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Author Topic: Need some Support  (Read 1444 times)


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Need some Support
« on: 12 May 2012, 06:40:36 pm »
Hey guys,

First of all, sorry mods if this is in the wrong section.

So I just wanted to talk some stuff out. So about 4 weeks ago my boyfriend broke up with me out of the blue and we were supposed to be moving in together and basically starting a life together. I gave up escorting when we got serious, because I just didn't want to deal with the lying and secrecy, and money was ok.

I was an independent escort and had my own flat and successful business, and I would like to start again. However I have the following problems:

I do not want to get my own place right now because I'm unsure of where I want to settle down etc and don't want to be tied down to anything.
I want to start again, but I'm terrified, I put on a lot of weight recently due to a health condition, but I've been losing the weight steadily  in the last couple of months but I am still not down to where I was, and due to the break up my self-esteem is at rock-bottom. I live near London and was hoping to join an agency, but I saw a few problems with doing that, namely that I don't live in London itself so couldn't provide incalls, and the fact that my parents might wonder why I was having such weird hours at my new job. And probably the fact that all of the girls look out of this world, and right now I feel there is no way on Earth I can compete. I don't want to work in my hometown as it is relatively small and i could be recognised easily.

I thought of doing a flatshare but I didn't want to lie to new housemates, and sharing with other working girls just seems to risky.

I was thinking of joining a parlour or brothel in London as another option, but I have no experience of working in one.

I'm not thinking of starting anytime soon- I need to properly recover from this break up and need to concentrate on exams, but hopefully in a few weeks I'll be able to make better decisions.

I loved my job when I had it, and it was a difficult decision to give up what I had, so I'm beating myself up about that decision in the first place.

Basically what I'm asking is how do you think I should best start working in the industry again, especially in London? Cause there just seems to be so many things to consider.

Love to you all

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
- Albus Dumbledore


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Re: Need some Support
« Reply #1 on: 13 May 2012, 12:13:26 pm »
Hi there. I can't really offer any advice on the best way to set yourself up but just to give a hug and say keep your chin up hon. I had to ditch my other half the first hour of this new year after 5 years with him - found him doing coke after I'd spent 2 years helping him come off the stuff. A liar and secret keeper beyond compare. It's been tough as I'm 45 and self esteem takes a massive knock doesn't it - even worse when you're an old wrinkly like me lol!!! But you'll come through it chick, keep positive and don't forget, men are generally a lot more forgiving and accepting of different body shapes than we give them credit for - many would be put off by someone with a 'perfect' youthful body and actively go for someone a bit older or with a few wobbly bits lol (thank god, or I'll never get work!!!).

Your view of yourself physically is important and you are gradually getting back to the shape you wanted to be but emotionally is where you've took the knock and this is the biggest thing for you to get over at the minute. You will do it I'm sure. Always here to PM if you want a 'natter'. xx


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Re: Need some Support
« Reply #2 on: 13 May 2012, 01:26:23 pm »
Thanks BananaMuffin. I know I'm not in the best place emotionally, in fact I'm in a pretty shitty place, and I know that I need to take care of myself right now and everything else will come in time. It's so frustrating for me as I'm usually such a strong person, but this guy has really worn me down over time.

This job is one of the things I missed the most when I was in this relationship, and I want to jump back in with both feet because it will make me feel better. But what with my emotional state, body issues and exams, I'm just not ready. I like to make plans to come back to work though because it gives me hope and something to aim for.

Thank You for the offer of support bananamuffin, I'm sure I'll take you up on it :)

If anyone else has anything else to add about starting in London in my situation please reply :)

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
- Albus Dumbledore


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Re: Need some Support
« Reply #3 on: 13 May 2012, 02:07:01 pm »
Do you know what's so sad? And I hate to say this. But i think I will actually get more out of escorting than I will out of being with that prick!! How pathetic is that of a situation?!! I had five years with this bloke - that's 5 years I'll never get back!!

Send a PM anytime chick. Regardless of location, we're mostly in the same boat!!!