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Author Topic: I would like a MENTOR/mother figure wanted whilst escorting (pros and cons)  (Read 4551 times)


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HI all :)
I am a  19 yo escorting girl soon to be 20, and have been escorting for one year. ALthough I am very experienced in the industry, I find that often the more mature escorts are much classier and much more confident at work. The class is what I'm getting at. Escorting is like an entirely new life and I would love to have a friend who is older than me as most of mine are around my age bracket or in 20's and 30's..I would like to develop class and maturity as I recently put rates up to 350 per hour. I am studying at Uni and am well travelled but it would be lovely to have someone to look up to within the industry kind of like a workmom.

Pm me if interested :)
Layla xx


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Have you tried contacting Penny at ?


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haha. You mean someone being there. its cool im 23 and I am happy to do that. you see your 19 your just changing your style thats all. its normal. youve seen or had a taste of money and now you want to mature and feel better.

I am happy to help make a friend

why not?

only thing

do you live in london


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HI all :)
I The class is what I'm getting at. Escorting is like an entirely new life and I would love to have a friend who is older than me as most of mine are around my age bracket or in 20's and 30's..I would like to develop class and maturity as I recently put rates up to 350 per hour.
Pm me if interested :)
Layla xx

If by class you mean someone who holds herself and behaves in a more classicly ladylike way then yes you can learn that but it is not easy to do as most people who act this way have been brought up to do so therefor it is natural to them.  Maturity is also something you cannot learn from someone else.  It comes with life experiences.  From what you have written it sounds like you want someone to teach you to act in a way you normally dont so you can feel worthy of charging the higher end rates.  You hsould charge wat you feel comfortable charging regardless.  You dont need someone to teach you to to be worth your rates.  regardless of who you are or how you act or speak only you can decide if you are worth what you charge. 
By all means make older friends but dont expect them to teach you to act and behave in a different way as to do that they would have to spend a lot of time on you rather than working and earning money themselves.

Be happy with who you already are.  You dont need to change yourself.   This job is hard enough without having to change your whole personality just to so you feel better about your rates.  Charge what you want and be content with who you are. 
Truth is far more important than what one wants to hear. With truth there is no us and them or colour or religion there is just fact

Brown Eyed Girl

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HI all :)
I am a  19 yo escorting girl soon to be 20, and have been escorting for one year. ALthough I am very experienced in the industry, I find that often the more mature escorts are much classier and much more confident at work. The class is what I'm getting at. Escorting is like an entirely new life and I would love to have a friend who is older than me as most of mine are around my age bracket or in 20's and 30's..I would like to develop class and maturity as I recently put rates up to 350 per hour. I am studying at Uni and am well travelled but it would be lovely to have someone to look up to within the industry kind of like a workmom.

Pm me if interested :)
Layla xx

Hi there, I?m not quite sure why you believe that with maturity comes class? I can think of plenty of ladies in this industry, at both ends of the age spectrum, who personify the traits you?re looking to emulate. For example, Jessica of Kensington, who in my humble opinion, is the epitome of class and elegance (and she has the rates to match lol). Yet she?s not even in her thirties!

But ultimately as Dani has said, the most important thing is to be proud of who you are and not trying to be something you?re not just to please others. There?s nothing more attractive to a man than woman who is confident in herself and comfortable in her own skin.  :)
« Last Edit: 23 February 2013, 08:00:28 pm by Alisha »

Nobody Interesting

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You can only teach class to an extent, the rest is an internal thing. A woman can be classy when poor, wearing jeans, working in ASDA, browsing the charity shops, living in a rented hell hole...whatever.

Yes, you can emulate a typically classy look and (I have found I can be classy on days off and yet allow my 'rocker' side to come out) that can be done on a very small budget these days. You can buy some well cut classics in the most surprising places. You can slightly soften your voice (even south London ladies like myself) and make sure you do not become lazy with speech. You can wear subtle yet sultry make-up and jewellery also. These things will improve you and will give you an outward air of class. None are rocket science.

But I am strongly of the thinking that whilst you should always strive to improve yourself, you should not alter yourself beyond recognition. Class is mainly IMO in how you carry yourself. I have friends from all sorts of backgrounds and their level of class most certainly does not bear any relation to where and how they were brought up.

Personally at your age I would simply strive to improve myself as I grow older, but be MYSELF. Charge what you feel you are worth and do not try to become what a rate bracket would determine, in your eyes. 

H x
Someone's been a bad girl


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Thanks for responses everyone :)
Yes I was brought up with education, class, good principles and to act and behave in an ideallistic way. I mean class solely in the escort industry, as opposed to in general day to day life. As an escort starting out, I did not do much research into it, and pretty much went with flow, now I want to develop more sophistication as an escort, so that my youth does not detract more mature/polite gentlemen from my service. I am excellent at communication, and also well travelled educated, I think I can benefit from observing an older woman in the industry. For example, when I started out I worked alongside two older women who were very classy and wife like, and had a natural womanly way that the customers respected right away, they had style and knew how to run the business well, both left the job but it was good to watch them arranging their rooms and styles, and also the way they dealt professionally with the customers and kept their work and personal lives seperate, as sometimes you can lose part of your identity when you are a young escort

Layla x


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Its nto just young escorts that can lose their identity.  People mature at different rates.  I know some women of 18 that are maturer than a friend of mine in her 40s  whos life seems to be one major drama after another.
Learning to run your business how you want to run it and acting towards clients in an open and friendly way and even doing your room how you want again cannot be taught.  Everything is trial and error.
Your room for example,  think of everything youmay need for any type of booking and ensure that it is placed within reach in your room.  This can be doen by having little matching colour bowls or potpouri holders filled with your essentials.  It also looks nice. The room should match your own style though.  I tend to pick a colour theme that reflects me and work around that.
Make it your style but not OTT and comfy for the client. Its ever so cheap to do, throws off ebay (nice plush full sized ones are only a tenner each) blinds with voile curtains over again a tenner on ebay.  Matching lamps ?6 each in asda, matching rugs from ?4 -?35 amazon, clear glass vase with fake flowers ?5 wilko although I used glass coloured jugs with handles as they looker quirkier.
I also keep a mini hoover in my work room so I dont have to get the main hoover out and can just whizz round with it.

Keep to your own style as it will match you then

As for customers, that comes with time.  You say you are very experienced but at 19 I am afraid you are not quite yet.  You either act womanly or you dont.  It comes with age and with knowing how to act around clients.
I now treat each cleint as if he is a long lost BF who I adore so I tend to not look business like or giggly or nervous.  You cant learn these things from watching someone else as again you will be pretending to be something you are not and that is emotionally draining and you will burn out very quickly. 

I keep saying it.  Be yourself.  You have repeat clients so they obviously like who you are already.  In time you will change how you work anyway, we all do as we learn more as time goes on.  The way we act changes slightly and so will you but it will be natural and not forced.

You could meet an older woman and start to follow what she does and then find out she doesnt have a clue what she is doing.  She could be the total opposite of what you are looking for and may be less classy or mature than you or just show you the completely unsafe and wrong way to do things.  Remember age does not mean maturity, the same as rich does not mean has class

Please be yourself and let things come to you naturally
Truth is far more important than what one wants to hear. With truth there is no us and them or colour or religion there is just fact


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You can only teach class to an extent, the rest is an internal thing. A woman can be classy when poor, wearing jeans, working in ASDA, browsing the charity shops, living in a rented hell hole...whatever.

Yes, you can emulate a typically classy look and (I have found I can be classy on days off and yet allow my 'rocker' side to come out) that can be done on a very small budget these days. You can buy some well cut classics in the most surprising places. You can slightly soften your voice (even south London ladies like myself) and make sure you do not become lazy with speech. You can wear subtle yet sultry make-up and jewellery also. These things will improve you and will give you an outward air of class. None are rocket science.

But I am strongly of the thinking that whilst you should always strive to improve yourself, you should not alter yourself beyond recognition. Class is mainly IMO in how you carry yourself. I have friends from all sorts of backgrounds and their level of class most certainly does not bear any relation to where and how they were brought up.

Personally at your age I would simply strive to improve myself as I grow older, but be MYSELF. Charge what you feel you are worth and do not try to become what a rate bracket would determine, in your eyes. 

H x

I totally agree as my Darling Mother used to say "you can not buy class, it is something you are born with, no matter your pedigree"

I have heard of some of the  supposedly "classiest" ladies in the industry who are known to be the trampiest, barebacking coke sniffers.  So the only advice I can give you is choose your company carefully!  Find someone on par to you, her rates do not need to be sky high but she could be someone of intelligence and style and it always helps to develop your own style.  Do not become a clone of someone else.  You want to stand out for who you want to be not somebody else.  If that makes any sense.


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Thanks for all the helpful replies :)

Yes very true, class can be a facade so it is important to let your actions rates and behaviour reflect only you..


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I have a question on this topic.

Over the years I've received emails from supposedly new ladies, or ladies considering taking up this line of work. They ask if I'd 'take them on', be their mentor. Each and every time I send a polite reply directing them to this site for more information. As far as I'm concerned I haven't a clue who they are, could be anyone, and I also didn't want to be responsible for anyone else's prostitution, one of my concerns is that a 1-2-1 mentoring relationship could be construed as 'controlling' in a legal sense, or at least 'encouraging'. Which is why I think this site is so great because it's independent, anonymous to the level you wish it to be, and most importantly peers supporting each other.

Any other ladies ever had the above happen?and what was your approach at the time?


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I have helped a few of my friends who are new to get clients,advised them on work etc, but I find that sort of approach does detract from your own work and people can become reliant on you


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I'm willing to mentor anyone but my mentoring charges are 150 pounds for the hour, cause why would I work for free? I mean, I'm giving someone very valuable information that I've gained through many years of experience in order to improve her business. What am I gaining by giving it for free? Sorry don't intend to come out as bitchy but information is power. Plus you'll be taking up someone time, that could be spend seeing clients, working on her marketing or just her personal time etc... So if you intend to have someone "mentor you", the fair thing is to give "something" in exchange.
« Last Edit: 26 February 2013, 10:58:58 pm by Ana30 »
Mornings were made for sleeping, wild sex and bacon.

Brown Eyed Girl

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