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Author Topic: I really want to do this but .......  (Read 1737 times)


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I really want to do this but .......
« on: 01 August 2010, 08:33:17 pm »
Hi everyone,

This is an excellent site and has given me enormous amounts of information.

I've got a 7 month old baby and things are very tight at the moment so I have decided to try Escorting, incalls are out of the question!! I hope some of you with more experience could help me with a few questions:

There are two things I am concerned with,

1. Safety, I have read the warning posts about the time wasters and dangerous clients and I have also read everything about outcall guidelines but how many of you have actually been hurt, injured or bullied into doing something you didn't want to do? I've got a driver so that eliminates some of my worry, I just hope I don't end up with some nutter.

2. Obviously I take my health very seriously and won't be offering bareback or bj without a condom but what if the man wants to give you oral - can you catch anything from him doing that - or sucking your tits??

I'm also a size 18-20 so I hope I will be able to find enough clients in the first place!!

Thanks for all your help,

Sarah xx


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Re: I really want to do this but .......
« Reply #1 on: 02 August 2010, 07:45:31 am »
 In 18months (and lots of tours) I have only come across two nutters. One was my own fault as my head was telling me not to accept the booking but for some reason I did anyway. Lesson learnt. Listen to your inner voice. If something feels wrong then do not go ahead.

As for getting bookings being a size 18 - 20. I am an 18 and get more than enough sweetie

I have never heard of anyone catching an STI from having their boobs sucked and am pretty sure that unless you have open cuts then their is no problem at all. Receiving oral should again be fine as long as he doesnt have coldsores or open cuts and neither do you.
Why not pop along to your local GUM clinic where they will happily give you all the facts on Sti's so you are better informed.
Truth is far more important than what one wants to hear. With truth there is no us and them or colour or religion there is just fact


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Re: I really want to do this but .......
« Reply #2 on: 02 August 2010, 07:50:13 am »
Regards your first question, as "nutters" are not proportionally spread about the UK, its going to be different for everybody, in saying that looking at the warning boards, while not an ideal indicator, it shows, incidents are not a regular occurrence, with the bullying into something you don?t want to do, that?s where good customer relation skills come in, if your assertive enough it just doesn?t happen.

STD's you can catch from reverse oral, you can also get hit crossing the road, there are many nasties listed here that you could possibly contract but in saying that the risks are very small, at the end of the day, its your choice.

Finding clients shouldn?t be a problem. Although outcalls only may well reduce the number.


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Re: I really want to do this but .......
« Reply #3 on: 02 August 2010, 01:19:28 pm »
I've never run into anyone really dangerous, I had a horrible experience with a man who was verbally abusive and intimidating but it didn't go beyond that. I have had clients try to bully me into providing services I don't offer, if you tell them off usually they back down, and I have had to throw men out a couple of times for being rude and disrespectful.

When I asked at the clinic they told me that receiving oral without protection does carry some risk. Herpes, Syphillis and Gonhorrea can all be spread that way, although the risk is lower than other types of sex and obviously herpes and syphillis you would usally be able to see the sores and refuse the service. If you're not comfortable offering it though, don't. It's not a deal breaker for a lot of clients and there are plenty of ladies that don't allow it.

Personally I'm happy to receive oral as long as I can't see any sores on the client's mouth, tongue or lips, and as long as they have good oral hygeine (as stds aren't the only thing you want to avoid, any kind of nasty bacteria down there is no fun).
Previously known as Krystal Champagne