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Author Topic: I think I've really learnt a lesson - but still need help and advice - please.  (Read 3038 times)


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Very upset and panicked. I've searched the threads re bruising for advice and ran out to the chemist for Arnica as soon as the booking finished but the red marks are now definitely bruises and extensive on both breasts. I'm devastated because I'm taking my daughter for a Spa day after her awful time over the last month and my bruises look awful and not sure how to cover them up. Even if I get away with being uncharacteristically coy and wearing a high necked speedo the other thing is that I'm supposed to be going away for the weekend with someone who prefers to think that he is the only one and there is NO way I can hide these from him - complete disaster. I usually really enjoy him gazing appreciatively at my tits but now the thought horrifies me. He also doesn't go in for the 'dressed' look and prefers me naked so no hiding there - at least it would make me less fixed about hiding my belly with evidence of 2 caesarean scars for once now that I've got more pressing concerns. I really don't want to upset him because I like him very much, he's always kind and supportive BUT he's not someone to bullshit.

First thing I did this morning was to look down at them and I just wanted to cry- I still do. I had hoped that because they were red marks that they might fade overnight. No bloody such luck. I've experimented with BB cream and concealer and it looks hideous, mainly because I am very tanned and it just rubs off and makes the marks look more purple. It's Sunday now, going away (or not) with him next Thursday and daughter on the following Monday - do you think I've got any hope?

I'm seeing a Dom client before then, he won't mind. Wish they were all like him. He's actually very kind and very respectful and knows what he's doing. He's never left a mark on me in over 18 months even though he is quite extreme. I'm fed up of clients who don't seem to know what to do, like this recent person, didn't hurt but did mark.....what an imbicile!!! I expressly told him not to. Talk about topping from the bottom, I have to do it all the time and have now perhaps belatedly come to the conclusion that at least for me I can only enjoy being sub in a personal relationship since you either submit because you trust the person or submit to idiotic treatment for cash and can't relax into the pleasure of the 'submission'. Had an unpleasant experience last week and had to manage a really nasty person who thought that he was entitled to hurt me with absolutely no finesse just because he fancied 'it' I think and another who phoned to apologise and then asked for photographs of the bruising.

Yes I know it's my fault if I advertise yes to spanking but I can usually get them to understand my boundaries but there are too many men out there who don't know what they are doing but fancy a 'go' or others who just want to do it to be abusive. I will still keep 2 of my regular Doms as they never mark or worry me and are a dream (both heavily into fetish and BDSM and that I think is the clue- their worse offence is insisting on buying and dressing me in expensive PVC gear which is not flattering on my particular BBW shape IMO and ignore my wish for a bottle of Chanel Coco Mademoiselle - but it's now a complete shut down on the inexperienced clueless wanna be Doms who only don't know how to avoid marking me.

I never thought I'd Switch but more recently have and surprised myself at how naturally it came to me. At least I know how to tease and inflict pleasurable pain without leaving marks and the guy gets to leave actually looking noticeably more relaxed than when he came in plus I am a sucker for the gratitude.....but really, really on the point of tears about these marks, they didn't even hurt - just due to stupid bloody incompetence and I just want them gone. Really need a hug and no one around here to do that. Very sorry about the rant but it was either you lot or my daughter's riding instructor, or my very dear but vanilla friend or my day job boss or OMG...very briefly today my ex husband...all entirely inappropriate. Feeling sooooo stupid - before this happened yesterday I was feeling on the border of happy now just sooooo sad.....and annoyed. Does anyone have a magical cure? Please? Just wish that I could turn back the clock to at least 2pm yesterday.

Red KB

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I can't say I've actually tried it myself but witch hazel is said to help speed up the healing of bruises. I think you can get it in gel or liquid form at places like Boots.
We're women, it's what we do. I just get paid for it.


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  • Posts: 33
Use arnica every hour, and if it is still in the first 24 hours alternate hot and cold compresses.  Also, sunbeds work great, the UV actually breaks down the leached blood.  You say you're very tanned so you could do 5mins per day between now and Thurs, also a deeper tan will help to hide as it fades.

I manage to get rid of botox and filler bruising on the face with this between 3 and 7 days depending on severity lol

Oh, and exercise, anything that gets the lymph moving.



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I'll go down to The 24 hour Boots now and see if I can get some witch hazel - will keep on with the arnica hourly and maybe aloe vera. Thought I had heard about UV before so will definitely do that everyday this week. Did think about hot or cold compress last night but worried that one would make it worse and couldn't figure out which one. Putting on the sports bra right now. I know that this seems really trivial, much more horrendous things have happened in my life and of course for others but for some reason this has really, really upset me and made me panic, I feel like a bloody rabbit caught in a trap considering chewing off my paw to get free from this -  so thank you both so much for the prompt advice xxx


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Massage the affected area lots too with the cream, its all about breaking the blood down and moving it through the system.  You stand a fair chance for Thursday and a good chance for Monday.  Have you got any vibration plates near you (flabelos etc) they help too.

Fingers crossed for you! There's nothing worse than the worry of upsetting people we care about, dealing with bad things that have happened to us is completely different to the possibility of inflicting upset onto others.  Very stressful! Hugs to you x Glass of wine and a film or book to take your mind off it will help, you can massage your way through it!



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Yes have been massaging the affected areas and sat outside with a frozen bad of green beans on one and garden peas on the other - think that the neighbours might think me a bit odd but the hysteria has slightly receded. Yes you put your finger on it exactly just realised that I can handle my own stuff but the prospect of hurting loved ones is unbearable in any circumstances even the most seemingly ridiculous ones. Good idea about the flabelos thing, think there's one at the tanning place so will head down there in the morning. Many thanks again for your good advice.