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Author Topic: Landlord inspection  (Read 711 times)


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Landlord inspection
« on: 16 May 2024, 12:04:31 pm »
Hi all, I’ve just received a message from my landlord about an inspection as neighbours complained about lots of activity at night with people coming into my flat. I’m not sure what to do but I think they’ve worked out I’m working from the flat. Any advice on how to deal with this situation from anyone who has been in a similar position in the past? I’m panicking right now..


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Re: Landlord inspection
« Reply #1 on: 16 May 2024, 12:20:04 pm »
How would an inspection prove whether you were working from the flat or how many people were visiting you? Assuming you don't have work stuff lying around everywhere when your landlord comes round, obviously.

An inspection is normally to check the flat is OK and you haven't damaged anything, not to monitor what you're doing there. I would arrange the inspection and just say you have no idea what they mean; ask why you are being spied on and what the number of friends and family you have is any of your neighbours business? Do you all have the same landlord?

Do you do a lot of short bookings in the evenings when people are in, or are we just talking about a couple a day? Have you been at your flat for long and when does your tenancy finish? I'd be panicking too I know, but at this point they might just be fishing :)


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Re: Landlord inspection
« Reply #2 on: 18 May 2024, 12:37:31 pm »
This happened to me. Landlady had been sent my profile by neighbours and everything. She didn't disclose this, she just said she wants to "inspect".

She came and had the most disgusted and condescending expression on her face and I knew she knew. It was a very wealthy neighbourhood, the most expensive in Australia actually and my studio was right at the end of a cul-de-sac with it's own private entrance, on top of the main house (also rented) on a cliff. So she said to me that wealthy people don't like seeing "randoms" in the area and I should stop bringing them around.

The flat was spotless and I had bought some new pieces of furniture and she commented about how I had arranged the place to separate my personal space from my work place since I lived there. She let me stay for 2 years and never spoke about it again. In the end, she was very nice to me, maybe she felt guilty, I dont know.