I do think it's harder for some women if they want to do much more vanilla or safer services because they will have a limited percentage of clients to attract compared to ladies that offer a really lot with starting prices quite low
Everyone has a 'limited' number of potential punters by virtue of everything from their location to their prices to their working hours to their hair colour. Nobody appeals to everyone.
For as long as people conflate offering different services with fewer services this weirdness will continue, when in reality this is like saying an Indian restaurant is offering 'less' than an Italian restaurant because they don't serve pizza. Each restaurant has it's own tailored offering and they're not comparable.
There is also far more to services than a tacky ticklist on a shitheap site like Adultwork, and the punters who realise that are the ones I want and thankfully, get. Granted I had to move areas to get them in sufficient numbers to earn the money I want and obviously this isn't going to be possible for everyone, but this was nothing to do with a lack of punters per se, just a lack of punters I could stay in the same room as for more than about thirty seconds without wanting to shriek.
It amazes me that agencies still exist, but they do. Some people are happy to pay a pimp even in 2022, but it would be nice to see them eventually crawl off into the history books.