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Author Topic: My parents found out  (Read 7603 times)


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My parents found out
« on: 02 January 2019, 05:58:53 pm »
I'm just going to go straight into it. My parents have found out about me escorting, camming and making film content. How you ask? Well me being a clumsy idiot. I accidentally sent a picture to my dad of me webcamming on whatsapp (it was meant to go to a work friend) and on the picture was my username which he used to look up and found my aw page, many vids and twitter.

Bit of background, I'm 25, I have a 1st class science degree, I've had normal jobs in the past but I feel like I'm not made for the 9 to 5 world. So I choose to give escorting and webcamming a go and have been doing it full time for about 1 and a half years. I've had my ups and downs with escorting but in general it's working out for me more then any other job I've had in the past. My close friends know what I do and fully accept it and as does my partner who I've been with for 3 years (open relationship). I've obviously been lying to my family and they have been completely unaware up until now.

This happened about 4 weeks ago and since my life and relationship with my parents is absolute mess. Prior to this I had a very close relationship with my parents. I feel like my life has just fallen apart. My parents are absolutely heart broken infact they used the word just "broken" to me. I've spoken to my mum abit since, she's tried to maintain a relationship with me, she doesn't like what I do but in her words "I am still her daughter and she will love me no matter what".

My dad is on another level of broken and it makes me feel sick to the stomach that he's seen my aw, videos and what services I offer, thats something no one wants there dad to see or see there daughter do. I have changed my username since. Up until today he hasn't been able to look me in the eye or talk to me (I went to there house over christmas, it was awful). Today I met them for a coffee (my mums way of trying to keep things still normal) and I just broke down, so we decided to speak about it. They both think I need saving, that I'm choosing to do this out of desperation and where questioning me if I have a pimp, a drug problem or if I'm mentally unwell (non of these are true). They said this will ruin me and damage me beyond repair.They said they will help and support to get me out of this "terrible life" I have choose but can't ever accept if I choose to carry on. It was a difficult conversation as I was trying to get across that I have choosen to to do this and minus the lying over the past year I'm content and it works for me. They think I'm deluded and lost in the world and why would anyway choose to do this other then over desperation. I explained why would anyone choose to do a 9 to 5 job other then desperation and to me it is just a job that works for me... which my dad laughed and then said "no your just a prostitute you sell your body how can you sleep at night". So that was todays conversation  :-[

So now I don't know where to go from here. Continue working but possibly sacrifice my relationship with my parents. Or quit and go into the big wide world of 9 to 5 which I know will cause me a break down. It's also been very difficult to work during this and I have no money saved up to take a break. I used what I had left to take a break over Christmas.

I want to know if anyone else has been through a similar situation? How did you get through it? How did you keep yourseld sane? What was the outcome now that time has passed?

I feel so alone, lost and just heartbroken over this whole mess. I'm going through the stages of grief, grieving the relationship between me and my parents. I don't see how to move forward so any words of wisdom or your experiences through this would help

Thank you for reading xxx

Ellie B

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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #1 on: 02 January 2019, 06:15:14 pm »
Only advice I could give is to get a part time Civvy job and continue escorting. Your parents will never understand, so just lie and tell them you have given it all up as you don't want to cause them anymore worry.
If you are not in this business you will never understand it so it is pointless trying to explain things as you see it,  to your parents.
You have nothing to be ashamed of. It is your choice and your life.


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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #2 on: 02 January 2019, 06:31:15 pm »
I think you are going to need to give it a bit of time. I’m sure that’s not what you want to hear, but don’t make any rash decisions in the heat of the moment.

Of course it’s a shock to your parents, more so, because they, like many believe all the myths that ALL sexworkers are pimped out, drug addicted and need to be rescued.

I think you both need a bit of space from each other, because if (and it may never happen), but if your parents are ever to come to terms with it they will need time, and you need some too.  You need this space to decide if you want to continue, or if you are going to give up based solely on your parents’ reaction. Whether you want to continue and be honest, or not. Thing is if you carry on and say you have given up, they are now always going to be suspicious. There are no easy answers.

I think it’s probably too raw to try and explain to them what the reality of Independent SW is, they won’t want to hear it, but possibly somewhere along the line they might.

It hasn’t happened to me but a few years back a friend of mine was outed by another friend to part of her family. She felt she had no choice but to give up, but she also had kids and had always lived in the same area.

Very sorry to hear, and sending hugs.


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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #3 on: 02 January 2019, 06:31:45 pm »
First of all try to relax. Tell them you need a break to think. Then do really give yourself a break from them (as right now they're your only source of stress)., Make some healthy distance while you try to figure stuff out. I believe you're going to have to choose between sex work or your relationship with your family.

Pd You can always say you're "webcamming only" and you stopped escorting. They will have to accept your webcam, sorry. I believe it's a midle road compromise on both parts. Then of course continue escorting secretly on the side and try not to never ever whassap your profile again.

sending bear hugs from London .
« Last Edit: 02 January 2019, 06:37:26 pm by Ana30 »
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.

Lady Frog

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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #4 on: 02 January 2019, 06:57:54 pm »
I'm so sorry that this has happened to you and you're going through such a horrible time. Try not to be angry with yourself about sending the message by accident because even if you hadn't they could have found out in other ways.

In my opinion the best thing to do is stick to your guns with explaining why you have chosen that this is the lifestyle you want. Over time, if you keep explaining rationally and calmly then they should slowly come around to respect your ability to make your own decision even if they don't respect your work. If they can see that you have put a lot of thought into working in the sex industry and can support that decision with a well reasoned argument (which clearly you have and you can), they hopefully will realise that it is acceptable for your values and lifestyle choices to be different to theirs/anyone elses and that wanting to live a more exciting life than 9-5 behind a desk for 45+ years does not automatically mean you have drug/mental health problems etc etc.

I have been in a situation where parent was very anti weed smoking, but over time learned to understand and accept it because I was very open, didn't hide it or act shady about it and calmly explained the reasons in favour of doing it. It was almost like a role reversal with me being patient and understanding while parent was moody. My sibling on the other hand would always be defensive about smoking and the conversation would immediately escalate into an argument which reinforced the (false) impression that it was a bad lifestyle choice driven by some insecurity or negative feelings etc.
So you see how my approach in the end was successful where my sibling's never would have been.

Ultimately if you stop and change your whole life to satisfy their wishes there will always be some upset/resentment because of how much you have sacrificed and how unfair the situation feels, so this will put some strain on your relationship for a long time. Also it sounds like if you did stop working, still you are in an open/polyamorous relationship in your personal life, and this is also a lifestyle choice many people do not understand, so it's quite possible they would not approve of that either.

You have one life to live the way you want, and the people who love you should be happy you're happy. Just at the moment they probably find it impossible to believe that you actually are. When something really shocking like this happens it can take months to really sink in and wrap your head around it, so they will need a lot of time, but I expect they will come around once that time has passed - and in the very unlikely event they won't, well, I believe a parent's love should be unconditional, so if you are not as close as before due to their attitude, then unfortunately, so be it.

Big hugs and I hope things get better x
A woman, especially, if she have the misfortune of knowing anything, should conceal it as well as she can. - Jane Austen


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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #5 on: 02 January 2019, 11:00:27 pm »
Would it help if I say as a mother how I would feel if my daughter were you?

Horrified, disgusted a failure - all these things with my self, not at her.

I would wonder what I did wrong how did I not notice my daughter was short of money in such need she did this rather then ask me for help.

I would be devastated that she would put herself at such high risk for money and think she must be in high debt, on drugs, maybe pimped.

I would be angry at myself for failing her and that anger may project to my daughter and explosions when I met her.

Is it possible your parents anger is as much from these feelings about themselves as well as feelings of moral outrage at your behaviour?

Can you convince them not telling them was as much not wanting to frighten them that you might get hurt as shame or embarrassment at what you do?

If they understand you are ok with what you do it might be easier for them.
They may think not telling them was out of shame for your actions not concern for their worry.

If you stop now you only guarantee is that you will have less money, would your parents believe you have stopped?


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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #6 on: 03 January 2019, 01:45:05 pm »
I can't really offer any advice, but hope everything calms down.

It does seem to highlight again the issue of phones though: do you not have a separate work phone?
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #7 on: 03 January 2019, 03:32:18 pm »
I'm so sorry this has happened to you..I disagree with EllieB's advice of telling them you've given it up once you get a civvy job (only because if they found out you've been lying a 2nd time, you'll be in the same position all over again).

It's done now, they know. At least you don't need to lie anymore. I'd just carry on the way you're going.. like your mum said- you're her daughter and they'll always love you. Just give them time to get their heads around it, I'm sure in the end they'll be OK.

Wishing all the best xx


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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #8 on: 04 January 2019, 05:48:19 pm »
Totally love ladyfrogs advice and couldnt put it better myself.i was outed to my mum and sister year ago and stayed calm and explained why i CHOSE to escort and why I love it, because i am appreciated and its rewarding making people happy. I explained how careful i am about who i see.
They both accepted it. They don't love it but they accepted its my life and i am different to them.
You are an adult and its your life.
Its up to them now to deal with the fact that kids dont always turn out living how we dreamed. Its real life!
I feel for you so, so much. What a horrible Christmas thid must have been for You :(
Really hope your parents come around x


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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #9 on: 04 January 2019, 08:15:14 pm »
Firstly, I wanted to say how sorry I am to hear this has happened.. You must be going through an unbelievably emotional roller coaster, none of which I imagine is any kind of fun.

Although my parents don't know I escort, I know they'd be very similar to yours if they did (they are very old fashioned and also, very religious!) Long story short, we had a big fall out a few years ago over another (lifestyle) decision I'd made, which went down like a tonne of wet cement and as a result we didn't speak for about 6 months because they couldn't accept it.. but basically, I (and they) got through it, and we now have a very good relationship, better than I thought we would. So there's definitely hope  :) The key things for me to get to this point were: to stick to my decision (because it is my life and have to live it every day, not them), temporarily cut contact to give them time to digest and accept things (not saying you have to do this but you may find less contact for a bit might help so you don't keep exposing yourself to their dismay and disappointment!! Which is unfair to you), then when we did reconnect, show them I was in fact happy, safe and well. At the end of the day they are your parents and just want the best for you - if you're patient and show them that you are, there's a good chance they will come around, it will just need time :) in the meantime I would keep doing your thing because if you don't, you'll resent your parents for it and ruin your relationship anyways... Take care and sending you big cyber hugs! xo


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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #10 on: 12 January 2019, 07:25:53 pm »
I'm just going to go straight into it. My parents have found out about me escorting, camming and making film content [snip]
give it time maybe stop for a year give your parents time as you are their baby

[giant quote redacted]
« Last Edit: 12 January 2019, 08:41:03 pm by amy »

Wailing Banshee

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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #11 on: 13 January 2019, 10:21:04 am »
I feel for you - my parents found out too a few years back - In a different way but equally as hideous. They reacted very much like yours and it really messed up the relationship - like yours they assumed all sorts of stupid stuff and I was able to put them straight but they were still disgusted and didn't really speak to me for a long time. I don't live close by to them so it was sort of easy to avoid them, and I know it was emotionally really hard on them. They would never have accepted me doing it however much convincing I did and it wasn't until I got a civvy job (I carried on escorting on the side though!) that the relationship really mended and things are fine now, but it took several years! It's never mentioned and I doubt it will be again.

My advice, lie. Tell them you've given up and maybe consider a civvy job to help cover it.

I hated that my parent's wouldn't accept it and wished they could have been proud of the things I am proud of about my escorting (being independent and not running to them for money instead, learning how to develop a website, marketing etc) but essentially I decided I just couldn't cut ties with them and wanted to make the relationship better again. There are times when I still feel angry how they practically disowned me but have shoved those thoughts aside and things really are better now.

If I am honest, it's the only reason that I wish I had not started and the one thing I would say to anyone starting escorting - think about what would happen if your family found out - is it worth it? The shitty feeling I felt about how devestated they were just wasn't worth it.

Anyway, not much advice but I wanted to let you know I feel for you. If you really think your folks won't come round then lie or actually make steps towards giving up!


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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #12 on: 14 January 2019, 11:21:27 pm »
Know this is abit late on in the  day to help your situation, but if this happens to anyone else you can actually delete WhatsApp messages you have sent to another person if it is done witthin so many minutes. Not sure how many think it may be up to 40 mins. Especially good if it's done before the blue ticks so they never get the message :)
Double click on message sent by mistake press delete and then delete for everyone. They will get a notification to say a message has been deleted but feel free to say it was a message for the wrong person or whatever your excuse may be xx


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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #13 on: 15 January 2019, 03:54:40 am »
I hope you work this matter out.  In a way it is an advantage for me to have absolutely zero family as mine are dead and I am free to do as I please.  If you aren't cut out for the 9 to 5 world then honesty is the best policy if you ask me.  They need to be educated in that independent escorts work from their own free will and aren't in any shape or form damaged or marginalised or victimised, with a few exceptions.  Perhaps you can cite examples of people on this forum and their reasons for doing the job?  Eg funding a PhD or buying a property etc.  Explain the money is really good and the conditions are better for your emotional health.

I find the job much better for my emotional health than a 9 to 5 job and could never go back to all that hoohah.  Sanity and enough to live on are far more important.


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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #14 on: 15 January 2019, 10:35:00 am »
I hope you work this matter out.  In a way it is an advantage for me to have absolutely zero family as mine are dead and I am free to do as I please.  If you aren't cut out for the 9 to 5 world then honesty is the best policy if you ask me.  They need to be educated in that independent escorts work from their own free will and aren't in any shape or form damaged or marginalised or victimised, with a few exceptions.  Perhaps you can cite examples of people on this forum and their reasons for doing the job?  Eg funding a PhD or buying a property etc.  Explain the money is really good and the conditions are better for your emotional health.

I find the job much better for my emotional health than a 9 to 5 job and could never go back to all that hoohah.  Sanity and enough to live on are far more important.

While I agree with what you say I also think that for some people any woman who has sex for money is demeaning herself and is on a path of destruction etc etc. Some people can be educated in the realities and positive aspects of this work but many others can not or just refuse to be and are steadfast in their negative beliefs. It is those who condemn the work yet are happy to benefit from the extra money and gifts it brings, knowing where the money comes from who get my back up and have done for several years. That can be family as well as friends. Hypocrisy rules.