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Author Topic: Travelling abroad  (Read 3252 times)


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Re: Travelling abroad
« Reply #15 on: 29 September 2011, 12:45:06 pm »
I have done loads of long bookings. The longest was 2 weeks in South Africa. I think you have to do a few overnights first with them to make sure you won't end up killing each other. I do find the stroking, gazing holding hands thing a bit difficult but thankfully not everyone is like that. I always make it clear that I expect some me time. I do it in a casual way though, not like I want an hour a day away from you. I just make an appointment at the hairdressers, go to the gym or spa. pop out to the shops etc. Just like you would in a normal relationship. Nobody has ever had a problem with that. I do a lot of research into the destination and plan loads of activities and suggest unusual bars and restaurants to visit. They seem to really appreciate that you have made the effort and I have some kind of structure to the week(s). Also, I feel able on a long booking to say "not tonight I am a bit sleepy". Just because he is paying doesn't mean you have to have sex several times a day.

Thanks for the response. That is the general feeling I have.
I have done multiple overnights with him so it's fine. And you're right, I guess if I wanted to get away I'd go for a walk or something.

Plus I think the money would be really good, He could pay me well. I think it would have to be pretty good considering I would be  missing out on ten or so days of regular work, from which I could normally earn anything up to or more than ?2000.

So we'll see.

Thanks to everyone for the feedback.
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