My question is quite simple really. Do or will the ladies here consider me to be on an equal footing gender wise or will I always be something of an interloper where my gender is concerned?
To be totally honest, I would think of you as post operated trans woman. But I think it has more to do with my love of categorising each individual differences, than to view you as "less" of a female. Or think of you as "still male".
As I'm myself a mixture of two Nationalities, I once was asked by a guy whether I was this or that Nationality. I said: both, since I'm a mixture of each and don't exclusively belong to either category, but am rather a category of my own. It doesn't make me any less entitled to my Nationality stated in my passport. It just respects the fact that my experiences of being brought up with parents of mixed Nationalities and in two different cultures differ from those who were born and bred in one country only.
I am sad to hear that some Feminist groups (is it Julie Bindel?) discriminate against trans women. The way I see it is you are no less or more a woman than you feel like. Different, yes. Less of - no. Since who the hell am I (or anyone else) to tell what it feels like for someone like you? I can only speak of experiences of being born in a female body - as that is all I know.
Interestingly though, when I was a child I swapped genders by the age of ten. As I didn't wish to grow up to be a woman. My mum was going spare as I refused to be called anything else but by my chosen boy name (which I told the whole school about). My dad had a word with me and I returned to accepting being called by my real name and generally be thought of as a girl. However, on the inside I still felt either as a guy or androgynous and looking at some photos from my teens - I can see that I saw myself as an androgynous boy. Later on I started to look up to femininity played out by effeminate gay men, as I felt they adopted it to their own needs, instead of conforming to societal norms of what women should dress and be like.
I gradually lost interest in having a man's body, since I've discovered that I could be as manly or as womanly as I liked - in my own female body. However, I always thought that if I
didn't loose that interest, then I would most certainly have become a man - a pre or post operated "he-she".
I suspect that my gender swapping had more to do with psychological effects of seeing my mum subservient to my dad and wishing it never to happen to me. But as my sexuality kicked in I discovered I rather enjoyed being a woman, and felt that by being feminist and alternative I could discard those negative stereotypes anyway and still enjoy my body.
I'd imagine that for
you, a gender transformation rests on far deeper grounds than a suppressed childhood.
There is also another little category easily forgotten which covers people born as intersex (knows as hermaphrodites). Meaning they were literally born with both female and male chromosomes and genitalia. And they too get easily confused with trans even though and yes, I tend to see them as a group of their own.
As for the article of "no men being involved with setting up SAAFE" I immediately thought it was meant to say "if any deluded Punter Wanker tells you he was involved - then you know it's bullshit". Not that trans women weren't allowed or that genuine male Escorts (as opposed to straight male wannabees) were necessarily excluded.
![Smiley :)](