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Author Topic: Microsoft email addresses - hotmail, outlook - and SAAFE  (Read 22737 times)


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Microsoft email addresses - hotmail, outlook - and SAAFE
« on: 15 June 2020, 09:33:04 pm »
People may not have noticed my earlier comment..

The one issue I'm aware of as a result of doing this relates to email notifications, specifically to Microsoft email servers such as Hotmail, Outlook, Live etc.


.. but despite our very best efforts over the past five weeks, the Microsoft-owned email domains are still utterly refusing to accept email from our new server, even though it's only about a dozen emails a day at the moment.

It's not that people (you) are marking them as spam, it's that they don't even get accepted by their servers to be delivered to you.

You can tell the level of competence involved by the way that the message saying that refers to clearing your IP address with a service that hasn't been called that for twelve years. And, in its new name, thinks we're ok.

No-one else is doing this to us, and we have done everything Microsoft ask people having problems to do, but they simply will not budge on this one.

Whorephobia? I've no idea, but if you have a Hotmail / Outlook / Live email address, complain and complain and complain that you're not getting email from at

.. then switch to Gmail, Protonmail, or even Yahoo (and they're crap, but at least they accept our email!) at least for here.

And if any client says they work for Microsoft, add a zero to the price
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."