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Author Topic: When time is up...  (Read 1928 times)


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When time is up...
« on: 13 November 2022, 10:38:46 pm »
Hi girls, so one of the things that bothers me the most are the ones who run over their time slot.  I work in hotels and I use my phone as a clock, so I tend to stand it up next to the bed so it's visible to both parties!

If we've pretty much finished and just talking, I find it easier to wrap it up. Something as simple as getting up and putting some clothes back on whilst still chatting is a huge sign, and they tend to follow!

However, sometimes we can be in the middle of stuff. And it's not like I'm not aware of the time, but how do I suddenly say "oh sorry times up"!

Does anybody have a system they use to let them know it's coming to the end? I have tried a phone call and setting an alarm! Both can be abrupt and interrupting and of course it's better when it ends a little more naturally. When I had the phone call, I would pretend it's the next client coming soon because I didn't know what to say! But if I'm honest it's not me, nor the impression I like to give that I am so back-to-back like that! I like them to feel they are getting a personal service than a train 😂
And some of the responses with the alarm I thought perhaps that is a bit too regimated for this!  Surely there's another way!

I am very thankful for the clients who are respectful of the time, to the point where they ask "how am I for time". You could be a 10 but as soon as it eats into unpaid time my feelings change!

So I thought I'd put it out there to see if there are any ways that might help me out here!

How do you tell them time is up? Especially how do you tell them time is up when you're in the middle of something where those are the LAST words they want to hear?!



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Re: When time is up...
« Reply #1 on: 14 November 2022, 02:46:30 am »
I would buy a pretty travel alarm clock (or just a small normal one) and place it somewhere visible on the bedside table. When you're about 15 minutes from the end of the booking (or more like 5m if it's a 30-minute one), start asking how they want to come if they haven't, or if there's anything they'd like to do etc. If you think they'll want a shower at the end, start winding up at minus 10 minutes, or minus 5 minutes if they won't.

I feel it's up to us to watch the time and control what happens so that you're not e.g. mid shag at the end of the booking.
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: When time is up...
« Reply #2 on: 14 November 2022, 05:48:02 am »
I wear a watch and have a travel clock for incall from hotel rooms. Incall from my own property I have clocks viewable at a variety of points usually lounge and bedroom. Beware on outcalls of clocks set to different times, not necessarily for us but some people prefer clocks fast to help them get up in the morning.

I glance at whatever time piece without being obvious, sometimes I do actually say "Just need to check the time". Some fetish outfits are compatible with watches, I explain I will be checking the clock on my phone - and that's what I do at regular intervals this can also be helpful becuase some BDSM & kink bookings have a schedule of activities. Ten minutes this, ten minutes that. If I guess the time and get it wrong he'll be missing one of the elements of his booking.


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Re: When time is up...
« Reply #3 on: 14 November 2022, 01:17:08 pm »
I use playlist on my phone
I have  various ones of 15mins 30 mins & 1hr
I know exactly when I have 5 - 10  or 15 mins or so left by my playlist songs so I know when to start winding things down for example when it starts playing “end of the rd “by boys to men they need to be getting that ass out of the door 😂

Generally the last 10mins is a massage chit chat and shower

If I feel they are trying to take the piss I will say oh we don’t have long left now what would you like to do - most get the message


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Re: When time is up...
« Reply #4 on: 17 November 2022, 12:05:46 am »
I do the same

Few playlist and I know when the time is about to finish


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Re: When time is up...
« Reply #5 on: 17 November 2022, 12:11:26 am »
If I see they are not moving. I say I am sorry but I have to be somewhere in 30 min so need to get ready :)
Never say I have someone else coming. But even if I have nobody coming I still don’t want to give them extra time for free, you do it once and they think they will get all the time.


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Re: When time is up...
« Reply #6 on: 18 November 2022, 05:53:11 pm »
I wear a watch and I will tell them 5 mins before the end we don’t have long left now so how would you like to finish.

If they try to moan about it, I tell them straight Im busy and have other clients and can’t go over my times as I need time to  freshen up etc. i don’t care if they don’t want to come back to see me. I see at it as I’m running a business not a chairy.

The ones who dragged there heels purposely have never had a second booking with me. Instant block. These type of clients who act this way don’t respect this a job for us. To much stress for my liking.
« Last Edit: 18 November 2022, 05:57:22 pm by Petlover29 »


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Re: When time is up...
« Reply #7 on: 19 November 2022, 04:32:27 am »
I say something like “I’m ready for you to finish” sometimes
Other times I’ve been more blunt


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Re: When time is up...
« Reply #8 on: 19 November 2022, 09:02:31 am »
I have a clock so I know exactly how long they have.
I give a 5 minute warning if they haven't cum.
I'm the rare instances they are not finished I just say that time is up and I get off the bed and put my robe on.
I sympathise with them but tell them I have another appointment.
They are usually very understanding about it although sometimes a bit disappointed.
I've been doing this job a long time so it doesn't faze me.


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Re: When time is up...
« Reply #9 on: 19 November 2022, 03:43:20 pm »
Just ask them if they would like to extend the booking or finish off and they usually finish quick. it’s not rude it just let’s them know your time is £. Good luck I know it can be hard sometimes x
Not today satan


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Re: When time is up...
« Reply #10 on: 19 November 2022, 05:39:06 pm »
I always know the time throughout the booking but on the odd occasion time is running out and finish line barely in sight, I use a trusted trick of the trade and a few erotic words of encouragement ( or ones of pure filth depending on who he is) usually ensures a happy ending  without going over time.  Only twice have I had to give up and call time on things and because I had done my best I felt no guilt at all. Clients tend to be equally aware of the time as most of them wear a watch.