Currently, as you're still very much presenting as a woman, albeit a hirsute one, maybe you should focus your marketing around that - they are lots of men who enjoy hairier women, so advertise as having a full bush, hairy armpits and that you don't shave your legs.
I don't think it is possible for you to advertise as a trans male until you have had surgery, because until you do, you still have the body of a biological female. Also, be prepared that working as a trans male (FtM) will be incredibly niche, and there might not be any takers, although for some men, I suppose it will be an experience to tick off. You mention having bottom surgery. Will you be having a phalloplasty? If you are, it would be worth waiting to see how functional your penis will be. It is worth noting that Buck Angel didn't have a phalloplasty because it is impossible to make a penis that is comparable to a biological one, and instead, he kept his vagina and is known as a 'Man with a pussy'.
It is worth checking out Birchplace although I do not know if there are any FtM escorts, particularly ones that are fully transitioned.
Hth, and good luck with everything.