Hey Alisha
I dont think your problems here are to do with etiquette, they're more to do with the construct of 'Five + Five' that you set for yourself

Your site is gorgeous and from the way it's written I think a lot is made clear about the standards of behaviour that you expect and what you offer. If you've written down all of the 'rules' that apply to both you and your Clients and they dont add up to five each then all you need to do is change the title of the page!
I think you're making it un-necessarily hard on yourself by trying to think of that exact number and you run the risk of including something not really required and trivialising the article, or missing out on something important, just because you started out wanting 5+5.
If you come up with 6 'rules' for the Clients and 4 for you then just call it '10 rules' - I'm sure your Clients will e charmed to see that not ALL the rules are for them and that you set yourself high standards too.
Just my take on things - not sure if it helps or not?

R xx