I'm just going to go straight into it.
My parents have found out about me escorting, camming and making film content. How you ask? Well me being a clumsy idiot. I accidentally sent a picture to my dad of me webcamming on whatsapp (it was meant to go to a work friend) and on the picture was my username which he used to look up and found my aw page, many vids and twitter.
Bit of background, I'm 25, I have a 1st class science degree, I've had normal jobs in the past but I feel like I'm not made for the 9 to 5 world. So I choose to give escorting and webcamming a go and have been doing it full time for about 1 and a half years. I've had my ups and downs with escorting but in general it's working out for me more then any other job I've had in the past. My close friends know what I do and fully accept it and as does my partner who I've been with for 3 years (open relationship). I've obviously been lying to my family and they have been completely unaware up until now.This happened about 4 weeks ago and since my life and relationship with my parents is absolute mess. Prior to this I had a very close relationship with my parents. I feel like my life has just fallen apart. My parents are absolutely heart broken infact they used the word just "broken" to me. I've spoken to my mum abit since, she's tried to maintain a relationship with me, she doesn't like what I do but in her words "I am still her daughter and she will love me no matter what".
My dad is on another level of broken and it makes me feel sick to the stomach that he's seen my aw, videos and what services I offer, thats something no one wants there dad to see or see there daughter do. I have changed my username since. Up until today he hasn't been able to look me in the eye or talk to me (I went to there house over christmas, it was awful). Today I met them for a coffee (my mums way of trying to keep things still normal) and I just broke down, so we decided to speak about it. T
hey both think I need saving, that I'm choosing to do this out of desperation and where questioning me if I have a pimp, a drug problem or if I'm mentally unwell (non of these are true). They said this will ruin me and damage me beyond repair.They said they will help and support to get me out of this "terrible life" I have choose but can't ever accept if I choose to carry on. It was a difficult conversation as I was trying to get across that I have choosen to to do this and minus the lying over the past year I'm content and it works for me. They think I'm deluded and lost in the world and why would anyway choose to do this other then over desperation. I explained why would anyone choose to do a 9 to 5 job other then desperation and to me it is just a job that works for me... which my dad laughed and then said "no your just a prostitute you sell your body how can you sleep at night". So that was todays conversation

So now I don't know where to go from here. Continue working but possibly sacrifice my relationship with my parents. Or quit and go into the big wide world of 9 to 5 which I know will cause me a break down. It's also been very difficult to work during this and I have no money saved up to take a break. I used what I had left to take a break over Christmas.
I want to know if anyone else has been through a similar situation? How did you get through it? How did you keep yourseld sane? What was the outcome now that time has passed?I feel so alone, lost and just heartbroken over this whole mess. I'm going through the stages of grief, grieving the relationship between me and my parents. I don't see how to move forward so any words of wisdom or your experiences through this would help
Thank you for reading xxx