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General Category => Questions and Answers => Topic started by: Carla on 18 August 2009, 10:26:05 am

Title: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: Carla on 18 August 2009, 10:26:05 am
My most loyal little old regular has arranged a surprise day for me. I have guessed what it is- and it is basically something he is doing completely for me, and taking a lot of time planning the whole thing. There will be no sex involved at all.

I'm certain that we all do little things for good, long term and well paying regulars to show our gratitude and treat them well- you know, not noticing when the time ticks on a bit, or making them dinner, or buying the odd bottle of wine- little things, you know, like extra customer service?!

So, my question: If he is arranging this surprise completely for my benefit, and there is no sex involved, should I suggest a social only fee to show my gratitude? (I can't help feeling that the amount I would be getting paid is ridiculously unjustifiable for just turning up and being treated and brought lunch).

We have spent social time together in the past and then come back for sex, and I have never suggested a lower fee for this because the date has revolved around him and we have eventually had sex, so as far as I am concerned these were nothing but normal, fully paid arrangements.

Does anyone else see my point, or do you think I am just going to complicate matters to the extreme for future meetings? He hasn't suggested a lower fee by the way, and can definitely afford to pay my usual fee, but just wanted to get some thoughts and see whether I had become a cold robot or whether I was going soft! xx
Title: Re: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: Lucymay on 18 August 2009, 10:34:34 am
I understand you...I have an older, sorry I mean old oap client who wanted to take me to jools hollands picnic in the park thing offering to pick me up from mine, provide the picnic etc.  no sex.  As this guy does come and see me for an hour at my full rate every two weeks I was going to offer a social rate to him as i know he doesn't have much money unlike some people and hopefully he will write me into his will.  ;D

If your client hasn't said anything and is happy to pay you the full rate then I would take it...if he doesn't ask he won't get.
Title: Re: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: cindy on 18 August 2009, 11:18:13 am
Its all very well to have a social rate but I advise caution. Hes probably lovely but you have to be firm about "clothes on rate" and "clothes off rate." A regular once badgered me for a night out, I agreed the social fee. Rang me to say, "I bought some wine, thought we would start in the bedroom and take it from there. You did say it was ?X amount." (ie my social rate.) Cheeky beggar. The thing to bear in mind is hes your client not your boyfriend. Sorry if that sounds brutal but you must not be taken advantage of.
Having said that ive also had regular bring me soup and yoghurt when I wasnt feeling well, oh and the one who arrived early who didnt care I was still in my tracksuit with no makeup! So I understand what you mean.
Title: Re: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: Lolo on 18 August 2009, 11:15:06 pm
Hi carla
I personally wouldnt offer to lower the fee, unless its a permanent arrangment, even if its an occasion and theres no sex involved. This way the client always knows where they are and how much it is, so they don't have to ask or they don't assume its this rate in te future, causing you embarrasment asking for more money. You also mention they have been happy to pay your usual rate for social evenings, and they keep coming back so you must be doing something right and they must be happy to pay you your usual fee. From personal experience I find it gets very confusing and awkward for future bookings, because you virtually have to ask if this is a date "with" or "without"sex "social" or not and as Cindy says, clients can get a bit cheeky and try to take advantage if they think they are so special you have lowered the fee,  even if they seem like the nicest regular in the world!!
Generally i think it is fine to treat regulars well and negotiate lower rates of course, just only if you are happy permenantly accepting this fee in the future.
Title: Re: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: UrbaneAspects on 19 August 2009, 09:39:21 am
We all get clients who do so little during the booking, that we feel guilty for taking the entire fee. I had made a thread a while back about  'refunding' if the booking turned out too short and easy LOL. Of course the answer from the ladies here was, no. In your case, you could offer a lower rate if you wanted, but I just cant see the reason to do so. Trust me, if a guy is running low of funds, he will ask for a discount, even the shyest of guys. Let him ask for it, or not.

I've accepted discounts. My regular once asked for a massage, which is a premium. Since he tips on every booking, I did it without the premium. A guy I met earlier this week previously was dissatisfied with our 1st session (he didnt say he was, but I could tell cause he ended it early). Then on the 2nd session, I gave him a discount. He claims to have only been able to get a certain amount out the atm, which caused me a moment of steam, but then I forgave him and just went forward with it. Plus he was cute! He was really happy the 2nd time and didnt want me to leave  :P

Just dont get into the habit of offering discounts if they ask. I find it becomes taxing to your mental and physical well-being (I think that was one of Brandy's words from another thread LOL). But its true though, so dont do it too often.
Title: Re: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: Carla on 19 August 2009, 10:21:03 am
If your client hasn't said anything and is happy to pay you the full rate then I would take it...if he doesn't ask he won't get.

I like this style of thinking! Thanks!

Let him ask for it, or not.

Again, you are right here.

Just dont get into the habit of offering discounts if they ask.

I absolutely as a rule do not haggle or accept an offer of a discount- yes it doesn't hurt to be empathetic to certain situations, or enjoy bookings, or even become fond of clients and appreciate when they treat you well, but this a business, not a charity.

I think the main reason I was thinking of bending a little is because he really has given me silly money over the past six months, and so taking half of a usual fee for attending this surprise wouldn't exactly send me to the dole queue! BUT then I thought "would I want to go if I wasn't getting paid?" and I realised that although he is being lovely with what he has planned, it isn't actually something I would want to spend a day doing in my spare time, (or if I did then I would want to be with friends rather than a client!) so work is work is work I guess. Pay up!

Thanks for your advice ladies and gent!x
Title: Re: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: lauralashes on 19 August 2009, 10:37:32 am
Yeah, like the others have said, and like you've mentioned above, charge the full rate otherwise he may take advantage of your charity in the future. If he can afford it, I'd milk him for all he's got, like you said, what he's planned for you isn't something you would do in your spare time.

Plus you know how much clients talk about us on other sites (eg punternet), if he tells others that you do give a discount for certain clients and arrangements, people will just take advantage of you and your time.

Clients, and men more generally, need to know where they stand!!
(I'm really into my male bashing at the mo! Sorry) lol
Title: Re: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: Fallingstar on 19 August 2009, 11:23:02 am
I would definitely agree that you shouldn't lower your rates. You aren't being 'greedy' by not doing so,your client is aware of your rates and it is his choice to spend time with you in a nonsexual manner. If he hasn't said anything about you charging a lower rate then certainly don't mention it to him. I honestly think that in this line of work you have to be tough or clients will at some point start to take advantage and push your boundaries. Ive tried being kind to a client in the past and all he took it as was a sign i was a softie and started taking the water out of me from then on in.

Like you say as well its still work at the end of the day and I'm sure given the choice it wouldn't be what you would prefer to be doing with your time so get the money you deserve for it.
Title: Re: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: brandy@saafe on 19 August 2009, 02:24:57 pm
If he can afford it, I'd milk him for all he's got...

I'm sorry, but thats's a horrible attitude and I disagree with it vehemently. Whilst I agree that your client's financial stability isn't your concern, it still isn't something you take advantage of.

I personally would've offered him a discount, especially as there's no sex involved, and especially if he's a regular client. If nothing else than it being a reward for his loyalty and a show of appreciation for his continued business.

Maybe the reason he hasn't asked if there's a different rate is either because he's a true gent that thinks it's crass to ask, or he didn't know there was a choice.
Title: Re: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: Mango on 19 August 2009, 03:25:30 pm
I'd have lowered my fees, but I'm a big softie. Alternatively you could maybe add some time? Good, loyal clients are hard to find, and most of us state on our websites not to hagglet. I don't think you can expect him to both be a good client and not follow your guidelines.
Title: Re: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: Violette on 19 August 2009, 07:30:44 pm
I have always wanted to use that moving thingy. 8)
Carla, remember what we define ourselves as being, an escort and for some an Escort, whichever, but somewhere on my site I have written in tiny letters, "I charge for my time.... "He is taking up your time, nice though he is, he is still a client! Well honey enjoy getting paid well for having a bit of fun. Also, if he does change his mind and decides seeing you in all your finery has gotten his boys bits stirring, you then don't have to adjust the price. Also, you can reward him for his loyalty with extra time on bookings. I mean is BT going to lower their rates because you are a loyal long time customer? I think not. I know this is a harder line that most, but the bloody minute you start to lower your prices, it is the beginning of the end.
Title: Re: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: brandy@saafe on 19 August 2009, 07:54:13 pm
I have always wanted to use that moving thingy. 8)
Carla, remember what we define ourselves as being, an escort and for some an Escort, whichever, but somewhere on my site I have written in tiny letters, "I charge for my time.... "He is taking up your time, nice though he is, he is still a client! Well honey enjoy getting paid well for having a bit of fun. Also, if he does change his mind and decides seeing you in all your finery has gotten his boys bits stirring, you then don't have to adjust the price. Also, you can reward him for his loyalty with extra time on bookings. I mean is BT going to lower their rates because you are a loyal long time customer? I think not. I know this is a harder line that most, but the bloody minute you start to lower your prices, it is the beginning of the end.

I disagree that lowering your prices for a social event sends the wrong message. And we only throw in the "time and companionship" rule in when it suits us. It's not like she's seeing him for free, she's still charging for her time and companionship. Just on a different tier.

The reason why we charge as much as we do, is because of the intimate aspects of our job. The different price structure reflects the intimacy and non-intimacy nature of our jobs. There's nothing wrong with having a different set of prices for lunch/dinner/social events that don't include sex. Many escorts do it and display it on their sites.

And it's no big deal if a customer changes his mind midway through a social booking and wants a bit of slap and tickle. You then tell him that your fee reverts back to your published prices. If he doesn't pay, then he doesn't get his nookie. No big deal.

We all work differently. If you're happy charging your customer full price, more power to you. I personally would charge differently. It's why social escorts (the few that are out there) don't charge the same prices we do.
Title: Re: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: EmilyJones on 19 August 2009, 08:30:48 pm
It's odd, I think 'social only' escorting would be lots of fun and the lower fees would be totally right for that, but I find it quite hard to combine a lot of social time with bedroom time so I'm not too keen on offering things like dinner dates and overnights. I guess if you're seeing a show or something it's easy because you can sit back and watch but at a dinner date, I feel like it's harder to stay 100% Tempting Seductress without reverting back to my normal state (i.e. putting my pajamas on and eating pasta in front of the computer :P). I do feel that getting too friendly with clients makes me feel weirder about eventually dragging them into the bedroom! Either I start to like them and think of them as my jolly pals, lol, or we never manage to click and I'm not sure which is more awkward.

I dunno, I'm just blabbing. It isn't really that much of an issue in the big scheme of things! ;D
Title: Re: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: UrbaneAspects on 20 August 2009, 08:54:15 am
Also, you can reward him for his loyalty with extra time on bookings. I mean is BT going to lower their rates because you are a loyal long time customer? I think not. I know this is a harder line that most, but the bloody minute you start to lower your prices, it is the beginning of the end.

Violette had me laughing with that moving attention thing, as if hurricane Bill was on its way to England  :D  I agree with you 100%, just give extra time, maybe even an extra service but dont lower the rate. In fact, the best thing you can do is to not RAISE your rate (with this particular man). Lowering and raising the rate with a regular tends to F things up, I learned the hard way  :-\
Title: Re: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: brandy@saafe on 20 August 2009, 08:59:33 am
I mean is BT going to lower their rates because you are a loyal long time customer?

Actually yes they do, when asked. I'm with Virgin Media and I do the same. Every so often, when I see on telly all the new offers to reel in new customers, I call Virgin Media and ask them what are they going to do for us loyal customers that have been with them for years. That way I get the cost of my package reduced or have something added.

Latest case in point this week: Tesco's have doubled their clubcard points from this Monday; two points for every ? spent, as a way of thank you for their continued patronage.

So yeah, some big companies do do what they can to keep their loyal customers happy. Hardly unheard of.
Title: Re: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: UrbaneAspects on 20 August 2009, 09:08:32 am
I'm sorry, but thats's a horrible attitude and I disagree with it vehemently. Whilst I agree that your client's financial stability isn't your concern, it still isn't something you take advantage of.

That is true. 'Milking' a client may be fun but its not a way to treat a regular! Although you shouldnt be afraid to ask for whatever amount you want, Self-control and integrity is good to have. Besides, in my experience most clients instictively know when they are being 'milked' and get turned off in the blink of an eye, who would have thought they were so clever!

The reason why we charge as much as we do, is because of the intimate aspects of our job. The different price structure reflects the intimacy and non-intimacy nature of our jobs. There's nothing wrong with having a different set of prices for lunch/dinner/social events that don't include sex.

Brandy you make a good point, but I still think its not necessary to offer a lower fee. Also you say maybe he 'didnt know' he's able to ask to lower the fee? Nah. Even if he just started punting yesterday, if his bank account is less than what he usually has, or a big bill is on the way, he WILL ask for a lower fee. And when he does, and if Carla decides to, she will gladly offer it. I've met people before that little or no sex was involved. Shoudlnt matter. What if during that non-sexual booking, a more expensive sexual booking calls at the same time? (which ALWAYS happens). Then she just missed out. Now Carla has to suffer.
Title: Re: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: brandy@saafe on 20 August 2009, 02:09:46 pm

Brandy you make a good point, but I still think its not necessary to offer a lower fee. Also you say maybe he 'didnt know' he's able to ask to lower the fee? Nah. Even if he just started punting yesterday, if his bank account is less than what he usually has, or a big bill is on the way, he WILL ask for a lower fee. And when he does, and if Carla decides to, she will gladly offer it. I've met people before that little or no sex was involved. Shoudlnt matter. What if during that non-sexual booking, a more expensive sexual booking calls at the same time? (which ALWAYS happens). Then she just missed out. Now Carla has to suffer.

In this case no there's not. Because as Carla says, the gent is already offering her her normal wage. So the whole discussion really is moot. Carla did ask for advice, which she's received.

And as far as another more lucrative booking coming along, if you're any kind of professional, you honour the first (and in Carla's case) most regular booking.
We don't like it when customers muck us around, we complain about it often enough. I don't think it's professional to cancel a booking that has been made well in advance, just to take a more lucrative one.
Title: Re: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: Carla on 20 August 2009, 04:31:51 pm
It has been interesting to read the replies here- there are two main things to consider I think.

1) the importance of keeping a good regular sweet, the extra gestures that will keep him coming back, and the gratitude one human can show to another for being selfless as he is by organising this surprise for me.

2) the fact that this is a business, and that because of the intimacy of the job and the sensitivity of human fragile egos involved (his, not mine!) lowering a fee and then asking for more money if things turn frisky or for more money when we next have a booking with social time, could be a disaster.

I thought more as well about our current arrangement- we have one long booking a week. He pays me for 4 hours with a little tip. I let him stay for around 6 hours- that is just the way it panned out and it works as an excellent compromise seeing as he visits every week without fail (touch wood!)

Also, the surprise he is taking me on- he will no doubt expect kisses, cuddles and hand holding during the day- all of which are intimate acts and things that I would not do with him unless it was paid for. Finally, my partner would be incredibly hurt and suspicious if I was to go on what he would actually see as a far more intimate date than simply having sex with the client, and only charged half my fee- he would think I was going for fun rather than work. I am going for work with some fun as an added bonus.

Sooooo, I am going to charge the full rate for all of these reasons. Shagging for cash really is a headfuck for me sometimes, dunno about anyone else.

Title: Re: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: brandy@saafe on 20 August 2009, 07:15:36 pm
and only charged half my fee.....

Where did you get the idea that you'd have to charge only half your fee?
Title: Re: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: Carla on 20 August 2009, 11:53:15 pm
and only charged half my fee.....

Where did you get the idea that you'd have to charge only half your fee?

Totally just plucked a number out of thin air to explain my thinking, as I have absolutely no idea what the going rate for social only time is! Maybe Platinum select could give me some advice  ::) ;D
Title: Re: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: brandy@saafe on 21 August 2009, 08:47:08 am

Totally just plucked a number out of thin air to explain my thinking, as I have absolutely no idea what the going rate for social only time is! Maybe Platinum select could give me some advice  ::) ;D

Lol...that is funny. I'm sure somebody will register and pretend to be some random escort waxing lyrical about how wonderful Platinum Escorts are. We are due a visit about now. :)

Ladies who also offer social appointments take off amounts varying from say ?50-?100 from their regular fees, depending on the length of the booking. It's not a huge difference, certainly not half your fee.

But as I say, all this is moot as your client is happy to pay your full fee. Whatever suprise it is he has lined up for you, I hope you have a wonderful time. Will you let us know what the suprise was and how it went?
Title: Re: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: Anika Mae on 21 August 2009, 12:01:26 pm
Actually, my social rate works out as less than half my fee. I still rarely get social bookings. I'm a social reject. :'(
Title: Re: Lower fees for a client if the occasion permits??
Post by: brandy@saafe on 21 August 2009, 01:02:29 pm
Actually, my social rate works out as less than half my fee. I still rarely get social bookings. I'm a social reject. :'(

Nobody loves you. :)

I've only had two social bookings. They were for two hour lunch dates and both times I charged ?50 less than my usual rate. And as it was something I didn't really offer, I just went by other examples I've seen on escorts' sites. Social dates are very rare, that's for sure.