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Author Topic: Working from serviced apartments/hostels & constantly touring?  (Read 1157 times)


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Hi girls,

So I am considering doing something quite drastic and I just wanted some opinions on it really.

So I am thinking about leaving my current place that I rent and being in a 'constant state of tour' as it were.
I would travel from either serviced apartment to serviced apartment for in calls or just stay in a hostel for a few days and offer out calls only. It would be mean that I'd never be in one location for more than a week or two at the most and I'd get to visit all the big cities around the UK which would be really exciting.

I'm just wondering though whether it would be actually possible to do this. I mean, serviced apartments and hotels are expensive, would I be able to save up enough money again for a future rent deposit?

Have any of you ladies ever tried something like this? Did it work? If not, do you think it would be a viable thing to do?

Also, if anyone would be interested on this long tour all over the UK and is a young British girl like myself then PM me on here as I think it would get awfully lonely on the road travelling by myself. It would also be nice to have a duo partner and a safety buddy as well as someone to come and explore the sights with me :D

Any input would be greatly appreciated,


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Re: Working from serviced apartments/hostels & constantly touring?
« Reply #1 on: 17 July 2013, 12:43:44 pm »
I would not recommend doing this for any serious length of time.  I had to do this for many months, for personal reasons, and it is exhausting, stresssful and very expensive.

For a month, maybe two, yes, any longer than that no.  If you want, PM me.


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Re: Working from serviced apartments/hostels & constantly touring?
« Reply #2 on: 17 July 2013, 12:50:35 pm »
Although being constantly on tour (so to speak) encourages u to work more... I,e longer hours as your about, and less days off, it can be very hard, and not as glamorous as it sounds.

I have toured over the last year and I find it very draining.... After a week or two (and that's normally with me going home every few days just for the night) I'm stressed grouchy and just need time out...

Maybe plan an initial tour and take it from there. See how it goes and how u feel after a month maybe before you give up the tenancy on your home.

Hope this helps. Have a good day x


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Re: Working from serviced apartments/hostels & constantly touring?
« Reply #3 on: 17 July 2013, 01:18:16 pm »
  Its very very hard  especially if you don't have a place to work from when your back home ( as such ) and not touring  and I'm lucky because i do have a base and place to work from that cost me next to nothing but i am extremely lucky in having a very cheap place to work from 

I used to tours loads  ( notice the word used to )  Its both physically & mentally draining  & you often put on a lot of weight because your eating shit food at weird times  ( hence my two week boot camp this weekend  to kick me mentally and physically back on track)

Touring can be expensive and while you might earn loads of money one week  you can very easily lose it all the following week because the next location is crap 

You might have to lower your prices as what might work in one city price wise,  may not work in another city price wise 

You might have to advertise in the local papers  which is expensive and you often have to go and show ID to someone in order to advertise  so you lose a day or so here and there doing this

  You may also find that although  you seem to earn a lot of money by touring  because you have to live off this money when you come home or want time off  so  it might not  actually that good  earnings overall

 I think that you still need to have somewhere to work or stay  when your not touring  ( unless you can live rent free somewhere or plan on living in hotels when your back at home or with friends and family )   

Personally now i tour only when and if i want to this year   I have done one 2 week tour to ireland and one week long tour to cardiff and exeter and a further week long tour to Ireland and  6 weeks in australia at the start of the year
The rest of the time i have been happy to work from my flat at home in Bristol and have a life for a bit

Compared to last year when i was touring every month for at least one week sometimes two weeks plus going to Australia twice for 6 weeks at a time this year  has been a doodle and also  2 years of touring Ireland previously  when i think i developed a slight Irish accent because i was in Ireland so much

 I had a tour planed earlier this month for abroad  with ticket booked & paid for along with hotels and even the coach up to heathrow  and i changed the date to later in August because I simply don't feel ready to do a month possibly 2 month long tour abroad  but even if i couldn't change the ticket i would have been quite prepared to lose ?700 that i paid for the flight  as i didn't feel up to being away  ( plus the weather is fantastic at the moment in the uk )

If i were you i would do a few short tours  maybe weekends / week long tours to see how you find it before you give up the tenancy of your flat 
Or maybe tour abroad  now if  i were going to tour for a month or more it has to be somewhere hot sunny and nice hunky men
( anyone know anywhere like this apart from Aus cos thats to far)