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Author Topic: Rule : "if you leave, you can't come back" / what do you think ?  (Read 2073 times)


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Hi everyone,

I have a rule that if a client comes and wants to leave for any reason, he is not allowed to come back (generally those who say they have to go take cash or they forgot their wallet).

For example, I had someone who came in today, said he didn't have cash and asked if I do bank transfer, I said no and the guy said sorry I can't make it today then and left. But a few minutes later the guy (whom I saw afterwards was waiting downstairs in my street in a dodgy way) said he actually had cash (surprise lol) and wants to come back. I said NO, if you leave you can't come back.

Do you have the same rule ? What do you think ? Have you had some bad experience after letting someone come back ?

I just think that guys who come unprepared like that are not genuine (the guy was also 10min late and was very nervous), want to look and go or are willing to attempt something even more sinister
« Last Edit: 22 July 2022, 10:35:33 pm by Ana66 »


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Re: Rule : "if you leave, you can't come back" / what do you think ?
« Reply #1 on: 22 July 2022, 09:37:29 pm »
I don't have a rule as such, but take each situation on a case by case basis.

So if the person seems genuine and I don't get a negative gut feeling then I may allow it, but if I feel uncomfortable at all, or have any doubts, I would err on the side of caution.

Miranda x


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Re: Rule : "if you leave, you can't come back" / what do you think ?
« Reply #2 on: 22 July 2022, 10:19:37 pm »
Yes this was an agency client (so not a client I had screened myself and talk to prior to the booking) so no way I would have taken the risk plus when I screen the clients myself this kind of thing never happens since I always tell them to bring cash because I don't take bank transfers


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Re: Rule : "if you leave, you can't come back" / what do you think ?
« Reply #3 on: 22 July 2022, 10:22:35 pm »
If be uncomfortable and not want someone back who hadn't come with money  or started behaving strangely or unappealing toward me .
It's certainly ok to refuse them back  in again. What are they going to do next time I'd be thinking


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Re: Rule : "if you leave, you can't come back" / what do you think ?
« Reply #4 on: 23 July 2022, 09:09:51 am »
I am aware of at least one robbery in which the punter left to get something, then came back with his friend - so I do get anxious.

The last time the notes changes (around 10+ years ago) a punter turned up with his stash of old notes, fair enough the bank would accept them but shops were not and I just did not like this attitude that he could get rid of them by giving them to me. Perhaps I shouldn't have been so pedantic? He went to the cash machine obtained new notes, but shortened his booking and reduced my fee by the half hour he took to go to the cash machine.

Another guy did the meet for coffee at the start of the booking, extended then on the way to my incall place said he needed to go to the cash machine. I cannot remember if I had taken payment up front, or the booking had been a coffee only. Anyway I held my breath, and I do not think he realised how much anxiety doing this created for me.

A drug/stoned punter 'lost' his stash of cash when he wanted to extend his short booking (I could clearly see which item of clothing it was hidden in but I was not going to tell him, because I just wanted him off my premises). He came back knocking on the door 5 minutes later having found it in his sock. I refused to let him in. He actually turned up another time totally unannounced, knocking on the door whilst I was in a booking with someone else.

Also had the money in the car reason at the end as well as at the start of bookings, all came back but some of these anecdotes are a lesson to always take money upfront unless you are prepared to lose it. The end guy did not even think of the distress it would cause, even boasted of the trust I showed him.

Re bank transfers I send a text when I accept a booking with a new, or second booking client - confirming receipt of deposit, time, date, location, duration, balance to pay cash on arrival. If someone asks for transfer I stipulate must be in my account, viewable on my online banking at least 2 hours prior to the booking.


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Re: Rule : "if you leave, you can't come back" / what do you think ?
« Reply #5 on: 23 July 2022, 09:42:06 am »
I find kts usually an excuse not to come back. But once one said he forgot his money then he did come back.


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Re: Rule : "if you leave, you can't come back" / what do you think ?
« Reply #6 on: 23 July 2022, 12:57:03 pm »
The obvious issue to me is why did this client turn up without cash and wanting to make a bank transfer? Does you agency stipulate you only take cash? Make sure this is the case so at least if this happens again, you have a very good reason to turn him away.

While I have never been in this situation, if a client were leave, no, I would not readmit him should he return. Life is too short to deal with men like this.


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Re: Rule : "if you leave, you can't come back" / what do you think ?
« Reply #7 on: 23 July 2022, 02:55:37 pm »
The obvious issue to me is why did this client turn up without cash and wanting to make a bank transfer? Does you agency stipulate you only take cash? Make sure this is the case so at least if this happens again, you have a very good reason to turn him away.

While I have never been in this situation, if a client were leave, no, I would not readmit him should he return. Life is too short to deal with men like this.

Before I stipulated this someone turned up wanting to pay by transfer, they'd paid the deposit that way so was to them logical. I offer a gift card deposit alternative some did pay more than the deposit that way, so another incentive to be very clear.


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Re: Rule : "if you leave, you can't come back" / what do you think ?
« Reply #8 on: 23 July 2022, 03:39:14 pm »
Before I stipulated this someone turned up wanting to pay by transfer, they'd paid the deposit that way so was to them logical. I offer a gift card deposit alternative some did pay more than the deposit that way, so another incentive to be very clear.

Like you, I take deposits usually as e-gift cards, sometimes transfer. When I send the receipt for the deposit with the booking confirmation, I always state the amount of the outstanding balance along with how it is to be paid. This information is also included when I reconfirm the appointment.

I think part of the issue for Ana, is that when working with an agency/seeing agency clients, she is not handling comms herself, so there is no power on her part to ensure the client has the correct information.


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Re: Rule : "if you leave, you can't come back" / what do you think ?
« Reply #9 on: 24 July 2022, 04:26:56 pm »

This is a great rule for men who set off your spidey senses.

If you speak to a potential client, who you've very clearly told over the phone that payment is in cash on arrival and they arrive and ask for a bank transfer, then tell you they will go to a cash machine, this is timewasting and pisstaking.

This is a business and we cannot expect to entertain those clients who disrecpect us repeatedly.


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Re: Rule : "if you leave, you can't come back" / what do you think ?
« Reply #10 on: 25 July 2022, 02:19:47 pm »
Like you, I take deposits usually as e-gift cards, sometimes transfer. When I send the receipt for the deposit with the booking confirmation, I always state the amount of the outstanding balance along with how it is to be paid. This information is also included when I reconfirm the appointment.

I think part of the issue for Ana, is that when working with an agency/seeing agency clients, she is not handling comms herself, so there is no power on her part to ensure the client has the correct information.

yes completely, I told them a few times that I don't take transfers but they don't seem to care because when clients contact them they pretty much don't screen anything


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Re: Rule : "if you leave, you can't come back" / what do you think ?
« Reply #11 on: 25 July 2022, 02:22:12 pm »

This is a great rule for men who set off your spidey senses.

If you speak to a potential client, who you've very clearly told over the phone that payment is in cash on arrival and they arrive and ask for a bank transfer, then tell you they will go to a cash machine, this is timewasting and pisstaking.

This is a business and we cannot expect to entertain those clients who disrecpect us repeatedly.

Yes agree, people who come unprepared to a booking is never a good sign plus the client in question was also very late so this is a combo of bad client I guess

Lady Frog

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Re: Rule : "if you leave, you can't come back" / what do you think ?
« Reply #12 on: 25 July 2022, 07:35:51 pm »
I think this is a great rule.
I haven't really had this although I know some have had it multiple times and if it happens to me I will not allow them back.

What I've had a couple of times is a client who turned up and tried to ask loads of questions before paying. I'm pretty sure they didn't have any money on them, and was nervous about their intentions. I said you have to either pay straight away or leave, there is no hanging around my bedroom doorway umming and arring about whether you want to stay or not. Both were politely shown the door.
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Re: Rule : "if you leave, you can't come back" / what do you think ?
« Reply #13 on: 25 July 2022, 08:21:52 pm »
I don't have a rule as such, but take each situation on a case by case basis.

So if the person seems genuine and I don't get a negative gut feeling then I may allow it, but if I feel uncomfortable at all, or have any doubts, I would err on the side of caution.

I do likewise, but I wouldn't let a cashless punter who turned up and actually walked through the door without saying anything go and get some - if he was genuine I'd expect him to text along the way that he hadn't been able to get any yet and would be a little late (or whatever), because that's what a genuine punter would do.

Not mentioning it before he was in the room suggests to me he would be hoping I'd not ask for it until the end, whereupon he could get a service and fuck off without paying.


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Re: Rule : "if you leave, you can't come back" / what do you think ?
« Reply #14 on: 26 July 2022, 04:44:24 pm »

This is a great rule for men who set off your spidey senses.

If you speak to a potential client, who you've very clearly told over the phone that payment is in cash on arrival and they arrive and ask for a bank transfer, then tell you they will go to a cash machine, this is timewasting and pisstaking.

This is a business and we cannot expect to entertain those clients who disrecpect us repeatedly.

I've only ever had one client who turned up with no cash and wanted to make an e-payment. He was a young foreigner who had only just graduated from university. I think he'd only ever seen a sex worker once before. After I told him cash only he went to the cash machine for real and actually did arrive back with the cash. He was pretty much a one off.

I think I may have had one client who nipped out for more cash but can't properly remember.

Every single other arrival who has said they needed to dive out for cash has never returned. I haven't had many like this thank the gods as I screen pretty heavily.