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Author Topic: Landlord just called  (Read 12588 times)


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Re: Landlord just called
« Reply #60 on: 21 January 2020, 09:19:46 pm »
In Aussie it isn't actually illegal to have a camera pointing at someone else's property, I lived in a place called Kirribilli in Sydney and our neighbor had a camera at the front door sort of pointing sideways towards our front door, it was such a privacy intrusion but their was nothing we could do about it, also I must add their are alot of people working from home (own online businesses and so on) and also alot of oldies who have far to much time on their hands, they spend alot of time outside gossiping and snooping on the neighbors, the oldies are the worst as they seem to think it's their god given right to be in charge, also I didn't see at first that the op was in Aussie and yes their is alot of racism towards black people over there  :(.


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Re: Landlord just called
« Reply #61 on: 21 January 2020, 10:14:07 pm »
Hope OP gets her 6 month advance rent refunded if termination notice is served
Sounds like they will continue to bully her if she stays, which she is entitled to
What a big mess!
Some landlords would be so happy to lease to working girls.


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Re: Landlord just called
« Reply #62 on: 21 January 2020, 11:49:39 pm »
Hope OP gets her 6 month advance rent refunded if termination notice is served
Sounds like they will continue to bully her if she stays, which she is entitled to
What a big mess!
Some landlords would be so happy to lease to working girls.

Hi guys,I think you misunderstood or I didn't articulate myself so well in regards to the 6month rent thing. I was saying if I had to look for another place (if evicted or I choose to go), I would have to pay 6months in advance again if this landlady refuses to give me a reference. I paid 6months in advance when I moved in here from July 2019 to Jan 2020 cause I didn't have references and was new to Australia. That 6 months is up now and I am paying monthly as we go, till the lease runs out in July 2020


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Re: Landlord just called
« Reply #63 on: 22 January 2020, 12:17:11 am »
She may suspect, but she has no proof whatsoever. Landlady might need to find her whoring profile with her address and send a shopper to proof it. Good luck with that. Plus, if her local laws say being an independent escort is perfectly legal then OP has the law on her side. However... if all the scummy neighbours gang up and sign some letter saying she's being a nuissance and causing some sort of problems to the neighbours it might breach her tennency agreement , but all of this is going to take time and admin work. If I were OP I would fight this to the  end and ultimately if the landlady gets too anoying OP should inform her that she intends to leave once her lease is over, not before. In order for the landlady to kick her out before end of lease she's going to have to do a lot of detective and admin work (which i don't think it's something she's looking forward to).

They have already ganged up on me. The ones with the cameras and the old busy body mans family. I saw them talking to each other and pointing at me as I walked up the the street one day before Christmas, I just knew they were talking about me. Landlady said she received two complaints, one from the top of the street as well.

I asked the "fair trading" advisor about this and he said that the whole street can complain but ultimately they have no proof that my visitors are a nuisance to neighbours and CCTV of people going in and out the property holds no weight at tribunal. It could be flipped on them as they are breaching my right to privacy & quiet enjoyment with this CCTV. Even if I was making noise and having wild parties (which I don't), police would have to be called a few times first. He said evictions like that (neighbour nuisance breaches) hardly succeed according to statistics here. So maybe I will stay and continue, pay my rent & just ignore them, move out when lease expires in July

I need to be strong I guess. I am even dreading going outside. I hang my head in shame & look down  :'(
« Last Edit: 22 January 2020, 03:33:20 am by Love.Sex.Dreams »


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Re: Landlord just called
« Reply #64 on: 22 January 2020, 06:25:54 am »
She may suspect, but she has no proof whatsoever. Landlady might need to find her whoring profile with her address and send a shopper to proof it. Good luck with that. Plus, if her local laws say being an independent escort is perfectly legal then OP has the law on her side. However... if all the scummy neighbours gang up and sign some letter saying she's being a nuissance and causing some sort of problems to the neighbours it might breach her tennency agreement , but all of this is going to take time and admin work. If I were OP I would fight this to the  end and ultimately if the landlady gets too anoying OP should inform her that she intends to leave once her lease is over, not before. In order for the landlady to kick her out before end of lease she's going to have to do a lot of detective and admin work (which i don't think it's something she's looking forward to).

So I have been browsing Landlord forum boards, much like saafe but for landlords. And you are right, an eviction based on neighbour complaints takes a long time and most are not even granted by the tribunal. At least 3 months. Neighbours, at least 3 of them, will need to sign a petition, keep a diary of incidents and police reports (whom they can't call as they have no basis, whoring/having visitors is legal). Save this for triburnal and they all have to be present together with the landlady to put forward their case, I will be there too...A lot of time and effort

If this landlady is smart and is as busy as she acts, she will turn a blind eye and just wait for my lease to expire & I will be gone. There's only 5months to go. I have kept the property immaculately clean & she was impressed by this when she came, I pay my rent in advance so she should consider these 2 points as they are the most important

Lady Frog

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Re: Landlord just called
« Reply #65 on: 22 January 2020, 10:15:05 am »
Ok sorry I understand you now regarding the rent situation.

Yes, she should be glad you are looking after the property and paying on time! If she was the owner directly that would probably make her happy, but because she is (unless I'm mistaken) some sort of agent, her wage remains the same regardless how you treat the property, and she has 40 hours a week to find ways to act like a dick to you. This is why I prefer renting directly from landlords most of the time :/
From what you've said it seems like you are in a position to negotiate here, to some extent. They don't have a legal case for eviction, if they did it would take months, possibly be very an expensive process, and possibly they would have to answer for invading your privacy/ ganging up/ etc.

Again speak to a solicitor first, but maybe you could suggest to them that you will leave immediately if they give you a lump sum of money, say 2 months rent, hopefully allowing you to pay more than 2 months on a cheaper property? Like severance pay. Say you will go quietly if they pay you off, since they are so keen to see the back of you; if they don't, you will consider it harassment if they bother you again before the end of your contract term, and will see them in court.

Hold your nerve, seems like they are really hoping for a 'confession'
A woman, especially, if she have the misfortune of knowing anything, should conceal it as well as she can. - Jane Austen


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Re: Landlord just called
« Reply #66 on: 22 January 2020, 11:53:36 am »
Ok sorry I understand you now regarding the rent situation.

Yes, she should be glad you are looking after the property and paying on time! If she was the owner directly that would probably make her happy, but because she is (unless I'm mistaken) some sort of agent, her wage remains the same regardless how you treat the property, and she has 40 hours a week to find ways to act like a dick to you. This is why I prefer renting directly from landlords most of the time :/
From what you've said it seems like you are in a position to negotiate here, to some extent. They don't have a legal case for eviction, if they did it would take months, possibly be very an expensive process, and possibly they would have to answer for invading your privacy/ ganging up/ etc.

Again speak to a solicitor first, but maybe you could suggest to them that you will leave immediately if they give you a lump sum of money, say 2 months rent, hopefully allowing you to pay more than 2 months on a cheaper property? Like severance pay. Say you will go quietly if they pay you off, since they are so keen to see the back of you; if they don't, you will consider it harassment if they bother you again before the end of your contract term, and will see them in court.

Hold your nerve, seems like they are really hoping for a 'confession'

Thanks for the advise. She is not an agent. Her title is "senior asset manager". She works directly for my landlord who is the biggest property developer here in Sydney. I have never spoken to him/seen him before, only seen him in magazines/youtube. Don't know how he  feels about all this.

Would asking for severance pay be legal?

Lady Frog

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Re: Landlord just called
« Reply #67 on: 22 January 2020, 12:59:42 pm »
I wouldn't expect him to wade into this situation, he employs her for a reason, and he will not want to undermine her decision/attitude on any individual case if he wants to maintain a good working relationship with her... so only you can know if there's a point trying to appeal to him but I doubt it  :/

See no reason why severance pay shouldn't be legal. In UK contract law you can terminate a contract early if both parties agree to the terms. There may be standard formats that tenancy agreements (and disputes) normally take, certainly most tenancy agreements I've ever signed have been almost identical word for word, but at the end of the day you are two independent adults, you can make (or break) an agreement however the hell you want. Within the law of course.

I would maybe offer to include a clause in a severance agreement that by accepting the money you agree not to take them to court, and make it clear that otherwise you will sue them for spoiling your private enjoyment or whatever other case you can find to bring against them. This should make it appealing to them so they can get you out quickly and quietly, with no legal fees, and have a new tenant within weeks - the other option being 6+ months worth of you resisting eviction and causing them a headache
A woman, especially, if she have the misfortune of knowing anything, should conceal it as well as she can. - Jane Austen

English Green

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Re: Landlord just called
« Reply #68 on: 22 January 2020, 01:37:00 pm »
This is a difficult situation and to be fair i can see why someone renting out there house in a exclusive area would not want it run as a knocking shop especially if all the neighbours know which they do. If i was renting my place out and found out it was used for this and have every freak punter in and out i would want them to leave too.

But i think if she wants you gone she needs to refund what months are left on the tenancy for you to go but i doubt she wants to do that. You cannot afford to lose that money plus stop working and she is and neighbours are starting to harass you now.

If it was me as you say there is no clause in contract you not being able to do what you are doing there so i would speak to her and say you are disturbung my peace plus neighbours  and it is becoming harassment i have got legal advice on this and you are not allowed to do this. So say if you want mw to go and break the contract i require the rent paid in advance paid back and i will find somewhere else. If she refuses this just carry on working til the tenancy ends and save as much as possible so you can go somewhere else.

If she wants you out of the exclusive area she will agree to pay back the advanced money and you can agree a time period of you to go. So say 2 months notice and you get 4 months back but pay the rent while you still live there as not paying anything comes into to a legal action then you would owe her money and not a clean break for you to leave.


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Re: Landlord just called
« Reply #69 on: 22 January 2020, 10:11:31 pm »
This is a difficult situation and to be fair i can see why someone renting out there house in a exclusive area would not want it run as a knocking shop especially if all the neighbours know which they do. If i was renting my place out and found out it was used for this and have every freak punter in and out i would want them to leave too.

But i think if she wants you gone she needs to refund what months are left on the tenancy for you to go but i doubt she wants to do that. You cannot afford to lose that money plus stop working and she is and neighbours are starting to harass you now.

If it was me as you say there is no clause in contract you not being able to do what you are doing there so i would speak to her and say you are disturbung my peace plus neighbours  and it is becoming harassment i have got legal advice on this and you are not allowed to do this. So say if you want mw to go and break the contract i require the rent paid in advance paid back and i will find somewhere else. If she refuses this just carry on working til the tenancy ends and save as much as possible so you can go somewhere else.

If she wants you out of the exclusive area she will agree to pay back the advanced money and you can agree a time period of you to go. So say 2 months notice and you get 4 months back but pay the rent while you still live there as not paying anything comes into to a legal action then you would owe her money and not a clean break for you to leave.

Hi EG. There is nothing to be refunded in terms of advanced rent, please see reply #62 above where I clarified this. Unless you're talking about severance pay like Lady Frog suggested?

I see what you are saying but it's not a knocking shop and I see max 2 people a day, 0 most days. Some of them do look scruffy- the normal tradie type who come to see me after they finish their construction job, they are not freaks, just normal people with not so glamorous jobs, unlike the residents here. I am not high volume at all. I screen as best as I can & people show up on appointment only. If I was a landlady, I would totally rent to working girls, at least ones who work like I do. Maybe because I am a bit biased. The stereotype is we are all addicted to drugs, ridden with disease, unhygienic, come from horrible backgrounds, etc so we would make the worst tenants. 

English Green

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Re: Landlord just called
« Reply #70 on: 22 January 2020, 11:06:27 pm »
No sorry i never saw that must have missed that well if you cannot get any money back to leave then i probably would try to work it til you can leave.

When i say knocking shop that was just a figure of speech as how some refer to it outside of our industry. I know you said you only see a couple a day. When i say freaks i mean from my experience i have had turn up some right undesirables and indiscreet horrible men. But obviously i have had nice ones too.

Obviously different people have different views on renting there own places out to sex workers and each to there own but i am saying it only from my view i would not want to. I do know of people in past rented there rental property and home and it got known by neighbours and spread around and when eventually they tried to sell it they was resorted to sell it a a ridiculous price as nobody wanted to pay what it was worth and another one lost 2 rentals when punters kept knocking on the door months after the previous workers went so they had people who would not stay when unannounced men turned up and thought they were the sex workers. So that is the reason i said i would not want to and can see there point of view not wanting you there but i too can see your point of view trying to work discreet not causing a problem and got nosey neighbours watching your every move when you just trying to make a living.


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Re: Landlord just called
« Reply #71 on: 27 January 2020, 11:05:54 pm »
Hi, has the situation unfolded? Hopefully she allowed you to stay?


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Re: Landlord just called
« Reply #72 on: 28 January 2020, 07:47:53 am »
Hi, has the situation unfolded? Hopefully she allowed you to stay?

Radio silence, she hasn't said anything to me. It has been 8 days since she visited.


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Re: Landlord just called
« Reply #73 on: 28 January 2020, 08:21:40 am »
Radio silence, she hasn't said anything to me. It has been 8 days since she visited.

Do u think she’s gathering evidence against you via the neighbours camera?


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Re: Landlord just called
« Reply #74 on: 28 January 2020, 12:26:00 pm »
Do u think she’s gathering evidence against you via the neighbours camera?

Maybe she is, but I have not worked since the day she came. I took my ad down plus my period just started yesterday so perfect timing. The only people who have been coming here are deliveroo/ubereats drivers bringing food about 3 times a day. I plan to start working again next Monday.

Do you think I should e-mail her to follow up? Maybe get a lawyer to write a letter saying she is breaching my privacy if she's watching me like that and I have a right to sue? Or should I just leave it and continue on working like nothing ever happened? I worry that they may stage a booking, my profile is so easy to find, being one of a few black WGs here

She also kept asking about my family when she came, almost as if she was perceiving me to be some helpless runaway being pimped out and taken advantage of in a faraway land. Asked if I had a boyfriend. I hope she doesn't start digging and end up talking to my narcissistic family on FaceBook or something, tell them to come save me  :FF