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Author Topic: Occupation question  (Read 1362 times)


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Occupation question
« on: 07 August 2016, 05:38:15 am »
Hello, Im starting work in the UK in 8 weeks.

Im going to see a SW friendly accountant as soon as I arrive to sort out all my tax affairs.
Im a little confused about what I should list as my occupation. I dont want to list myself as a escort.

In my real life Im a photography student, and I was thinking about advertising as a mobile "touring" photog.
I will be working 3-4 days a week in hotels, so offsetting these costs is essential. Also flights and petrol.

Any thoughts or suggestions?


S x


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Re: Occupation question
« Reply #1 on: 07 August 2016, 06:19:11 am »
I'd suggest typing 'occupation' into the Search box, but here are a few to get you started :):

And the main general thread:


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Re: Occupation question
« Reply #2 on: 07 August 2016, 08:27:35 am »
Thanks again amy x


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Re: Occupation question
« Reply #3 on: 07 August 2016, 11:08:33 am »
You can claim for whatever you want for expenses, but if you want to make sure you're not outed by someone in the tax office it pays to have an occupation that covers your expenses believably.  This is what my (very SW friendly) accountant has told me.

I'm listed as a private carer and have a dummy website.  If you ever get investigated it's important to make sure your story is straight. Obviously I can't claim for things like lingerie and condoms, but I can claim for travel costs and hotels - part of my fake business is taking clients out to the theatre or on day trips etc, so I book hotel rooms in order for us to have a 'base' for the day, etc.


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Re: Occupation question
« Reply #4 on: 07 August 2016, 11:18:45 am »
You can claim for whatever you want for expenses, but if you want to make sure you're not outed by someone in the tax office it pays to have an occupation that covers your expenses believably.  This is what my (very SW friendly) accountant has told me.

I'm listed as a private carer and have a dummy website.  If you ever get investigated it's important to make sure your story is straight. Obviously I can't claim for things like lingerie and condoms, but I can claim for travel costs and hotels - part of my fake business is taking clients out to the theatre or on day trips etc, so I book hotel rooms in order for us to have a 'base' for the day, etc.

Yes, you can. Choosing not to is not the same as 'can't', and I'd suggest a read of the threads linked to above where this has been done a hundred times over.

If you were outed by somebody at the tax office mind, I suspect you could sue for enough compensation that you'd never need to work again. They take sensitive personal information pretty seriously and anybody breaching the law when it came to passing it around would find themselves in a undesirable situation indeed.


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Re: Occupation question
« Reply #5 on: 07 August 2016, 05:46:00 pm »
This is true, but as a parent, all it takes is one anonymous call to social services from a concerned do-gooder, and then I could potentially lose my children (and yes, I know it isn't as straightforward as that, but with my personal, individual situation that is highly likely).

I've read through all of the extensive info here many a time, I was just going on what my accountant - who specialises in sex work - has advised me in terms of privacy and keeping my story straight.  As you say amy you can claim for whatever you want, but if you want to stay under the radar, it's probably wise to try to have a cover story that fits - and if the  OP is looking for a cover occupation, it's likely that she doesn't want the tax office to know what she does for a living. 
« Last Edit: 07 August 2016, 05:49:13 pm by trashbaby »