You know, last night as I was thinking about how quiet things have been going the past month, I began to think about when I had first moved to the city I currently live in, which was last July. From that time, I was just beginning my advertising on the main sites. I had few professional photos, and they really werent the best. I was even told by a couple people that I could use better photos. Yet, I was getting calls left and right...and at this point I had forgotten how many appointments I was actually getting. I was on a role!
Now, and actually since around November I have noticed things have gotten so quiet, eerily quiet. Even the bookings I do get are from those who happen to be in town themselves from a trip. So I'm wondering, is traveling the way to go? The answer in my head has been yes all along. I feel like I have dried up whatever base I had here. There are times when on a website where I used to get business, I have gone 2-3 weeks with nothing at all! I have spent membership fees on websites and havent gotten a single booking from it, yet few months ago it was my main source of bookings! I have some travel plans coming up for next month in which I will be gone for a while to several different places. I cannot wait. But I cant help but wonder, isnt that how it must remain?
I really cant quite pinpoint whats causing this to be this way. Im thinking, its the city? (Although I live in a big city, the escort/client pool is small compared to cities equal its size, e.g. Chicago.) Is it the time of year? Or have I over-grazed this town to the point where my base is dried and sparse?