Hello Sabrina,
There is not a thing anybody can say to you that will help quash your nerves.
I remember my first booking and all day long I was feeling sick from nerves, the time seemed to drag by and go fast both at the same time, all day long, it was the most surreal feeling I think I have ever had.
If there is anything I can say to you it would be this.
You can plan all you like but might find your precision in how the hour or two will go is out the window the second the man walks through the door/you walk through his door. Your far better off to go with your instincts than any plan you might have formulated when it comes to the actual booking.
I agree with the post above. The man is possibly as nervous if not more nervous than you are.
Don't get ready too early then have all the time in the world to sit about waiting for the knock on the door or the time for you to actually leave the house. There is nothing worse than sitting about, twiddling your thumbs and letting your imagination go wild because you pulled those stockings on too early!
Above everything I would tell you to not worry. Just try your very best to relax, although it's hard I know, but try to and remember why your doing this and remember that every single person on this planet has had to do something new at some point in their lives and even though others might seem super confident, everybody experiences nerves and doubts and it's normal and okay and it would be rather strange actually if you were not at all nervous.
I was a bag of nerves my first time as I have said - if it's worth anything to you - I still see the guy today, he is a regular and my technique has improved, my nerves have calmed down, my approach is far better and he has not noticed the difference at all! So nerves or not that first time, I got through it totally okay and he does not know, to this day, he was my first ever client.
After you have finished, when he has left/you have left. You will feel very proud of yourself and you will be elated that you pulled it off.
You possibly still will be nervous, I still get nerves to a point. But nothing like the scale I used to. It's a job and like any job, it gets easier the more you learn it and do it.
Good luck. Here's to getting your rent paid.