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Author Topic: Sexwork, Pregnancy and Social Services  (Read 1141 times)


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Sexwork, Pregnancy and Social Services
« on: 22 March 2021, 12:46:19 pm »

I let it slip I was an escort in A&E whilst inebriated one eve 4 years ago
Now im pregnant with my first child, single, doing online only during Lockdown and my midwife has referred me to SS based on my med history of depression and the honesty with my nurse in A&E

Im more than capable of caring for a child emotionally and financially, im just scared the system is bias
Seeking advice from women who’ve been in the same situation

« Last Edit: 22 March 2021, 12:50:58 pm by MelaninDrippin »


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Re: Sexwork, Pregnancy and Social Services
« Reply #1 on: 22 March 2021, 08:10:40 pm »
As long as they have no cause for concern you should be fine. If I were you I'd find a solicitor specialising in family law, they'll be able to advise you better than anyone. A lot of it comes down to the social worker assigned to you and your case and how they perceive you as they're the ones writing any reports etc. I'd advise you to be open and honest (if it ever comes out that you've lied to them they will use this to discredit you, I tried denying my SW and it blew up in my face horribly)
Tbh it doesn't sound like you have anything to worry about but it's worth getting a solicitor just in case. Congratulations on your pregnancy and all the best x
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Re: Sexwork, Pregnancy and Social Services
« Reply #2 on: 23 March 2021, 04:16:31 am »
Thank you so much, I feel reassured hearing from someone whos been through it.
I wont lie about OF then.

Cheers again x


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Re: Sexwork, Pregnancy and Social Services
« Reply #3 on: 23 March 2021, 10:12:49 am »
I would be careful tbh. I personally wouldn't disclose too much information about sex work and anything your doing around it be it online, webcamming etc. If social services are aware of it and bring it up I would just say it was something I did in the past and I am no longer that person etc because unfortunately it's frowned upon especially if you have kids and have suffered mental health issues. I have kids and made that mistake too if disclosing i worked in the industry and because of that a referral was made to safeguarding(they are duty bound too) and me and my kids were classed as "vulnerable". I have had social services involved on and off for years because of a relationship I was in and to be honest the less said the better with them imo if you know you are fully capable of looking after your child physically and mentally. In regards to your mental health there is help you can access for that without the need for social services. They are probably doing a pre birth assessment to asses if you are fit enough to look after the baby when it's born which I have had done too. If you want to discuss the matter any further you can pm me. All the best x
« Last Edit: 23 March 2021, 10:16:54 am by Teetee »


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Re: Sexwork, Pregnancy and Social Services
« Reply #4 on: 28 March 2021, 10:32:14 pm »
Ss know what I do they are fine with me along as my child is not in the house obviously. As long as there's no cause for concern anywhere else such as meeting milestones (when older, babies reach milestones at different ages so don't be too worried about that), they are clean and well fed and have everything they need. When child goes to nursery / school they may well do a sort of welfare check and just ask the school if they have any concerns regarding child's welfare. They could investigate me all they want my child is nowhere near the house when I do this and have a special ringtone for the school which is the only call I'll answer when in booking. Along as your looking after yourself and your child don't let it stress you ok. I think pregnancy may be an issue but i wasn't pregnant when I started this so I can't really comment on that but perhaps get yourself tested more often to show that you are doing your best while your preg if your escorting while preg. Good luck for the future x