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Author Topic: How to deal with the 1st time?  (Read 4534 times)


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How to deal with the 1st time?
« on: 13 December 2008, 01:01:46 pm »
Hi everyone

I'm new to this site so please bear with me if this has been posted before.

I'm 21 and at University, and owe out quite a bit of money. Escorting is something I've thought about for a good few months now, I've done a LOT of research, had my hepatitis jab etc. I've decided upon what I will and won't do, and basically I'm good to go.

The only thing that is bothering me is the very first time. I'm the kind of person that the first time I do something I'm terrified, but afterwards it's a walk in the park for me. I just want to know how easy was your first time? Have you got any tips or ideas to make it easier?

Thanks a lot


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Re: How to deal with the 1st time?
« Reply #1 on: 13 December 2008, 01:41:30 pm »
Hi Sabrina, Im really new to this too, ive been doing it for a month now and I have to say I still get as nervous with each new client as I was the first time, which I didnt expect! Im sure once ive been doing this longer it might get a bit less nerve-wracking, but you might find yourself being just as nervous about  your 2nd and 3rd bookings too! My first client was lovely, and he was far more nervous than me, so maybe it would help calm your nerves if you tried to look at the booking from the eyes of a client?! xx


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Re: How to deal with the 1st time?
« Reply #2 on: 13 December 2008, 01:44:51 pm »
Thanks hun, I'm sure once I've done it the first time it'll be a LOT easier, I'm just nervous! I'm at the point now where I can't pay rent so I've no other choice but to be honest, the idea of working whenever I want for a hell of a lot of money is too good for me. My boyfriend pays for everything currently and I hate that so... !

I'm on AW and I've had some pretty good offers etc, it's just trying to weed out the fakes! Good thing though is my housemate knows about it and is going to be my driver for me... bless her!

Do you mind if I PM you some Q's?

Welsh Lass

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Re: How to deal with the 1st time?
« Reply #3 on: 13 December 2008, 02:09:45 pm »
Hello Sabrina,
                 There is not a thing anybody can say to you that will help quash your nerves.
I remember my first booking and all day long I was feeling sick from nerves, the time seemed to drag by and go fast both at the same time, all day long, it was the most surreal feeling I think I have ever had.

If there is anything I can say to you it would be this.
You can plan all you like but might find your precision in how the hour or two will go is out the window the second the man walks through the door/you walk through his door. Your far better off to go with your instincts than any plan you might have formulated when it comes to the actual booking.
I agree with the post above. The man is possibly as nervous if not more nervous than you are.
Don't get ready too early then have all the time in the world to sit about waiting for the knock on the door or the time for you to actually leave the house. There is nothing worse than sitting about, twiddling your thumbs and letting your imagination go wild because you pulled those stockings on too early!
Above everything I would tell you to not worry. Just try your very best to relax, although it's hard I know, but try to and remember why your doing this and remember that every single person on this planet has had to do something new at some point in their lives and even though others might seem super confident, everybody experiences nerves and doubts and it's normal and okay and it would be rather strange actually if you were not at all nervous.
I was a bag of nerves my first time as I have said -  if it's worth anything to you - I still see the guy today, he is a regular and my technique has improved, my nerves have calmed down, my approach is far better and he has not noticed the difference at all! So nerves or not that first time, I got through it totally okay and he does not know, to this day, he was my first ever client.
After you have finished, when he has left/you have left. You will feel very proud of yourself and you will be elated that you pulled it off.
You possibly still will be nervous, I still get nerves to a point. But nothing like the scale I used to. It's a job and like any job, it gets easier the more you learn it and do it.
Good luck. Here's to getting your rent paid.

They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: How to deal with the 1st time?
« Reply #4 on: 13 December 2008, 02:24:35 pm »
Thank you so much - I've spent the past hour and a half reading through this forum and I've gotta say it's helped a LOT. It's nice to know I can come and vent to people that understand.

I kind of want to get a booking today, so I can get the first one out of the way and then see how it goes from there. I'm listed on AW but I find it pretty hard to know what to put in my profile, everything sounds so cheesey aha!!


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Re: How to deal with the 1st time?
« Reply #5 on: 14 December 2008, 04:46:52 pm »

Yeah you can pm me with some questions, but remember im new myself so you might want to ask someone more experienced? Although I guess if you just want answers about the first time I can help, as mine was only last month! I think you will feel better after your first booking as you know you can do it, but for me, the reasons I get nervous are the same now as my first time, theres still the safety risk and the risk that someone I know could find out, so maybe you shouldnt expect to be fine after your first time? xxx


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Re: How to deal with the 1st time?
« Reply #6 on: 14 December 2008, 09:29:55 pm »
Im still a newbie (and im pretty sure i will be calling myself that forever) and i stll get pretty nervous on a booking.  Ive said before and i will say again, i think the nerves are a good thing.  As long as you are feeling nervous it means you are still on your guard and not become too blazaie about it and its a good think to be on your guard.

And if anyone knows how to spell blazaie please feel free to correct... im sleepy and im going to my bed!


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Re: How to deal with the 1st time?
« Reply #7 on: 14 December 2008, 09:35:57 pm »
Hi and welcome Sabrina,
There's not much else I can add to what the other ladies have already written. I was nervous as heck on my first time, and I know this is a cliche but it does get easier with time, honestly.

Please, please, please, read these forums inside and out; use the search facility top right hand corner of the forum, read the main site inside and out, until you feel you've armed yourself with enough knowledge to take/use on your first booking. If there are any answered questions, please ask.


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Re: How to deal with the 1st time?
« Reply #8 on: 14 December 2008, 09:36:56 pm »
And if anyone knows how to spell blazaie please feel free to correct... im sleepy and im going to my bed!

Blase, with an accent on the 'e', lexie.


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Re: How to deal with the 1st time?
« Reply #9 on: 14 December 2008, 11:55:26 pm »

yes as already stated above it is natural to be afraid and nervous the first time. and i think we will keep nervous.. :)

with AW when you are new they advertise you as the new girl and you have more exposure and more chance to get a client. i was surprised when i started out that i got lots of requests even without photos on my profile; i was expecting it slowly building up,

for what to put on it; as you said you are clear what you do and what not, and i think you have a clear image of the experience you provide, the client you want to attract (tailor towards to) and the experience you would like to have,
and i would say that is the corner stone what you write, of course in a way clients would be attracted to it, and fun to read.

i have heard in a while back that in marketing clients/customers are looking for the experience and not the product and in advertising the experience is sold, and the experience the client has with you is what counts and makes him go back to you or not. and i think the text and the ad itself should be an experience and pleasure to read (of course not a substitute of not booking you)

i hope i have expressed my thoughts well enough


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Re: How to deal with the 1st time?
« Reply #10 on: 15 December 2008, 09:56:30 am »
And if anyone knows how to spell blazaie please feel free to correct... im sleepy and im going to my bed!

Blase, with an accent on the 'e', lexie.


Oh yeah.  Easy now im wide awake  ;D


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Re: How to deal with the 1st time?
« Reply #11 on: 15 December 2008, 10:00:00 am »
Thanks so much for the advice everyone. I'm hoping to get my first booking today so fingers crossed it'll go well.

Now to deal with the mouse I've just seen run across my room!!!  :-\


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Re: How to deal with the 1st time?
« Reply #12 on: 15 December 2008, 10:08:44 am »
lol i am sure you can deal with it. i remember i once had mice in my flat long time ago at a different place and once she was running threw my legs when sitting on the toilette that was a bit of a shock

best luck for the booking today. i know you do well



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Re: How to deal with the 1st time?
« Reply #13 on: 15 December 2008, 10:20:21 am »
I've got pet hamsters so I've a feeling the mice can smell the food which is why they've ventured up here... Bloody student houses!!


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Re: How to deal with the 1st time?
« Reply #14 on: 15 December 2008, 04:00:36 pm »

Blase, with an accent on the 'e', lexie.


Oh yeah.  Easy now im wide awake  ;D

I know what you mean. It's the same first thing in the morning. Isn't it amazing how much more sense things make during the day. :)