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Author Topic: Clients who don't get the hint that they're blocked...  (Read 1190 times)


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Clients who don't get the hint that they're blocked...
« on: 03 December 2021, 02:37:33 pm »
For the second time in a week I've had ex clients who I've blocked for various reasons and previously told them I don't want to see them contact me begging for another chance. Today's one rang me from a landline. I thought it might be an enquiry for one of my other businesses but nope it was creepy limp dick needy wanker. I actually feel scared and stalked. The one last week was a boundary pusher, who I did not enjoy and who then text me on xmas day last year and I told him not to contact me again. Both had tried calling me since initial blocking numerous times. Can I report to NUM? Any advice?

English Green

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Re: Clients who don't get the hint that they're blocked...
« Reply #1 on: 03 December 2021, 03:01:41 pm »
I block loads every time i work. Mostly with bad reports/ reputation and several try calling on private numbers when you realise.

What a sad life they lead especially all the fantasists.

You can tell that client to not contact you again and if he does it's classed as harrasment and you will need to make a police report so if you tell him this hopefully he will back off.


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Re: Clients who don't get the hint that they're blocked...
« Reply #2 on: 03 December 2021, 03:54:57 pm »
Only once in 11 years have I given a blocked (used to be reg who started being unreliable) man another chance after he pleaded over and over. You guessed it. He cancelled 15mins before the booking so I did wonder was he getting revenge on me. I suspect it was because he never contacted me again (relief!).

Thing is I make it politely clear that I will not see them again. I don't hint or skirt around the subject. They are pests and it is borderline stalking IMO. Since then I stick rigidly to my rule but they continue to try.


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Re: Clients who don't get the hint that they're blocked...
« Reply #3 on: 03 December 2021, 05:38:50 pm »
I've had a few I've blocked tried calling me, but after 1 attempt they realise and leave it. These 2 are just idiots and I had told both of them they were blocked. The police in my area have launched an app for unwanted attention, I'm wondering if I should report on there too. Creepy, unhinged idiots.


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Re: Clients who don't get the hint that they're blocked...
« Reply #4 on: 03 December 2021, 09:47:43 pm »
I block all the ones I don't want to see so that even though they call they can't get through.


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Re: Clients who don't get the hint that they're blocked...
« Reply #5 on: 04 December 2021, 02:18:14 am »
I would definitely recommending having a phone for whoring and whoring only, so any nutjobs only have that phone to pester.
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: Clients who don't get the hint that they're blocked...
« Reply #6 on: 04 December 2021, 07:57:56 am »
For the second time in a week I've had ex clients who I've blocked for various reasons and previously told them I don't want to see them contact me begging for another chance. Today's one rang me from a landline. I thought it might be an enquiry for one of my other businesses but nope it was creepy limp dick needy wanker. I actually feel scared and stalked. The one last week was a boundary pusher, who I did not enjoy and who then text me on xmas day last year and I told him not to contact me again. Both had tried calling me since initial blocking numerous times. Can I report to NUM? Any advice?

Yes and also Client eye.

If in doubt re NUM you can email or phone them to ask.

Definitely have a separate phone.


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Re: Clients who don't get the hint that they're blocked...
« Reply #7 on: 04 December 2021, 09:16:29 am »
I made the mistake when I first started of using my personal phone as I couldn't afford a separate mobile so hence getting texts on xmas day. I was very nieve back when I first started and wish I'd found this forum sooner. I use CE, but I only found it in September when I'd been whoring 10 months. Neither had reports on them but obviously I left reports. It's quite clear both are blocked though, one has been trying to book me again since March, phoning and texting. He then decides to email me on my private AW email and I just absolutely let rip at him. Yesterday's one, urgh, needy as fuck, which I didn't nip in the bud. 'I guess you don't want to see me again' type messages whenever I didn't respond straightaway... told him I didn't do needy men and he was blocked, that was about 8 months ago, now in 3 days he's tried to ring, text and now ring from a landline.

I'm very clear now when guys leave my place, don't text me unless you want a booking, no chat.


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Re: Clients who don't get the hint that they're blocked...
« Reply #8 on: 04 December 2021, 11:46:44 am »
I made the mistake when I first started of using my personal phone as I couldn't afford a separate mobile so hence getting texts on xmas day. I was very nieve back when I first started and wish I'd found this forum sooner. I use CE, but I only found it in September when I'd been whoring 10 months. Neither had reports on them but obviously I left reports. It's quite clear both are blocked though, one has been trying to book me again since March, phoning and texting. He then decides to email me on my private AW email and I just absolutely let rip at him. Yesterday's one, urgh, needy as fuck, which I didn't nip in the bud. 'I guess you don't want to see me again' type messages whenever I didn't respond straightaway... told him I didn't do needy men and he was blocked, that was about 8 months ago, now in 3 days he's tried to ring, text and now ring from a landline.

I'm very clear now when guys leave my place, don't text me unless you want a booking, no chat.

Another tip don't give your personal number if you for example go on holiday or have clients wanting to stay in touch when your work phone is off. Even if the guy isn't a problem, it can be really odd receiving 'sexy' texts when attending to personal events. Learned that the hard way, and was quite hurtful too (client of course thought he was being helpful). This was many years ago, and I cleared them from that phone number.

Not too long ago I added Skype to personal because work phone not compatible, and some webcam clients use it to rebook. Will ad here my webcam Skype ID is not advertised. Once again the hard way, in personal / other work event cock pic pops up. From a guy who didn't understand why I wanted only phone or text contact (he was one reason I made the installation). Now have a compatible work phone, popped it on there but I'm strict about the type of contact ie either booking details or not at all.