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Author Topic: Decompressing  (Read 2029 times)


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« on: 19 June 2010, 09:30:05 pm »
It seems like I need a day or so between client engagements to decompress. Luckily, my rates make it possible for me to see just a few people every week. I also have another part-time job.

Does anyone else need this? How do you relax after seeing clients?

sammy s

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Re: Decompressing
« Reply #1 on: 19 June 2010, 10:10:15 pm »
why do you need to relax so much? does the job stress you out? are you over working yourself? or do you get the blues?
You dont need to tell us the answer to that question but maybe think about it.
If the job is stressing you out/getting you down then nothing is worth effecting your mental health. I know its easier said than done as this job provides an extremely easy solution to making large quantities of money, however its certainly not for everyone and you should possibly think about looking for another type of job or doing the minimum amount of bookings possible.

If its simply because you either work too hard or the job just tires you out then I suggest early nights/long lie ins and make sure you have things to look forward to every week (whether its a day to yourself with some dvds, bubble bath, magazines and a takeaway, or a night out with friends, a visit to the cinema and a yummy restaurant,  or a trip to a beauty salon to get a massage etc)because this will make your week that little less stressful knowing you have some relaxing and fun things lined up.

When it gets to the last 5 minutes of my last booking of the day I always feel really excited and as soon as they have left I rip the uncomfortable lingerie off, take my makeup and hair extensions off and throw my most comfortable pyjamas on. I then make myself a hot chocolate or a glass of wine and lie in front of the tv for the rest of the evening.
Its such a good feeling when im comfortable with nothing else to do apart from vegetate, but knowing I also have a big pile of cash :)


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Re: Decompressing
« Reply #2 on: 20 June 2010, 02:06:05 am »
Does anyone else need this? How do you relax after seeing clients?

I wank off  ;D

on a real tip...yeah, it does seem like a long break you are taking. Of course its totally up to you. I know with me...I can only manage about 2 clients a day....3 the absolute most but it rarely gets above 3. When I get 3 bookings in 1 day, I already made in my mind that 1 of those guys are going to be a flake.


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Re: Decompressing
« Reply #3 on: 20 June 2010, 09:09:58 am »
It seems like I need a day or so between client engagements to decompress. Luckily, my rates make it possible for me to see just a few people every week. I also have another part-time job.

Does anyone else need this? How do you relax after seeing clients?

I'm pretty similar, but glad to hear you've got a 'security blanket' of other things to do and some time off. It's the only way! I sometimes feel a bit funny when reading other posts - like, why can't I work harder?? Am I just lazy? But I find the job quite stressful (the security issues, mostly, as well as the 'fun' random factors like Will He Be A Biter? as mentioned in your other thread :P) so have to take about half the days of the week off. The thing that makes me feel better the quickest is going out to see friends - even if I can't talk to them about my work, it quickly helps remind me what the rest of the world is like outside work and makes my worries seem less important. Also, I've got a new course coming up in September, which is really exciting, and hope to be working full-time in a regular job after a year or so. I'll probably still do sex work once or twice a week because I ain't complaining about the money! And most clients really are lovely guys, plus living in London is scarily expensive. But the secrecy and loneliness aspects disagree quite badly with my normally-open and -social personality so it can be a conflict sometimes.

I think other ideas might be to try to get to sex worker meetups in your area if any are arranged, to be able to openly talk about work and just have a big laugh about it all. Or perhaps sharing a flat to work with a fellow escort who is also a friend, to help ease up security worries and antisocialness, could help if they are problematic issues for you.

But if you're just putting a lot of yourself into every booking and then just need time off to get yourself back, I think that just takes time. I usually feel either worn out after a client or weirdly distant, and I don't think the necessary hyper-vigilance during each booking (y'know, keeping an eye out in case he tries to steal his money back, or tries to slip the condom off, or put things up your bum, or bite you, or lick your face, or refuses to shower, etc) helps. I know if I accept an appointment when I don't feel energetic enough to have 100% attention on potential "mishaps" plus another 100% attention on making sure the client is having a great time, then the booking is normally not as enthusiastic as I try to usually ensure they are. So days off are essential as it's not fair to take money from clients if I can't deliver the expected service. Which then adds a bit of stress as money doesn't grow on trees! The main thing that's helped me here is cutting down all my financial expenditure to the bare minimum so that I can live and still put aside 40+% for tax/student loan repayments/long-term savings. I'm even learning to make my own clothes!

I've had several clients over the last few months look totally disbelieving when I said I couldn't afford something or other, though - they really do think we're all raking in millions of pounds a year tax-free! If only. :P

But back to the topic - do you think you know why you feel knackered after working? As Sammy said, you don't need to tell us about it but it can be an important issue to consider and something that is important to know about yourself lest you accidentally drive yourself to complete exhaustion or a mental breakdown. It can even be an option to ask your doctor about seeing a counsellor - it might take some time to get a referral and you might only need one or two sessions, but it's completely worth doing if you are feeling unwell. Of course that's only if you feel you might need something like that; but if you do, you mustn't feel like you aren't 'important enough' to ask for help.

If you know it's not so serious as all that, then I can definitely back-up Sammy and Joey's ideas of: bubble baths, good food, wanking (and perhaps enjoying some 'for you' sex with someone you like very much and don't have to worry about pleasing them or being bitten), massage and time with good friends. Those all restore me effectively! :) And my long-term plans help keep me looking up and moving forwards, which is good for the ol' human psyche, too.
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Re: Decompressing
« Reply #4 on: 20 June 2010, 11:34:12 pm »
Thanks, everyone! Lol, I just realized that the reason I needed so much time to decompress was that I wound up spending waayy to much time on that client. I traveled to see him, spent waayy too many hours there, and then traveled back. I was out of commission the next day.

Next time, less travel and better time management. I'm learning! I don't want to be a clock watcher, but this was a bit ridiculous. :)

I do enjoy this work -- really, I love it -- so I just need to make sure that I don't wear myself out. I appreciate all of your self-care suggestions... bubble baths and a good book sound delightful!


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Re: Decompressing
« Reply #5 on: 21 June 2010, 08:06:00 am »
Thanks, everyone! Lol, I just realized that the reason I needed so much time to decompress was that I wound up spending waayy to much time on that client. I traveled to see him, spent waayy too many hours there, and then traveled back. I was out of commission the next day.

Next time, less travel and better time management. I'm learning! I don't want to be a clock watcher, but this was a bit ridiculous. :)

I do enjoy this work -- really, I love it -- so I just need to make sure that I don't wear myself out. I appreciate all of your self-care suggestions... bubble baths and a good book sound delightful!

Aha, yes, time management. And making sure not to allow clients to push your boundaries as that has got to be the MOST wearying thing of all. There's quite a few threads on this, I think, that you've probably read already so I won't go on. Just glad you've got some good ideas to make things better for yourself; none of us should be suffering. :)
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Re: Decompressing
« Reply #6 on: 21 June 2010, 04:37:01 pm »
« Last Edit: 13 May 2015, 04:53:03 pm by LouLou37 »
"Good things come to those who hustle" Anais Nin


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Re: Decompressing
« Reply #7 on: 21 June 2010, 11:03:58 pm »
I thought this was going to be a thread on the after effects of doggy.