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Author Topic: I'm fucking devastated! What a horrible night!  (Read 4559 times)


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Re: I'm fucking devastated! What a horrible night!
« Reply #15 on: 15 January 2009, 11:42:33 pm »
This dumb fuck was talking shit in the backgeound while im on the phone about how he wanted to do a 3som

You know this isnt the 1st time something of this sort has happened. It happened last summer I was hanging out with a cute guy and one night over a few drinks we decided to call another hot guy for a 3way who I had also dated a couple times. Anyway, all went well...and the background conversdation was EXACTLY like what happened last Saturday. Verbatim. Although it didnt turn the guy off (it wasnt business related anyway), what happened when we did meet was nothing short of diasaster...

We got to his house, and then my friend was much more intoxicated than I had thought and presumed to make a total fool out of himself at this guy's home. He even began to 'argue' with this other guy over nonsense. He embarrassed me to pieces and at the end, the guy sent us home and he whispered "I'm going to kill you"....

So thats why, from this moment on Im going to remember both experiences and NEVER take on an offer for 'couples' for business meetings, nor 'offer' to bring a friend on business nor personal engagaements. I usually NEVER do that anyway, but when it does happen...Everytime Its been because I was drinking and got talked into it. In my right mind, I wouldnt of even done such a stupid thing!

So please, dont learn the hard way. Unless its a mutually-thought of idea...If someone offers you a couple session, turn it down because it usually turns out shit anyway.