I have been in situations where I could not do full sex - mainly to do with thrush, chlamydia (being responsible until the meds were finished), BV and periods. I found that it was best to do a long run of no intercourse rather than switching from one week or month to the next - otherwise clients got confused.
I did a big "marketing" drive to big up the keeping my pants on offerings. Business did drop off a bit but I got new clients who really enjoyed what I offered. They tended to be older and more civilised if I'm honest. I learnt some proper non-sexula massage techniques too.
My advice for the appointment is to wear jeans and keep them on or if you wear a skirt, thick tights and big tight knickers to stop hands wandering or misinterpreted visual signals that give ideas that things might progress in the downstairs department. If you have bare legs or stockings/knickers on show, the wandering hands have a habit of seeking out the closed shop.