i would love to hear your thoughts because i really dont know what to do. I guess im just scared of taking the plunge iin case it doesnt pay off and im left with no money to pay my rent.



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Re: To indie or not to indie,i just dont know what to do!
« Reply #1 on: 03 January 2009, 09:17:55 pm »
Hmmm, well I manage to do both! Luckily the agency I am with are fine with this as they know me well and I do not give their clients my indie details, as it is not really fair if they go to the trouble to find me work. For my own peace of mind I also make sure that I honour whichever booking comes first - be it indie or agency- but this is just a personal decision so no need to abide by it!

It works quite well as I keep the two totally separate, and although I could make more per booking as an indie, the extra exposure the agency gets through its huge advertising budget means that a quiet indie month can usually be supplemented, so I like to keep a toe in both ponds.

Could you cross over the agency and indie work until you find your feet with indie? I have seen independent girls also working through agencies, but if this doesn't suit you then maybe you could create two personalities (eg.two different sets of photos and two names) for yourself? And then if the indie really takes off, remove yourself from the agencies? You don't have to tell them, and besides, they can't really say anything if they are a good agency to work for (and as long as you respect their bookings as separate from your indie persona). You've got nothing to lose in my opinion! Good luck :)


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Re: To indie or not to indie,i just dont know what to do!
« Reply #2 on: 03 January 2009, 10:39:43 pm »
Charge more for your indie work.  That way, if your agent finds out, it's not as though you're stealing their clients. 


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Re: To indie or not to indie,i just dont know what to do!
« Reply #3 on: 04 January 2009, 09:34:34 am »
Also by having your own profile on aw , well it's not like you are taking their clients then is it as you are trying to get your own.

It's a difficult one and having always been indie from day one, I might not be the best to advise you but ultimately you got to do what is best for you and you alone. 

Clearly doing many meets a day is not favourable and you know in yourself that you could get more per meeting, so try to pursue the aw thing as much as possible and build up a feedback rating there to get more established. 

As for the agency, have they made any stipulations to you when you first joined them?  I mean just because you work for them. does it mean you are exclusive and cannot get your own clients on your own basis?  Excuse my ignorance here but I don't know how agencies operate so some of the other girls might give you better advice.

If you are going the indie route, have you also considered your own website (you can do a free one) and put yourself on some more escorting directories? 

Hope that helps and good luck
Alex xx


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Re: To indie or not to indie,i just dont know what to do!
« Reply #4 on: 04 January 2009, 11:34:51 am »
Thanks for the advice ladies.

I am charging more for my indie work than my agency charges so there is no way they could say i was trying to undercut them or anything. Also i intend to keep my availability for both entirely seperate so niether enroaches on the other.

Its a tough one to know whether my agency would be bothered or not to be honest. They have never said anything to imply that i cant find my own clients. Im totally above board with them as well,i.e,reliable,never give my number out to their clients etc,so they have no complaints there. But agencies can be funny about stuff in my experience so its hard to know if they would object or not.

At the end of the day we are all self employed and im just trying to show a bit of initiative and make myself a decent living.

And yes Alexandra i will def get my own website if i decide to go indie,have already looked into it all so im quite well clued up. I just need an incall facility which i will hopefully have by end of month. Loads of the emails i am getting through adultworks are looking for incall which i cant provide at the moment.

A question for those who work through an agency and as an indie, do you tell your indie clients you work through an agency as well? just i know that if i did that all my clients would probably go off and book me through my agency cos they charge less!


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Re: To indie or not to indie,i just dont know what to do!
« Reply #5 on: 04 January 2009, 03:17:47 pm »
Glad you are thinking of going down the indie route- after 7 months you will be more than prepared, and sounds like you are on the cusp of taking the leap anyway :)

I've never told my indie clients that I am with an agency, or vice versa- no need to! And apart from one guy who asked if I was blah blah on an agency site as well, no one has ever mentioned it. Even easier if you don't show your face. Also, (although I am sure this isn't a hard and fast rule), I find that a client tends to favour either indies or agency girls, and is unlikely to peruse the world of both, so it's unlikely anyone will find you if you keep separate personas for both.

Having said that, as Alex said, does your agency stipulate that you can't also work independently?! If not, you've got the option to be the same girl in both spheres- it's a free world and you are simply being business savvy! And this might be easier, as I do find it tricky at times having to remember whether I am me, agency me, and indie me  ???


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Re: To indie or not to indie,i just dont know what to do!
« Reply #6 on: 05 January 2009, 12:32:44 pm »
I know a couple of girls who work both indie and independent - both of them the majority of their work is independent now.

With regard to incalls, if you're having a lot of requests then why not set an incall day (or days) and book a hotel for the day.


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Re: To indie or not to indie,i just dont know what to do!
« Reply #7 on: 05 January 2009, 01:30:32 pm »
I have booked an incall day at a hotel for later in the month and have posted very prominantly on my profile about it.

But i still get tons of messages asking if i am available for incalls today ,tomorrow,in the next 10 seconds etc. Then when i reply saying when i am doing incalls i dont get any reply!

Lexie was right when she said guys cant read ;D

Also noticed how many people seem keen to book until i ask for their details for my security checks,then they are never heard from again,classic timewasters or potential murderers? who knows?


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Re: To indie or not to indie,i just dont know what to do!
« Reply #8 on: 05 January 2009, 02:27:05 pm »
I think the anonymous aspect of the online punting world must draw literally *thousands* of horny, feckless and frightened men who finally get the chance to (almost) interact with an actual woman who, he knows, has actual sex for actual real. As in, not an imaginary girl in his lonely mind/a blow-up doll.

How annoying is that? They should stay in their dark corners and let us normal people get on with living our lives without interruption. :o
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: To indie or not to indie,i just dont know what to do!
« Reply #9 on: 05 January 2009, 10:57:02 pm »
I think the anonymous aspect of the online punting world must draw literally *thousands* of horny, feckless and frightened men who finally get the chance to (almost) interact with an actual woman who, he knows, has actual sex for actual real. As in, not an imaginary girl in his lonely mind/a blow-up doll.

How annoying is that? They should stay in their dark corners and let us normal people get on with living our lives without interruption. :o

Never a truer word spoken! Well said Emily!
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"