Hey peeps, I'm really at a loss here and could use some help as things are starting to feel hopeless for me.
I've been off work since the start of July due to some sexual health concerns. I was with a client who was fingering me, and when he withdrew his fingers, there were these little clumpy specks of discharge on myself and his fingers, very similar to the startings of thrush. The best way I can describe it was like little flecks of toilet paper.
That's chill. I've had thrush a fair few times. Immediately stopped working, got myself a thrush tablet. 7 days later and it hadn't gone, so I contacted my local sexual health clinic.
Went in to do some tests. No thrush or bv, but I had Chlamydia instead.
I messaged all the clients since my last round of tests and got myself treated, hoping that would be the end of it, but nope. I still have these flecks, and random intense abdominal pains now, so booked in with the clinic again.
Again, no thrush, no bv. Nothing at all. I've been there so many times in the last five months I've lost track. Every time I go in, they take a look, tell me I'm healthy, check under the microscope, confirm I'm healthy, and yet I'm still getting these pains and these clumps which stop me from working.
They don't seem to notice the clumps when I go in, but I'm not about to finger myself to find some to show them. However, they're there whenever I give content a go, or when I'm working on content with my duo partner. I've tried proviotics, diet changes, more thrush tablets from the clinic 'just to be safe', BV pessassaries incase it's something to do with my PH balance, and none of it made a difference. I'm terrified at this point that I just won't be able to work. I can't see clients as they'll immediately see the texture and lumps and alarm bells will send then running.
I'm at a complete loss at this point, so if any of you have any ideas or have experienced anything similar, please let me know, or advise me on what I can do next.
This job is my livelihood. I can't work civvie jobs due to mental health issues so escorting is literally the only way I can afford to live a normal, non-poverty-stricken life. And I can feel it slipping away from me but I don't know what I can do about it.
Thanks in advance to all of you x