Hi everyone
Aint been around for ages as moved house and no internet for months (a horrifying feeling) Hope everyone is well.
As mentioned before im with an agency,however i also have some private clients that ive found along the way.
My dilemma is this,the agency i work for charges low prices,however the volume of work i get means i end up making a heck of a lot more than when i worked for an agency previously that charged a lot more but got me less work. Its not ideal but i need the money for time being at least!
I am loath however to charge my private clients the same as the agency as deep down i feel my services are worth more,also when its private clients i have no in call facility so have to consider travel costs etc and also the fact that they are paying for privilage of having my number and being able to contact me 24/7.
So i have been charging private clients a higher rate than with agency,most dont mind but a few are starting to be a bit niggly about it and its starting to get to me. Thing is i would like to go independent when my finances allow and i dont want to already be in the position of underpricing my services when i eventually do so!
So what do you think? am i wrong,right or just a greedy bugger? cos im not even sure myself anymore