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Author Topic: imperfections  (Read 3020 times)


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« on: 18 September 2011, 09:04:28 pm »
hello everyone, i am 32 and have a meeting with a agency on Wednesday. really want to go ahead with it i hope they take me on. i am pretty enough but concerned about scars on my arms from self harm from a few years ago. do you think this is going to be a problem?and what about faint stretch marks? everyone seems to have flawless skin!! ???


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Re: imperfections
« Reply #1 on: 18 September 2011, 09:19:59 pm »
Hey there,

Firstly I'd say don't be fooled by perfect skin, lack of cellulite etc. A lot of escort photographs on the internet are manipulated by photographers using photoshop and the like. In reality nobody is perfect.

I think a big part of it is about a certain level of self confidence. Being sexy/attractive is more than lack of spots it comes from the inside as well as out and beauty is as they say in the eye of the beholder.

As for scars from self harming I don't know to be perfectly honest. I would love to confidently say that it wouldn't bother any agencies but I think the reality is that it may. How noticeable are they? Does covering them with make up help? I am about to go back to work after recovering from 2nd degree burn and am nervous about the slight scaring aspect. I found some wonderful scar make up that you could maybe look into.

 Apart from the actual scar aspect an agency might think about the more phycological side to scars from self harming. I know that is what would be on my mind if I were interviewing you.

However I will say this. If you are happy enough and confident to go ahead with interviews (which i hope you are :)) then do it. Hold your head up high, maybe even discuss the fact that it is part of your past not your future and always try to be prepared for some kind of rejection in this line of work. Nobody is everybody's cup of tea.

Good Luck


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Re: imperfections
« Reply #2 on: 18 September 2011, 09:21:11 pm »
everyone seems to have flawless skin!! ???

This is good lighting, makeup and Photoshop. Nobody has flawless skin in real life, I promise you! Even in my candid pictures (ones I take at home for my Adultwork private gallery in case clients fancy seeing the natural me), I obviously don't choose ones where the lighting makes me look washed out - this means I have to take about five pictures to get a good one, mind, but I'm not photogenic and clients always tell me I look surprisingly decent in real life. :P

So please don't worry that you won't match up to the army of flawless bronze goddesses that escorts can appear to be if you've been browsing agency sites (indie escorts are more likely to ask for less photoshopping on their pro pics because we are more concerned about clients being disappointed upon meeting us, cos we have our reputations to protect etc) - nobody looks like that in real life!

I do work on my body (eating well and occasionally even exercising! ;D) so that I feel confident when working but there's absolutely no point my trying to hide my real shape or size so I generally don't worry about it at all. Men like all different sorts of women so there's a niche for skinny, for curvy, any extreme and anything in between. If you work independently, you can market your unique qualities and personality just as much or even more than you market your looks and services, but if you join an agency you'll likely just end up with some super-'shopped pictures like the others on the site because they tend to be much less good at marketing their girls as individuals. "You want blonde or brunette?" is usually about as in-depth as they get!

Apologies for this off-topic reminder, but have you read other posts on this forum about what to expect when meeting with a potential agent? You must remember to keep your standards high and do not accept any nonsense from them. Also, please make sure you've got your own security organised as agencies have higher priorities than your safety - they want you to earn them money, first and foremost. It's hard to call an agent and tell them you want to leave a booking because the client's stinky/mean/rude, for example, but if you have a real friend you can call and who knows where you are and when you should be finished, you'll have some genuine backup and support. Most essential in this biz.
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Re: imperfections
« Reply #3 on: 18 September 2011, 09:21:54 pm »
everyone seems to have flawless skin!! ???

Lol, do a search for "retouching" :).

The agency might care about your scars; some are a lot fussier than others so we couldn't say. If they do it just means that you need to keep looking or set yourself up independently. There are all sorts of successful escorts out there; imperfections don't really hold you back as long as you're ok with them.


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Re: imperfections
« Reply #4 on: 18 September 2011, 09:45:11 pm »
What they said, really. Clients you would actually want tend to be grateful that they have a real person prepared to be sexual with them rather than having a magnifying glass out looking for pores that are bigger than they like. A few will find a reason to complain about everything, usually to cover up their own inadequacy, and I am sure that everyone has been described as too big by some and too small by others.

Without knowing how good a job you did of making them, the scars could be as much of an issue as you make them. They could be commented on, and it's a good idea to think about what to say. Be positive - you're happier now and I know some very successful and sexy people whose arms look like someone has practised cross-hatching on them.
« Last Edit: 19 September 2011, 09:53:46 am by xw5 »
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: imperfections
« Reply #5 on: 18 September 2011, 11:18:23 pm »
I've worked for several agencies in the past and I also have noticeable scarring on both forearms.
I got around it by ensuring that in my 'interview' I ensured I wore something that covered up my arms. You should be meeting in a public place anyway so it shouldn't be any problem to wear long sleeves.

Then when you have your photos done (where the agency owners more that likely won't be present anyway) you jut ask the tog to airbrush out your scars. After all, if people in real life know about them they can be quite an identifying feature.

I never had a client 'complain' about my scars but do be aware that lot's of clients will ask incredibly tactless and intrusive questions. Ranging from 'What happened to your arms?' to guys who know exactly what they are looking at and seem to think they have the right to intrude into your emotional state of mind. This can be very annoying and potentially upsetting. So please do be aware that it is bound to happen several times if you decide to go ahead with escorting, and be mentally prepared for it.


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Re: imperfections
« Reply #6 on: 19 September 2011, 09:24:13 am »
Don't forget too that clients can have big scars &  can be very self conscious about them,  it's just part of life & being human! You can always wear those long fingerless gloves on bookings if you are overly self conscious but men are men & lets face it they don't notice


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Re: imperfections
« Reply #7 on: 19 September 2011, 10:49:42 pm »
thanks so much! really good feedback. i will look up scar makeup. just have to make the sex so good they forget all about the fact i could be a nutter. lo!


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Re: imperfections
« Reply #8 on: 20 September 2011, 12:07:27 am »
Hi Hettie
I agree that confidence is the key, and that your clients wont notice anyway - but if you are having a moment of wobbly confidence then a dress like the one in this link might help. I have some lingerie that is similar and it kind of covers me, but shows a lot too. Clients love it :)
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Re: imperfections
« Reply #9 on: 20 September 2011, 12:37:54 am »
Hi, you mentioned camouflage make-up, this one sends you a sampler pack in about a million different skin tones (with setting powder), and is just over a fiver.

So you can see which shade suits your skin tone, before ordering a full sized pot.
The N.H.S. recommend this brand for birthmarks, and it covers tattoos.

Like everyone else has said though, the client wants to have sex with a real live woman, not an air brushed blow up doll, and once you've seen a few clients, this will become less and less of a concern for you.
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Re: imperfections
« Reply #10 on: 20 September 2011, 09:23:50 am »
I tried veilcover it does cover things but is full of nasty chemicals..

lailah terri

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Re: imperfections
« Reply #11 on: 20 September 2011, 03:15:55 pm »

I was worried about the same thing on my agency meetings! But dont stress about it, i have some scarring, some i leave on show and the ones i dont want to talk about i cover with Dermablend (the camouflage concealer then set with powder), im not sure of the ingredients.

If you have the right attitude and confidence i dont think you will have any issues. I had a duo with another (pretty popular and highly reviewed) girl and let me tell you she was very far from the beautiful smooth buttery skinned fresh faced image on the agency's site. but i can see why she was popular, her confidence shone through and she just oozed sexiness  ;)

anyhow, good luck with your meetings, and i will also advise that you read the info about agency meetings, it really helps. be sure to ask as many questions as you like, I took a notepad full of everything i was nervous about!
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
? Marilyn Monroe


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Re: imperfections
« Reply #12 on: 22 September 2011, 09:40:30 pm »
thanks again! got the job! he asked about the scars and said he had seen them in my pics. but i told him  i would get them covered for work. so all seems fine i hope. gonna order some makeup next week when i get paid from my day job as a teacher ha ha! if only they knew.
how much advance do they normally give you for your first job? xx


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Re: imperfections
« Reply #13 on: 22 September 2011, 10:47:44 pm »
In the UK, it's almost always the escort who gets paid by the client, so it's more a question of 'how does the agency want their cut, afterwards?' It also means 'don't do anything sexual without having had the cash in your hand first' is a good rule to follow.

If the agency is getting paid by the client, you have to trust them rather a lot until you get the money.

Or do you mean 'advance notice'?
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: imperfections and contracted hours???
« Reply #14 on: 23 September 2011, 07:49:06 am »
advanced notice. yes i have to get the cash. just wondering, as i my hours are all weekend but my mother is ill and i said i would visit her, but she is a couple of hours away. can i just ask at this early stage not to work sunday for example?or must i be ready for a call at anytime during the weekend? bit confused? and dont want to start demanding on my first weekend.  a whirl wind of confusion, excitement and nerves not to mention a million lies! need to practice some memory techniques to remember what story i have told! lol xx