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Author Topic: Is it hard not to prejudice against clients on appearance?  (Read 3921 times)

Naked Chef

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Two posts in the one day, dear oh me, this is some day it is shaping up to be!

So I just had my last booking and it shook me up a little, in more ways than one!

My client booked via AW and we had the phone chat etc and all was well. However, when he arrived, I freaked out a little (only on the inside!). He appeared to be a drug addict of some sort; that pasty skin; foaming at the mouth; sores round his mouth and nose; swollen hands and ankles etc. I didn't know whether to tell him to leave or not! I was a little unsettled as I genuinely didn't know how he would react. He didn't seem to be high at the time, but clearly was an abuser of something.

While he was in the shower I had a feel of his jacket pockets to make sure he wasn't carrying. When we got into the bedroom, I suggested we used my bed restraints and I strapped him to the bed. This was for my own safety. He got some very restricted services: no owo, no cim, no kissing and no sex. Throughout the duration of the booking I just kept thinking he was going to rob me.

But actually, he was respectful, he behaved and he left on time without any hassle. I am disappointed in myself. Firstly for assuming something bad was going to happen because he looked like he was a drug addict. Secondly for going through with the booking even though I thought something might happen. And thirdly for feeling his pockets for knives etc.

Do you guys ever make assumptions about people based on their appearances? I suppose in this industry it is hard not to :-S


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Re: Is it hard not to prejudice against clients on appearance?
« Reply #1 on: 23 July 2015, 04:42:19 pm »
I've had a couple of clients where I check the money more carefully than I do normally and keep my eye on its location the whole booking. Can't say what it is about them that makes me do that, just a feeling.


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Re: Is it hard not to prejudice against clients on appearance?
« Reply #2 on: 23 July 2015, 04:51:52 pm »
I've actually had a couple of drug addicts and past drug addicts admit it to me, I don't really care as long as they're not using during the booking, especially if it's an incall at a hotel I'm using. Drugs aren't really the problem for me, I tend to get this feeling if I get a very large and overbearing or aggressive looking client, though if I make a mental list of the clients that have acted this way with me, they tend to be very unassuming average-height quiet seeming men. ::) I base most things on attitude as opposed to appearance really, but I would never blame someone in this line of work for feeling uncomfortable because of the very nature of what we do. I despise it when bitter punters say it's no different to refusing someone as a shop keeper or something, I would love to ask them if they'd understand the difference had I presented them with a 70 year old man to either fuck or sell groceries to.


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Re: Is it hard not to prejudice against clients on appearance?
« Reply #3 on: 23 July 2015, 05:15:06 pm »
I think I would have been freaked out, too.

I empathise with your shame over having not given him the best service - because I would have been, as well, after the fact. I can't remember specifics but I know there have been times I've been a bit cold towards clients and later realised that I had been unfair.

We are not medical/whatever professionals and we can't always know what we're seeing. If someone showed up all pasty and with sores all over his face, I'd be really weirded out. 

It's easy to say with hindsight but I guess I'd be thinking that I should have gently refused to see him. However, this is very hard to do. I've only done it once - with a guy so high his eyes were saucers. I was very kindly about  it - I made a point of saying he should have some water and that it wouldn't be fair of me to take his money and take advantage of him in the state he was in. He took it well, really. But that was probably the only time I've done it. It's not greed that makes me go through with bookings I wish I could reject: it's embarrassment and even fear of actually sending them away.


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Re: Is it hard not to prejudice against clients on appearance?
« Reply #4 on: 23 July 2015, 07:50:47 pm »
It's the been partying for last two day types, or plain hungover I really do not like. For a start off they tend to have a wierd smell about them, plus are quite over ambitious or get annoyed about their performance really easily. I just feel very uncomfortable and will do anything to avoid seeing anyone in that state.

Sores can be a result of anything, and I apply the same security rules to everyone no matter what they look like.

I have known people from all walks of life, in all situations and find that morals and standards don't necessarily correlate with lifestyle.


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Re: Is it hard not to prejudice against clients on appearance?
« Reply #5 on: 23 July 2015, 11:59:37 pm »
Why not just say you feel uncomfortable/make up an excuse to not do the booking then give him his money back?
Rather than take his money and go through with the booking?

You said he was clean and respectful, which is all that should be needed to provide the full services on offer. I know it's 'on discretion' but we all know that means we do the things on Likes list as long as there's no reason not to.

I really think the client was ripped off here. Not much you can do about it now though I guess.


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Re: Is it hard not to prejudice against clients on appearance?
« Reply #6 on: 24 July 2015, 01:27:41 am »
It's not always easy to think sensibly when you get a shock, which I would have done if faced with the client NC describes. He clearly didn't feel too aggrieved at the service he received, and I would say he should be grateful she went through with it at all.
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: Is it hard not to prejudice against clients on appearance?
« Reply #7 on: 24 July 2015, 06:18:17 am »
Ŵell done you for improvising and still giving him a good time. I certainly wouldn't have been kissing someone with mouth sores either. It reminds me of a time a similar sounding client came to see me. I remember thinking oh my god I want to send him away, but decided to go through with it. As he got closer the smell was  :-X. Most of my services instantly became unavailable. So I asked him if he had any fantasies (with the intention of using what little acting skills I have to have as little contact as possible). He said he'd been to a strip club the night before.. So then I morphed into his naughty stripper, instructing him to sit on his hands and look but not touch, but he could pleasure himself if he wished. I spoke utter filth, telling him what I'd like to do to him, but I'd lose my job if the manager caught me. I let him have the occasional grope when I could see the managers back was turned. He left very happy and tried to see me again the next day.. Of course I was busy..!

You handled your situation well, and everyone was happy in the end. Don't feel bad. It doesn't sound as though he picked up on any doubts you were having. We always have to be on our guard, but it's human nature that some people make us more cautious than others.
« Last Edit: 24 July 2015, 06:20:08 am by pussycat »


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Re: Is it hard not to prejudice against clients on appearance?
« Reply #8 on: 24 July 2015, 09:30:59 am »
Ah sores around mouth, now I would not be kissing him and turning him around at the door.


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Re: Is it hard not to prejudice against clients on appearance?
« Reply #9 on: 24 July 2015, 10:05:41 am »
If it were JUST a sore - like a cold sore - I probably wouldn't turn him away. But I'd explain that I can't kiss him or RO and let him make up his own mind about why to do. Cold sores are common and not actually scary so long as you use sense. But this guy sounded like some sort of junkie leper, and that's another thing.

Naked Chef

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Re: Is it hard not to prejudice against clients on appearance?
« Reply #10 on: 24 July 2015, 10:51:18 am »

You said he was clean and respectful, which is all that should be needed to provide the full services on offer.

I really think the client was ripped off here. Not much you can do about it now though I guess.

I didn't mention his cleanliness. He went for a shower before hand but he was not clean as I removed a thick ring of cock cheese from under his foreskin before opting for OW aided by my body wand. He made no attempt to kiss me or give me oral or else I would have explained these were off limits.

He left extremely happy so no, I don't think the client was ripped off or felt that way!

Nia Hope

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Re: Is it hard not to prejudice against clients on appearance?
« Reply #11 on: 24 July 2015, 11:42:30 am »
I think hardcore drug users wouldn't spend any disposable income on hookers or have any sex drive, some guys just look rough! I hate the coke heads, they're so sure of themselves then get all paranoid over nothing. I caught a guy in my shower room sniffing lines and I asked him to leave, I can't be arsed with the attitude these days x
If something is not perceived it doesn't exist.

Naked Chef

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Re: Is it hard not to prejudice against clients on appearance?
« Reply #12 on: 24 July 2015, 12:34:03 pm »
What?!! He had the cheek to do it in your flat?! Drug addicts do worry me because their behaviour can be so unpredicatable.

I strictly do not see clients who have been drinking, and once a regular showed up who had clearly been drinking; I could taste it off him depsite his multiple visits to the bathroom for mouthwash. I was furious with him, told him so and have never seen him since.

I think hardcore drug users wouldn't spend any disposable income on hookers or have any sex drive.

I thought this too but then thought he only gave me the money to rob it (plus my day's takings) back off me.

Sassy Slapper

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Re: Is it hard not to prejudice against clients on appearance?
« Reply #13 on: 24 July 2015, 01:08:21 pm »
I dont care how respectful someone is, if they have sores around their mouth then I would let them in then explain in as nice a way as possible that I cant go through with the booking but to come back once the sores have gone. It could be cold sores which means they cant kiss me, cant lick me down below, I cant give them a blowjob in case they have touched their mouth then their cock and they cant even touch my fanny for the same reason. Better all round if its just stopped before its started. If I had sores around my mouth I wouldnt take bookings for the very same reasons.


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Re: Is it hard not to prejudice against clients on appearance?
« Reply #14 on: 24 July 2015, 01:47:13 pm »
Ah sores around mouth, now I would not be kissing him and turning him around at the door.

Ditto. There is NO way I would go there. I wouldn't be able to service him I'm afraid.

I'm becoming very picky in my old age though!