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Author Topic: New and kinda nervous! please could someone give me a bit of advice?  (Read 2513 times)


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Hi my name is leanne and i have been thinking about becoming an escort for a while now. i have finally joined with an online agency and am now talking to a few clients through emails but i just wondered if someone could give me advice on what to expect when meeting clients and what to do if u get what i mean? it sounds really stupid but i just dont want to appear stupid or mess things up! thanx  Leanne :)


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Re: New and kinda nervous! please could someone give me a bit of advice?
« Reply #1 on: 28 November 2007, 07:59:32 pm »
When I first started as a Domme I had a set rountine for the first part of the session which helped make me feel in control. In escorting it was a bit different but generally I greet with a kiss and show them through to my room, have a little introduction chat (a bit like the sort of ice breaker chat you have when being interviewed) and then make a gentle move and react to his reaction.

Sometimes I pounce on clients as they come through the door and sometimes the introduction chat is a bit longer than average - after a while you instinctively learn what pace to take. I usually offer a glass of water/juice/wine but it quite often gets left as the session is all action.

As for the main part of the appointment, that's up to you and the individual client. I usually ask beforehand, in an email or on the phone, if the client has anything specific in mind.

Oh and if the client doesn't hand over the fee within the first few minutes, you should ask for it and get that bit out of the way so you can both enjoy.

Each booking is different and in time it will all flow completely naturally.   

Good luck.