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Author Topic: What should I wear?!  (Read 1227 times)


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What should I wear?!
« on: 29 October 2011, 03:59:18 am »
I'm fairly certain this question will have been asked before, but I'm just thinking of getting into escorting and I was wondering what on earth I should turn up wearing? It's 4am and I'm not quite prepared to look through 137 pages of the forum :P

What did you all wear on your first time?


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Re: What should I wear?!
« Reply #1 on: 29 October 2011, 07:26:22 am »
It depends on what your first booking will be - incall, outcall, parlour work, agency interview? The answer is pretty much "a nice dress over nice lingerie" either way (though for an interview it doesn't matter; no need to get naked in one of those!). Wrap dresses are easy to get on and off, and dark colours and modest styles are discreet in hotels.

I'm not sure if you noticed but we have a search form that's super-helpful and rather quicker than asking people to rewrite things especially for you at 4am. :)

By putting in "what wear work", I found the following threads on the first results page which may help:
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: What should I wear?!
« Reply #2 on: 01 November 2011, 05:21:53 pm »
I usually just wear what I'd usually put on for a fancy night out at the bar. Nothing that looks over-the-top "Sexy" but a nice dress, stockings, tasteful makeup, and high-heeled shoes with a cute jacket.
Fille de Joie <3


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Re: What should I wear?!
« Reply #3 on: 02 November 2011, 01:01:06 am »
I've only just started working, so I wondered this myself not long since!

For me it depends where I'm going and how discreet they want me to be. The outer layer is generally 'work clothes', pretty boring looking skirt, top and jacket. The bag I carry is very business-ish too. It stops awkward questions/looks in hotels from staff, and if I'm going to their home it won't get the neighbours talking. Underneath, however, either basque/stockings or babydoll/holdups. Just ask them what they want, really. They'll tell you!

I live at home, and they don't know. So I'll say I'm going to one of my friends houses or something, but they'd be highly suspicious if I went trotting off wearing a work suit. So I leave the house wearing the underwear, jogging bottoms, uggs and a hoodie (I'm not a total chav, it needs to be loose to avoid scragging up the underwear lol), and then swap that for the 'work clothes' in a carpark or somewhere equally glamourous. It takes a bit of planning, mostly stashing the work clothes and bag in my car earlier in the day, and doing my 'prozzie laundry' when nobody is in! One day I'll get caught out and be forced to do a job dressed as Vicky Pollard  ;D

Obviously, you want to keep your start-up costs as low as poss until you've done a couple of jobs. I've found Primark has a couple of decent looking sets for about ?10 each. Very ooh lala!