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Author Topic: acting and escorting  (Read 1766 times)


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acting and escorting
« on: 25 January 2009, 12:54:42 am »
Hi I know there are a lot of girls who are students and escorting to support that.
but what about if your studying drama?
its not the fear of being exposed as I'm just going to college and learn the profession.
its about being challenged to use your experiences from your life in the class room and mine recently is sex, men and more sex and more men.
I dont want to bring that other life into my personal one, but it seems inevitable and there for i worry.
even what would you do if you get your head on the telly and someone decides to grass you up?
ive never had any porny picks made by anyone, maybe some glamour shots but those I could get away with
so what would you suggest? deny and deny more untill people forget? or be upfront about it and let anyone one who is listening to chill out as its only sex exchanged for money so loosen up? and take the verbal beatings after from the small brainy pea size mutha fookers?
i feel sometimes the choice ive made stop me from achieving what i really want
ive been escorting for the last 3 years by now and quit enjoyed it  but i get pissed of and bored with it sometimes as well and think its got a shelved life.
also its hard to say goodbye to escorting as the money is so quick and convenient so a bit of a head fuck going on there
can anyone relate to what I'm saying?
Silvia xx


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Re: acting and escorting
« Reply #1 on: 25 January 2009, 02:15:55 am »
I think if you work in an everyday kinda job its easy to just deny.  if you become a celeb of any calabre your not going to get away with that option so easily.  Look at Heather Mills.  i know she is a complete bitch anyway but her escorting just added fuel to that fire.  Jesse Wallace's sister had started a career glamour modelling, she was starting to audition for shows then she got outted for escorting and her career was over before it began. 

Im sure there must be some other celebs who have done it that have got away with it though.  There is a challenge to everyone.  Name a famous female who was able to continue her respected career after being found out.  There has to be one (heather doesnt count... being a professional bitch isnt a career even if you do make millions from it!)

Men get away with it though. Well, a few have been in porn films when young havent they.  Actually i think both sexes get away with the porn thing a bit easier so maybe we should all get full on porn pics done just incase lol

Sorry, what was this thread about.... ive totally gone on to another subject im so sorry!


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Re: acting and escorting
« Reply #2 on: 25 January 2009, 07:31:43 am »
Hi lexy thanks for your post
I think a lot of celebs who get exposed get stick from the media and yes probably their career gets a big dent if there's any career still to talk about
what anoyes me though is how those girls always come back with comments how sorry they are for that "terrible" thing they have done and they always seem to claim to have been a 1000 pound an hour hooker which i find hard to believe
and if that was the case i bet they weren't sorry when they recieved their paycheck
like sophie anderton claims to have been taken 10 grand a night?
maybe she could charge that because she was famous already? as i understood she got grassed up by a reporter.
most people after drama school end up doing project work in theatre groups or teaching.
i probably end up doing something like that, most actors are lucky to find jobs in the first place as its such a competitive business
still though i cant help but wondering sometimes about the what ifs
like you can find an agent to promote you which isn't unthinkable
would you include them in your little secret so you can come up with ways to keep it in the past or keep completely silent about it?
I know its a difficult one to answer.
I think that porn is an absolute career killer as the evidence is all over the place so your out before your in the door probably.
ta x