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Author Topic: In a serious relationship and escorting  (Read 1919 times)


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Re: In a serious relationship and escorting
« Reply #15 on: 15 September 2024, 03:22:51 pm »
I dated a clients when I was 23. He was a millionaire , worked away on a job big consultant guy on the pipeline. Everything was perfect and I was infatuated with him. He spoiled me rotten, then said don't wat you escorting anymore. I'll look after you. Big mistake  quitting job.

As soon as quit job, then control started. He buy food and take me nice restaurants and let me stay at his rented cottage for free / living with him. But then my car failed MOT and he wouldn't pay for a tyre/ repairs . So i was stranded. Had to reply on lifts everywhere from him as lived in country with no buses.  He stopped my allowance etc, degraded me, your a slag// slapper etc. Isolated me from friends. I even had to ask for money for tampons ffs!

Then found out he was booking other escorts, on dating sites etc  and I finally ended it. A few weeks later a woman phoned me telling me to stay away from her husband ! He told me she was his cousin and cleaner had same surname. He used to go home every other weekend and always couldn't go with him in case ex wife caused a scene. He even had his teenage son come and stay for a weekend and told me sleep in spare room and say we were work colleges as didn't want his ex finding out as she be demanding more child support. Completely fell for his shit!

Anyway turns out he was married all along.His ex wife wasn't his ex!  He often worked away from home years at a time and his wife told me I was another bit on the side and he would never leave her. And I was one of many stupid cows over the years!

First thing started work in parlour again build up some money and went indie again. Best thing you can do is start working again, forget this tosser! He will always lie, cheat on you and expect you to give up your financial independence while he carries on paying for sex.

I know your self esteem be low , I'm guessing hes been using gaslighting tactics. Your worth far more than him!

Don't ever date a client , they never change , will always use escorts and expect you give up work while they carry on!

By the way I'm 40 now and busy as ever work wise, at 29 you're not too old, not even in your prime yet!


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Re: In a serious relationship and escorting
« Reply #16 on: 16 September 2024, 04:42:49 pm »
Thanks girls

Confronted him last night. I even realised how much he looks at others girls yesterday. Says it because he can't believe how they only looked 18 but were smoking.

Sounds like a lame excuse to me


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Re: In a serious relationship and escorting
« Reply #17 on: 16 September 2024, 06:00:59 pm »
Do you ever stay over in this guys house


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Re: In a serious relationship and escorting
« Reply #18 on: 16 September 2024, 06:52:14 pm »
Thanks girls

Confronted him last night. I even realised how much he looks at others girls yesterday. Says it because he can't believe how they only looked 18 but were smoking.

Sounds like a lame excuse to me

Sweetheart I'd be ditching him for that comment alone, it says 2 things

1 he is happy to look at underage girls in a sexual context,  because let's face it he doesn't know if the beautiful young girl on the street or in the cafe he's ogling is 18 yet or not.
2 he's telling you he has to look because they are better than you are, he's undermining you so you will compare yourself to other younger women he deems to be smokin and you will in your own head come up short, because he has pre programmed you to.

No need to confront him just get rid of him, he doesn't deserve an explanation or your emotional time and effort.

I no longer want to be with you as I value myself more than you do is all you need if you must give him a reason.


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Re: In a serious relationship and escorting
« Reply #19 on: 16 September 2024, 07:29:47 pm »
Thanks girls

Confronted him last night. I even realised how much he looks at others girls yesterday. Says it because he can't believe how they only looked 18 but were smoking.

Sounds like a lame excuse to me

That sounds like the least of your problems right now, the big problem is that you’re being used by a tosser who cheats on you left and right , gaslights you, lowers your self esteem massively, doesn’t have a dime and you’re thinking in quitting your job for said tosser who treats you very poorly. Someone needs to give you a head wobble OP.
Mornings were made for sleeping, wild sex and bacon.


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Re: In a serious relationship and escorting
« Reply #20 on: 17 September 2024, 05:04:25 am »
Don't confront him or try to change him.

Protect yourself by exiting from the "relationship"
Run away don't look back
don't be tempted to date him again

but be nice
don't turn him into an enemy

ex-boyfriends as enemies are not a good thing.

Just do not be tempted to staying with this guy.


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Re: In a serious relationship and escorting
« Reply #21 on: 17 September 2024, 07:33:08 am »
Hi op
I'm in my early 40s and spent from the age of 16 in toxic relationships with narcissists/addicts/waste men etc etc.
I only recently started counselling. I wish I'd done thar at your age. I also (even though this job suits me now) wish I'd gotten an education in something long term.
Don't end up like me 40 something with no prospects and very damaged self esteem.
I can recommend two books
Why does he do that by Lundy Bancroft and women who love too much.
Also start listening to Tony Robbins.
Join a gym for mood enhancement
Download confidence hypnosis.
I wish I'd had the bravery to step off this cycle at your age


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Re: In a serious relationship and escorting
« Reply #22 on: 17 September 2024, 03:58:06 pm »
Girl dump his ass he's shown you he has no respect for you.
Being in the same bed as his ex looking at young girls asking to get an escort I'm sorry he doesn't give a f about you don't give up your job that's exactly what he wants and his behaviour will not change