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Author Topic: Male friend trying to book me  (Read 1936 times)


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Male friend trying to book me
« on: 14 November 2022, 09:09:24 pm »
A guy I’ve known for a few years tried to book me today, and it has made me very anxious. I never told him I was an escort, but he seems to have somehow found out. I first met him through a creative collaboration that never really got off the ground. We’re friends on Facebook and he’s met a couple of my friends, but we don’t have any actual friends in common.

I’m just so disturbed by this because I feel like two different dimensions of my life have collided, if that makes sense... I’ve been trying so hard to keep escorting separate from everything else I do, and it’s nerve-racking to think that a real-life friend has somehow found my escort profile. Although my face is blurred in every picture, if you know me you will probably recognise me.

He WhatsApped me on my work number, and I just told him I wasn’t available, and he thanked me, and that was it. I haven’t heard from him otherwise. I don’t know if he’s 100% sure it’s me and what he really wanted… I just can’t stop thinking about it.

Has anything like this ever happened to any other ladies? I’d just really love to hear either some similar stories or some words of comfort.

Thank you for reading x
I wasn't born to follow


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Re: Male friend trying to book me
« Reply #1 on: 14 November 2022, 09:52:07 pm »
A few people I know professionally (via civvy jobs) have tried to book me, as has an ex-boyfriend.  I declined them with no explanation other than I was busy/wasn't looking to take on any new clients.  I started doing this long after I worked/dated them, so am certain none knew it was me.  I advertise with only a few pictures, none of which show my face.  It's was just one of those the things.  I know my ex has a very particular type, which I am, so I guess it wasn't really a surprise.

If this guy tries to book you again, decline him, and keep doing so until he stops trying to book you, or else just block him on your work phone.  Never, ever mention anything to him.  If he has suspicions it is you, do not feed this.  And besides, you have no idea knowing for certain that he has somehow found out, so stop this trail of thought and put it out of your mind. However, having been through it myself, it freaked me out for a long time afterwards until I learnt to laugh about it.  Even now, much later, I still think 'wtf' before dissolving into a fit of giggles.
« Last Edit: 15 November 2022, 09:40:40 am by Miffy »


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Re: Male friend trying to book me
« Reply #2 on: 15 November 2022, 07:39:45 am »

That has happened a couple of times to me and it is a little unnerving.  All I say is 'sorry I'm not taking on new clients at the moment'.  One did ask why I'm showing as available today (nosy) and I just said so my regular clients know when I'm working and I left it at that.  I still get the odd text asking if I'm taking on new clients yet and I just say no.