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Author Topic: how much do you vet them?  (Read 4360 times)


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how much do you vet them?
« on: 14 October 2009, 11:57:16 pm »
I'm new to this forum and new to escorting. i live in jersey and live with a man who doesn't know what i do, and i would rather it stay that way.
due to the small nature of jersey i try to ascertain that i don't know the punter, nor does he work with anyone i know etc!!! Its tough as you can imagine many don't want to tell me too much.
so i wondered what other people ask? i do ask people what they look like? does anyone else? I'm really secluded from other escorts so do wander how everyone deals with 'unattractive' clients?
I am beginning to think I'm not cut out for it, though i do always get return work!


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Re: how much do you vet them?
« Reply #1 on: 15 October 2009, 12:28:58 am »
Hi hon

Unless you know other escorts on Jersey, no one is going to be able to put themselves in your position. You are rather unique.

As it is such a small place, and I am sure that everyone seems to know everyone, and the risk of running into someone who knows someone who know you is high. So, how I would vet a client in London, would be totally different to how you would, as I vet mainly from a safety point of view. You however have to vet the clients to make sure you don't know them!

Is it possible you could perhaps look at marketing yourself towards the business traveller rather than the local market? It would perhaps make it easier for you...

Also, I doubt your potential clients mind your questions... as they are probably wondering the same thing about you.



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Re: how much do you vet them?
« Reply #2 on: 15 October 2009, 03:19:06 am »
I have to disagree on many points with Carissa,

Most clients are reluctant to give an escort any details about themselves and their private lives and an escort should respect that, especially before you meet them. The amount of Davids and Johns I have seen is phenominal (false names).
I understand your concern due to the low population, but you also have to remember that most of your clients don't want everyone else to know that they are seeing a prostitute.

The idea of targeting business travellers is a very good one, as long as you are somewhere where you will get enough work from this, which is something you will have to research.

You really can't expect to just see good looking clients or you won't do much business, most of us are happy with someone who is clean, polite and respectful, if looks are that important to be able to function on a sexual level I have to brutally honestly say you are in the wrong profession, sorry.
Personally I would feel it rude to ask a client what they look like.

Before I started I deliberately went on a date with someone I found repulsive (he wasn't dirty but I really didn't like his personality and his looks turned me off completely) and had sex with him, I knew if I was disgusted after that, that escorting was not for me.

As for the client wondering about your looks and personality, or at least your escort personality, well they have a right to know what they are buying, that is why we put extensive descriptions and pictures on our websites.

Have a good read of the site, past topics and you can pick up a lot of opinions of ladies on here and start to form a plan for yourself.

Good luck hun, Isorry, if I'm being a bit harsh.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"

Welsh Lass

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Re: how much do you vet them?
« Reply #3 on: 15 October 2009, 08:45:30 am »
Living in (what I imagine to be) a small place I always ask the client where they are coming from when they ask what area I am in - with regard to directions. I will go in with something like 'I am easy to find, there are a few ways to get here, where are you coming from?'
I ask because if they say my area I will rethink seeing them.
Phonecalls are always a must, even though I hate talking on the phone really, I do so even if I have had an email ask, I will ask they call me. I want to know if I recognise their voice!

It's perhaps easier to ask questions such as this as I have the M4 and most are coming down that way - To date (touch wood) nobody I have seen has come from my actual area, that I am aware of anyhow.
I think when you first start out at this, your slightly paranoid that your Uncle will knock at your door! Or the neighbours will suss you out. They do not know what your up to - indeed, unless you have a neighbourhood watch freak sat in his/her window directly across from your place, nobody really pays any attention - we are all too busy getting on with our lives I guess, to take much notice of what goes on over the road unless it's totally in your face ;)
Good luck. Try not to worry so much, it's early days for you, you will find your feet and find your own way of asking questions.
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Re: how much do you vet them?
« Reply #4 on: 15 October 2009, 12:09:49 pm »
thanks girls... My first client was pretty repulsive, but i managed fine, i wouldn't ever see him again as i felt because i couldn't get into it myself i couldn't give a great service?  I just wonder how others cope with the repulsion factor?


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Re: how much do you vet them?
« Reply #5 on: 15 October 2009, 12:32:52 pm »
thanks girls... My first client was pretty repulsive, but i managed fine, i wouldn't ever see him again as i felt because i couldn't get into it myself i couldn't give a great service?  I just wonder how others cope with the repulsion factor?

Jezebel, if you're getting a 'repulsion factor' at all, you're going to really struggle. It would be incredibly naive to assume that you will be physically attracted to the majority of your customers, and whilst first bookings are always going to be a bit of a learning curve, if you really can't find anything nice about your client to concentrate on (and the number of people I have met in my entire life with absolutely no redeeming features at all I can count on one hand) then you need to seriously think about whether you are cut out for this or not.

I know the money all seems great, but it is a very tough job, and you will risk seriously damaging your mental health if you continue (which is probably a big factor in why some ladies end up turning to alcohol and drugs). Don't be too hard on yourself  - even if you think you're just muddling along, if you're getting repeat custom you're clearly doing something right! But please do consider if this is the right thing for you - the fact that you even think it is acceptable to refer to a client as 'repulsive' suggest to me that may not be.

As far as 'vetting' goes - I live in a small town (population slightly higher than Jersey, I think) and I agree with Cassie; if the worst happened and you did come face to face with someone you know, how likely is it they are going to tell everyone that they have been to visit a prostitute? They would probably have more to lose than y0u if word got out. It hasn't happened to me yet, although I was convinced I recognised a voice on the phone once (an ex-boyfriend's mate, so not outside the realms of possiblity) and turned the booking down. I rely mainly on having a good view of the approach to my building, and I wouldn't hesitate to politely explain to someone on the phone if I had recognised them and they would have to leave. If I was in your part of the world, I'd be more worried about the law than anything else, tbh.


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Re: how much do you vet them?
« Reply #6 on: 15 October 2009, 01:42:38 pm »
If you are that worried about clients you might know as your community is quite small on Jersey, what about considering touring?  Coming across to England for a few days, well advertised in advance.  Pick a town and a nice hotel.   Theres a new resource on where girls are sharing their touring venues and experiences.

Penny x x


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Re: how much do you vet them?
« Reply #7 on: 15 October 2009, 07:19:29 pm »
thanks for all your help girls! amd i think the term repulsive was in hindsight a little harsh.. mmmm.


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Re: how much do you vet them?
« Reply #8 on: 15 October 2009, 09:10:50 pm »
I'm going OT, as usual, but had to say that 'repulsive' may have been a word I used when mentally describing some clients when I was new. Such a simple way of thinking about other people in terms of attractiveness soon fades in this biz, though! Your mind gets opened whether you like it or not. ;) I usually find dozens of likeable things about my clients now. They are, at the very least, harmless guys who just want to have a nice time - often, also interesting and funny and kind, etc etc. Certain personality traits can be shockingly attractive!

I'm afraid I don't know anything about escorting in Jersey, though. One of my 'regs' is moving there because of something to do with taxes. He's lovely, in case you ever meet him!
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: how much do you vet them?
« Reply #9 on: 15 October 2009, 11:26:44 pm »
I think the other ladies made some very sensible comments....  clients ,as a rule, do not like to give out personal information & you may be putting off potential regulars with your questions. 
it Is very difficult working in a small close knit community, but having done it myself on & off prior to moving to London recently I can say in all honesty that it Is possible.  Generally the guys in these towns/villages are just as freaked as you are about people finding out what they get up to!  (imagine the scandal!!!!!)    If you think you recognise someone's voice then just put them off by upping your price or saying you are unavailable  at that time, then log the number they called on in your phone so you can ignore any future calls from them. It helps if you have a good long view of the approach to your home/place of work...that way you can look out for them at time of booking & if you recognise them you can quickly call to cancel , explaining that you know eachother & can't see them for obvious reasons. Most likely he will hotfoot it back up the road grateful he didn't come face to face with you!   I did once have a difficult situation with a guy i knew....he turned up for booking wearing a bike helmet & didn't take it off til the front door was shut....turned out to be someone i knew very well & who knew All my friends!  I summoned all my dignity & put it to him that it was in His best interests not to mention this to anyone as his family would be mortified & he could ofcourse count on my discretion also....he went a rather deep shade of pink...put his helmet back on & sheepishly made a quick exit!    after that i was a lot more vigilant! & I found it easier & a lot safer to only see 'mature gents' .. far less likelihood of being found out!
Must say though...might be best to work away from your home ground...especially as your partner knows nothing of your little dalliances! could be messy if he found out...
 Hope it all works out for you though...keep us all posted...


                                                      ~:o) x


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Re: how much do you vet them?
« Reply #10 on: 16 October 2009, 10:36:14 pm »
thanks for all your help girls! amd i think the term repulsive was in hindsight a little harsh.. mmmm.

If it makes you feel better (and no matter what I've said) I'm sure most ladies have had at least one unfortunate booking where a client has unexpectedly knocked them sideways. A completely unremarkable man turned up at mine once - very ordinary, polite and clean but for whatever reason as soon as he came near me I felt ill and had to fight the urge to actually recoil when we was going to kiss me - the booking was a nightmare and whilst I don't think he noticed anything, I couldn't wait for him  to go and felt physically sick by the time he left.

The whole thing was really bizarre, but when I mentioned it to another lady I know she had had a similar experience with a very pleasant young man who had booked her and she had no way of explaining it either. Mr Amy however, helpfully speculated that I must possess the valuable instinct to sniff out a wrong 'un. 'You know. Like dogs.'  ;D
« Last Edit: 16 October 2009, 11:07:04 pm by amy »


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Re: how much do you vet them?
« Reply #11 on: 20 October 2009, 01:03:12 am »
If it makes you feel better (and no matter what I've said) I'm sure most ladies have had at least one unfortunate booking where a client has unexpectedly knocked them sideways.
The whole thing was really bizarre, but when I mentioned it to another lady I know she had had a similar experience with a very pleasant young man who had booked her and she had no way of explaining it either. Mr Amy however, helpfully speculated that I must possess the valuable instinct to sniff out a wrong 'un. 'You know. Like dogs.'  ;D
There have been two guys where the end of the hour couldn't come quick enough, but like you Amy I am pretty sure they didn't notice a thing. Both were perfect gentlemen and neither was an ogre, one was actually a real hottie, but something felt wrong and I actually refused a repeat booking from one of them.

Shame on Mr Amy, lol, I can't think of you as a dog Amy, it's a woman's intuition.

Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: how much do you vet them?
« Reply #12 on: 20 October 2009, 06:50:53 pm »
You can try all you want but you can't really 100% vet your clients. I can so easily turn off & just concentrate on the booking, it's something that just comes natural to me I don't have to try very hard. At work I'm Kate & at home I'm me. Kate's at work & can put up with a lot of things that I couldn't in my private life. At work I'm being paid to be Kate & that's all there is to it. It must be quite nerve wracking to work in a small area, just be as careful as you can & remember they don't want to be caught out either.

I once went to a 40th birthday party of my ex-boyfriends mates' wife who's sisters' husband turned out to be a client of mine & I'm sure he was telling a young lad all about me, but as I wasn't 100% sure didn't go to him & question him. It just goes to show you can meet people in the most unlikely of places or events.

Good luck luvvie, hope it all goes ok for you.

Luv Kate xx


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Re: how much do you vet them?
« Reply #13 on: 21 October 2009, 12:06:17 am »
Well, a friend of mine who lives over 50 miles away from me on the other side of Manchester  freaked me out not so long ago, when she was showing us a picture of her bf, whom she was going to introduce to us at a party the next week - and , yep, he was a client of mine. I posted on here to see what the other ladies thought I should do.

I took the advice to not say anything and not let on I knew him.

The party went well and we both were pleased to meet each other for the firsat time in our lives and the only hitch was when he groped my bum when we all hugged goodbye.

The little sleazebag called me the next day and tried to book me, when I refused he threatend to tell my friends what I do, I counter threatened him to tell my friend that he had been my client while he was seeing her.

He told me she wouldn't believe me and to be honest I think he would have been right, but I stood my ground and haven't heard from him since and my friends are all behaving normally, so I don't think he has said anything.

The reason I'm telling this story is that I think bumping into clients will happed or it won't whether it be a large or small area, but as a number of ladies have said before most clients are going to be as paranoid about people finding out as we are if not more.

Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: how much do you vet them?
« Reply #14 on: 07 December 2009, 03:18:45 am »
A completely unremarkable man turned up at mine once - very ordinary, polite and clean but for whatever reason as soon as he came near me I felt ill and had to fight the urge to actually recoil when we was going to kiss me

Its good to know that at some point, we all fall short of glory. He/She who NEVER finds a client repulsive cast the first stone!