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Author Topic: New to the industry... A few Q's  (Read 4299 times)


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    • Scarlett Rose of Adelaide
New to the industry... A few Q's
« on: 10 December 2016, 09:41:35 am »
Heya all!  Have been browsing this forum for a few weeks now but finally decided to join.  Have read the articles and many, many topics on the forum- what a wealth of information!
I am based in Australia so appreciate things are probably a little different here.
I put my first advert up today- haven't heard a peep since. 
I don't want to post a link to the ad here unless I am allowed... But would anyone be willing to take a look and give me some feedback?  I spent a while thinking about how I wanted to present myself and the type of clientele I was seeking, (I want to offer more a GFE than anything, although have made it clear a standard FS is available), but not sure if I am cutting off my nose to spite my face in doing so?
I also only have iPhone photos at the moment, I have a pro photography session coming up soon.  The photos are clear (face is hidden) and untouched.
I'm wondering if maybe I'm just not.... talking 'sexy' enough? 


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Re: New to the industry... A few Q's
« Reply #1 on: 10 December 2016, 09:51:29 am »
Hi Scarlett and welcome :)

Your link is working fine, but since I'm on my phone and can't look properly I can't easily check through your site. We don't tend to pick other people's ads to bits here because everybody's different (including punters and what they'll go for) and what works for you, or me won't necessarily fly elsewhere or for someone different - bar fundamentals like spelling, there aren't really any rights and wrongs and a lot of it is personal preference.

I wouldn't worry about the self taken pictures at all - that's all I have on my site and provided they can see what you look like punters like them. It does depend on how you're marketing yourself because this can affect expectations but from what I could see of yours they're clear and will do the job no problem!

One thing you might think about doing is buying your own domain name - the sitebuilder ones can affect how search engines index your site, but this really depends on whether you're expecting to get more traffic from these or from directory listings (in which case it doesn't matter as much) :).


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Re: New to the industry... A few Q's
« Reply #2 on: 10 December 2016, 09:55:15 am »
Hi Amy, thanks for the welcome and the quick reply!  I did consider a custom domain name, but don't want to 'splurge' (am on a pension) until I am relatively sure it'll actually net me some income.  Other than that, thank you for your feedback :)


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Re: New to the industry... A few Q's
« Reply #3 on: 10 December 2016, 09:57:28 am »
Hello Scarlet ,welcome,
I haven't got any sexy talk on my profile it's just about me, my style , how to book and that I only take bookings from polite, respectful men,etc , my pics are all selfies on phone , apart from about ten in my private gallery that are just v basic camera snaps, none are explicit just nudes and provocative way .

Most guys put on my feedback , better than pics ( I like my pics v much) so I prefer that to professional ones . I want them to turn up and get a nice surprise, rather than a disappointment ( I have that on profile too)


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Re: New to the industry... A few Q's
« Reply #4 on: 10 December 2016, 10:00:59 am »
Hello Scarlet ,welcome,
I haven't got any sexy talk on my profile it's just about me, my style , how to book and that I only take bookings from polite, respectful men,etc , my pics are all selfies on phone , apart from about ten in my private gallery that are just v basic camera snaps, none are explicit just nudes and provocative way .

Most guys put on my feedback , better than pics ( I like my pics v much) so I prefer that to professional ones . I want them to turn up and get a nice surprise, rather than a disappointment ( I have that on profile too)

Hi Guiltypleasure, thank you for taking the time to reply!  Your profile sounds a lot like mine.  Do you get much interest?  I honestly didn't think it would take this long to hear back from anyone, but having said that, maybe my killer is I can only offer outcalls to hotels at the moment?  I consider it far too risky to do private residences until I am a bit more experienced!


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Re: New to the industry... A few Q's
« Reply #5 on: 10 December 2016, 10:12:06 am »
Check your messages at the top lol , booking a room in a big hotel is the way to go , I rarely get asked for an outcall , maybe once , twice a week at most , and that's only been since I built up feedback,it  takes up too much time for me although I would go in the evening on a weekend as I'm very  aware of my neighbours being around at the weekends .  :)


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Re: New to the industry... A few Q's
« Reply #6 on: 10 December 2016, 10:19:04 am »
Heya all!  Have been browsing this forum for a few weeks now but finally decided to join.  Have read the articles and many, many topics on the forum- what a wealth of information!
I am based in Australia so appreciate things are probably a little different here.
I put my first advert up today- haven't heard a peep since. 
I don't want to post a link to the ad here unless I am allowed... But would anyone be willing to take a look and give me some feedback?  I spent a while thinking about how I wanted to present myself and the type of clientele I was seeking, (I want to offer more a GFE than anything, although have made it clear a standard FS is available), but not sure if I am cutting off my nose to spite my face in doing so?
I also only have iPhone photos at the moment, I have a pro photography session coming up soon.  The photos are clear (face is hidden) and untouched.
I'm wondering if maybe I'm just not.... talking 'sexy' enough?
I'd be careful with face shots , it's up to you of course but I have ones showing a little of my face, my teeth, jawline etc and a sheer hat so they can get an idea , but remember anyone can take a screenshot or take a photo of it ( please don't think I know it all I really don't but overtime you can be aware of more than you were initially, I definitely am ) .


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    • Scarlett Rose of Adelaide
Re: New to the industry... A few Q's
« Reply #7 on: 10 December 2016, 10:25:41 am »
Check your messages at the top lol , booking a room in a big hotel is the way to go , I rarely get asked for an outcall , maybe once , twice a week at most , and that's only been since I built up feedback,it  takes up too much time for me although I would go in the evening on a weekend as I'm very  aware of my neighbours being around at the weekends .  :)

Unfortunately at this stage I can't even afford to hire a room :(  And let's say I got the money together to do it, if I didn't get any bookings... Oh goodness- it would be a big risk!  Something I'll have to think about though.


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Re: New to the industry... A few Q's
« Reply #8 on: 10 December 2016, 10:33:03 am »
Where are you advertising
The main escorts sites for Aus used to be
Private girls especially for Perth
Punter planet or planet punter can't remember but it's forum based
Australian babes
Escort & Babes
Gold Coast Escort Good for Brisbane & Gold Coast

Scarlet Blue is one that seems to be very popular
Then you have cracker backpage & locanto
Then local papers


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Re: New to the industry... A few Q's
« Reply #9 on: 10 December 2016, 11:01:30 am »
There's lots of stuff on here regarding safety/security and newcomers to the game etc applicable to wgs everywhere. Have a good read of the main site  Also the search box on here is your friend!

There's an Aussie girl sometimes on here who was/is touring the UK she may well be back in OZ now, hopefully she'll be on here at some point and can help out with specific info.


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Re: New to the industry... A few Q's
« Reply #10 on: 10 December 2016, 11:05:35 am »
You will definitely have a very small market doing hotel outcalls. I'd recommend waiting until you've had a couple of bookings, save all of that money and then use that to do a hotel room in-call day.
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress


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    • Scarlett Rose of Adelaide
Re: New to the industry... A few Q's
« Reply #11 on: 10 December 2016, 11:12:32 am »
Thanks so much ladies!  All your replies are greatly appreciated.

Urm, possible silly question... When looking at /booking a hotel room, do you book for one adult or two?  Do they get suspicious if you have a revolving door of men?  I'm looking at rates on the 4 / 5* larger hotels in Adelaide that at least have high foot traffic.


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Re: New to the industry... A few Q's
« Reply #12 on: 10 December 2016, 11:14:48 am »
I'm mainly outcall only (apart from the very occasional hotel incall day), and get the business I need - so it depends how much money you need to make.

Some weeks I have only 1 booking, some weeks I have 7 outcalls (bear in mind I only take 1 booking per day and some weeks I can't be available every day - which can be one reason for only 1 booking!). It averages at around 3 per week, some of which are long, some of which are not. When I offered permanent incalls I rarely got asked for outcall. When I changed to outcall only, I then received more outcall bookings - I think if incalls are available that's what most will go for, but not all, some men really do not like incall and some are able to do either.

Hotel incalls if you have the time and inclination can bring more money in in 24 hours, but not always. For example I could have a 2 hour outcall one day, a 2 hour the next and the remainder of the time apart from getting ready and travelling, is mine. If I'm working incall I take a maximum of 3 bookings, 2 first day, 1 morning before check out. I need them all to turn up, and I don't have as much spare time, net gain is usually around ?150 more than if I'd just done the outcalls.

It does however allow me to keep up with regulars who aren't able to book outcalls, and that's the bit I enjoy.

I've also had a few issues with service in hotels, heating not being on, things not right in the room, being sent to rooms which aren't ready, turning up and the room isn't ready/doesn't have the right number of towels in the room, laundry hasn't been that it comes with it's own stresses.

If you work more intensely, and get over the bumps then there's more to be made incall.
« Last Edit: 10 December 2016, 11:20:17 am by Mirror »


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Re: New to the industry... A few Q's
« Reply #13 on: 10 December 2016, 11:24:28 am »
I always book a room as 2 adults, otherwise you might get less towels in the room.

Unless you can hear from another SW who has worked there recently, it's always best to pop into hotels and check them out as workable before you book. Basic requirements:
  • Reception is big enough that men won't be walking in the door and immediately have a member of staff in their face
  • Lifts are easy to find so men can come in the door and walk straight there and not stand around looking lost
  • Lifts must be operated without a keycard
  • Room corridors must be open without a keycard (although if lifts are okay you could collect customers at the lift)

Additionally I prefer rooms which have a fridge, a safe, a spyhole, and some form of chain for the door.

You can check the basic requirements by walking into the hotel, getting in the lift and picking a floor at random and walking down like you're going to a room. You can also check for spyholes as you do this.

As for staff noticing, if it's a big hotel this is very unlikely unless you are seeing punters late at night. Once someone gets in the lift, reception won't have a clue where they are going. Cleaning staff in my experience generally don't care. As long as you don't disturb other guests, pay your bill and don't trash your room, you shouldn't have any problems.
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress


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    • Scarlett Rose of Adelaide
Re: New to the industry... A few Q's
« Reply #14 on: 10 December 2016, 11:29:50 am »
I stayed in a hotel a couple of weeks ago, big lobby, lots of foot traffic, lower levels didnt require a keycard but upper levels did... Quite like the rooms and the showers.  A bit on the pricey side but its somewhere I know I guess!  Might look into that further.

Another question (I am so sorry guys!!!)

Being new to the industry- and not having any regulars or a following yet- if I arrange an incall day at a hotel...  How long is a piece of string?  I mean, am I likely to cover my expenses? 
Ive been reluctant to mention that I am new in my adverts as I am concerned Ill have men trying to take advantage of me :/