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Author Topic: Persistent texters - timewasters?  (Read 1231 times)


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Persistent texters - timewasters?
« on: 07 November 2012, 06:23:33 pm »
Hi I've had one bad experience of a guy, emailed me with his full name.  Then bombarded me with texts even when I asked him not too.   I managed to get out of the booking in the end as he tried to change the time.   I said I couldn't do it and that it might be best not to meet and re book as he hadn't listened to my requests not to keep texting....(I didn't realise but sent and received over 170 texts over 5 days, mostly from him)  he kept on about wanting to take me away to a cottage but could I drive. Checking details we had already discussed, then apologising for texting too much, then asking if I could chat later when I had said I was busy.   Didn't want to lose the booking so was always polite but it got so bad in the end.   Luckily he has respected my last text not to contacted me again.

2nd one is for a booking this Friday.   He keeps asking questions about what we will do during the booking, and what i like and still hasn't officially booked through site.   He has changed his profile name since contacting me.   Over 30 texts back and forth since Monday lunch time.   He had also tried to ask me if I needed a driver and or rent his flat for bookings until I told him I wasn't interested, he said he still wanted to book me anyway?

So should clients book through AW and then only make brief contact via phone and text message? Are they all going to be time wasters if they text too much?   The successful clients I've had have only contacted me briefly and not needed to discuss everything in detail before hand.    How much 'free' time to do give a client on the phone and text?

Bex xxx
Lots of love Bex xxx

*** The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible - author unknown ***


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Re: Persistent texters - timewasters?
« Reply #1 on: 07 November 2012, 06:38:22 pm »
Hello Bex and welcome :)

Whilst I personally wouldn't say that ALL persistent texters are timewasters (ie people with no intention of booking, turning up and paying the correct fee), I think it's fair to say that if you're relatively new and therefore shining like a beacon to every numpty within a hundred miles, that you may as well assume so. The two examples you've described are typical - basically they are getting to engage with you in some way for free, which is what they want and anybody asking for things like more pictures/videos, trying to bulldoze in offering you things you don't want or need or wanting you to go into any sort of graphic detail about services (aka what you will 'do to him' during a booking) are guaranteed no-hopers.

Genuine punters aren't interested in messing about - they want to book and get to do real things with you in real life and have better things to do; they'll ring or email with a good idea of when they want to book and how long for, and if they want anything specific they'll know how to ask questions politely and using adult language (ie 'I see you offer anal, is that extra or included in the fee?' and suchlike rather than ' do you take it up the arse?'. If you see what I mean.

The exceptions to the too-much-texting rule I've encountered have tended to be rookie punters who are a bag of nerves and honestly don't know how bad they're making themselves look (they tend to send lots of texts just to say 'hi' or 'looking forward to seeing you later' and so on); all you need to do there is tell them that you're glad they're excited, but their booking's all sorted and they don't need to contact you unless there's a change of plan. If it keeps up after that, see above.
« Last Edit: 07 November 2012, 06:40:54 pm by amy »


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Re: Persistent texters - timewasters?
« Reply #2 on: 07 November 2012, 06:50:08 pm »
 :) :) :) thank you so much for your replies and advice......

I'm really glad I got rid of the first guy, he definitely worried me as if he was that bad before meeting me, he may well have been even worse after.....if that's possible! Lol

The 2nd guy, was texting at 6.55am yesterday say 'good morning Hun' now if he is this guy who looks after other girls, renting his flat for bookings and driving for them....then why is he acting in a way that most good clients wouldn't?  I think I will also ask him one last time to book through AW or politely ask him to stop texting and leave me alone.

Thanks again for the advice, it's hard to know who is wasting time and how strict to be when you are starting out.   I have had loads of time wasting emails too.   I suppose the only thing is it comes down to experience in the end  :) :) :)
Bex xxx
Lots of love Bex xxx

*** The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible - author unknown ***


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Re: Persistent texters - timewasters?
« Reply #3 on: 07 November 2012, 08:13:31 pm »
Thanks Daisy  :) :)

Think you're right, I hate the thought of being a naive newbie and falling for this kind of thing  :-[

It's unfortunate really that these sites show you as new as it makes you vulnerable to this kind of thing.

Anyway lesson learnt, move on, with a smile  :)

Bex xxx
Lots of love Bex xxx

*** The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible - author unknown ***


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Re: Persistent texters - timewasters?
« Reply #4 on: 07 November 2012, 08:46:01 pm »
Yes have noticed that on other profiles, so may well change it - thanks again Daisy x
Lots of love Bex xxx

*** The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible - author unknown ***