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Author Topic: Holiday  (Read 1264 times)


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« on: 27 April 2016, 07:06:58 am »
Hi Ladies,

After a bit of advice.  I've only been escorting for about 3 months.  I'm loving it so far.  A few weirdo's but on the whole met lots of great guys and having an amazing time.

One of my regulars, who i see every week, has offered to take me to his private villa in Spain for a weeks holiday.  I've seen this guy quite a lot, including a couple of overnights and we get on well.

Couple of questions, has anyone done this before ?  If so I'm worried abuot spending a whole week with someone, I'm thinking of going for a long weekend, does that sound better?  Also what on earth do I charge ? 

I realise this is quite a nice position to be in, plus quite want to top up my tan with no tan lines lol  ;D



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    • bbwcaledonia
Re: Holiday
« Reply #1 on: 27 April 2016, 10:28:12 am »
Work out how much you would be losing out on if away, for example if you charge ?120 for an hour and see 5 clients a week, then you should charge at least that.

I work out my overnight rate x number of nights, (so say ?700 x 7 = ?4900) but would then probably take a bit off and actually charge ?4500.

Some people would charge say roughly two overnights per day.

Its up to yourself what you would be happy receiving.


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Re: Holiday
« Reply #2 on: 27 April 2016, 10:34:37 am »
Also get a deposit so you can arrange your own travel as you don't want to have to give out your passport details.

I check travel costs and charge 30% of my fee + travel costs.

And the most important thing make sure the guy knows he is expected to pay you, as you do get idiots who think because they are paying our expenses etc that they don't have to pay our fee.

Then there is those who just think we would be happy with a free holiday.

Green Carnation

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Re: Holiday
« Reply #3 on: 27 April 2016, 12:56:50 pm »
Well, my regular has recently asked me to go on holiday with him to Spain too. 'All expenses covered'  ;D
I was seriously considering going, except that it turned out, he meant he will pay for my ryanair flight and will 'wine and dine' me in a 10euros all you can eat tapas type of place, and of course have sex with me (for free, no sorry- for the amazing oportunity of being on holiday with him)
Of course I must be silly to expect to be paid for going on a free holiday! Ha ha.

So make sure, he actually wants to pay you in cash for this holiday, and not expecting you to accept 'expenses paid' in exchange for sex, your wasted time, and all the stress of being around a stranger 24hours a day.

Some other guys also expect to pay someting around ?100-200 per day, how could you not accept  :P


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Re: Holiday
« Reply #4 on: 27 April 2016, 04:20:10 pm »
It's a big risk to take both financially and security wise if he wants you to sit together on the plane and book everything etc he'll need all your personal details. If you are comfortable with that then this is fine but you need to make sure to do business correctly otherwise you risk a client creeping to the point they get familiar enough with you to feel a sense of entitlement that they are basically in a relationship with you and can get sex for free on demand also that they can tell you what to do.

But if you can work out a deal that makes the whole thing worthwhile with you making money and you have an agreement on what you will be doing there, where you will stay with the exact address and everything else, who is paying for what expenses wise and his expectations sexually (He might even think he's entitled to bareback nevermind sex on demand) then it could be fun.

I think personally my biggest concern would be that I'm in a different country with different laws and with a person who while is a client is also an unknown to me. I don't have friends close by to back me up and contact the Police if I get in trouble. It also may be a country with a language that you don't speak. A villa is likely more dangerous than a hotel room since you are in their territory where as a hotel is more neutral. I'd just do a lot of research and have very deep discussions about everything covering all possibilities. 


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Re: Holiday
« Reply #5 on: 27 April 2016, 10:28:06 pm »

Thanks for the advice ladies, it's made me think a bit more about it !  Hadn't thought about having to give him my proper name and details.  Damn it, I knew there would be a catch somewhere :)  Oh well maybe just go on holiday on my own lol.
