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Author Topic: Dealing With Over Friendly Clients?.  (Read 2052 times)


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Dealing With Over Friendly Clients?.
« on: 05 June 2013, 10:33:29 pm »
Recently I have had clients talking to me like a friend like this is your friend remember me Have I been out anywhere today things discussed with friends only. I felt like had to cancel a booking due to if they feel the friend status will try taking liberties. I am friendly but separate my person and escorting so seems complicated.

I am not entirely sure how to deal with these clients as wouldn't want to find myself in bother later on. Any tips appreciated.



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Re: Dealing With Over Friendly Clients?.
« Reply #1 on: 05 June 2013, 11:10:39 pm »
When men try this one with me I try to take it back to the fact I'm an escort.. E.G 'What have you been up to today?' ...'Oh went to buy condoms & undies' or 'we're not here to talk about me *wink'.

Never let any of them see you as a friend. Personally, for me, it does not end well! You then get the constant 'Hi, how are you?' messages. Daily. Texts and calls to see why your not replying then the fall of the 'friendship' because your obviously being a crap friend/ESCORT.
 :FF :FF :FF

Pierced Princess

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Re: Dealing With Over Friendly Clients?.
« Reply #2 on: 06 June 2013, 10:52:29 am »
When any guy starts making friendship comments / telling me they love me or any of that bollox, I quickly take it back to the situation we are in and them paying me to provide a service.

I had a guy tell me he loved me a couple of days ago, with a hint of what I was up to the rest of the afternoon, I responded with 'That's all well and good, but you'll be getting volleyed out the door at 4pm sharp, you aint the only customer who wants to bang my ass today'. I said it playfully in between snogging him, so kept it lighthearted, but if you give even the slightest inkling that you are friends, then it's asking for trouble IMO.

Maybe have a few witty replies lined up so that you can use them in those situations?

Natalie xXx


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Re: Dealing With Over Friendly Clients?.
« Reply #3 on: 07 June 2013, 11:37:22 pm »
I had a terrible case of the 'over friendly client' last month. I had an outcall and afterwards he walked me to the train station, I tried to say my goodbyes along the way, explaining I knew where I was in the town now and how sweet of him to walk me to the main part but no.. he stood on the platform with me for 15 long awkward minutes til my train came and shook my hand goodbye ::)
Thankfully he was a lovely guy just new to seeing girls and meant well so I wasn't too bothered but it was a bit awkward :P


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Re: Dealing With Over Friendly Clients?.
« Reply #4 on: 07 June 2013, 11:55:51 pm »
I stood in the cold and rain once on a train platform to escape someone! Have wrote about him before. He was OTT friendly. Freaked me out  :'( :'(


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Re: Dealing With Over Friendly Clients?.
« Reply #5 on: 10 June 2013, 10:18:03 pm »
I had a terrible case of the 'over friendly client' last month. I had an outcall and afterwards he walked me to the train station, I tried to say my goodbyes along the way, explaining I knew where I was in the town now and how sweet of him to walk me to the main part but no.. he stood on the platform with me for 15 long awkward minutes til my train came and shook my hand goodbye ::)
Thankfully he was a lovely guy just new to seeing girls and meant well so I wasn't too bothered but it was a bit awkward :P

That is so sweet and being a true gent.