Perhaps I'm too polite but I've seen this one guy twice and I really just don't like him. Nothing specifically nasty about him but he's hard work 'kiss me, suck my c0ck, do this, do that, kiss me'. I just don't like being ordered around I like my gfe to flow naturally, and he takes ages to cum so sometimes my mouth/jaw is aching loads. He's a lot older than me, I just prefer either young acting 60+ year olds or guys my sort of age. I keep putting him off but he keeps booking in advance and there is only so many times I can tell him I'm fully booked days in advance when I'm likely to put my green light on. I've had other guys that I've not enjoyed after the 1st or 2nd visit just for various reasons but they've generally given me a reason to block them by ordering me to give them an appt. This guy has not been rude, I just feel used afterwards. He's also a 59 minutes and 59 seconds guy, which I hate.