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Author Topic: How do you manage your money?  (Read 2685 times)

sammy s

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How do you manage your money?
« on: 04 June 2010, 02:30:45 pm »
Are you all good at managing the money you make from escorting?
Do you pay all of your taxes, save some money plus have some money to spend?
And do you rely entirely on escorting for money or do you have another job too?

Im usually ok at saving my money but occasionaly go nuts and spend it all and its ALWAYS when my bookings dry up for a few days.

I normally try to stick to the rule that if I make ?150 from an hour booking for example, I would save ?50 in my savings account (this is the money for my future), spend ?50 on whatever I want or need (food, bills, new clothes,holiday fund, clubbing etc) and put ?50 aside for tax (if i end up saving up too much money for tax over the year then I just put the remainder in to my savings account).

How disciplined are you?



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Re: How do you manage your money?
« Reply #1 on: 04 June 2010, 02:55:13 pm »
I like to think I am very good with my escorting money. I have a tax pot a clothing pot and a pot for my sons carers/extra therapists and anything left goes on treats for us as a family.

We both pay into a pension plan to cover us in our old age and as for saving, I do that with my tour money

Thankfully I have a hubby who covers household expenses.
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Re: How do you manage your money?
« Reply #2 on: 04 June 2010, 04:03:19 pm »
Out or my 120 an hour  ?20 goes straight in the rent pot (some months I make more than enough some months I don't but it evens its self out). I then have another pot for petrol/bills/tax/escort clothes & general escort shopping  which I put ?40 in.  The other ?60 is my money for all my things like food shopping, clothes and nights out, I do save some when I have plenty of work on but don't save a set amount out of each booking.


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Re: How do you manage your money?
« Reply #3 on: 04 June 2010, 04:28:09 pm »
I'm a complete anorak and have a pension, an ISA and an investment plan which I pay into every month without fail and don't touch; I bank all my money bar the odd bit for small stuff and find I'm less tempted to fritter when I don't keep much cash about. I am paying tax and NI monthly by Direct Debit at the moment which suits me a lot better than having a whopping great bill - I sorted this out by phone with the Inland Revenue after the last one just about wiped me out. All my bills are paid by DD too, so I'm don't have much reason not to bank everything - I try to buy all my work stuff on my debit card so it makes filling out my expenses very easy because I can just do it from my bank statement.

My work is my only source of income so I am careful about always having enough put by in case anything happens which prevents me from working - I reckon I could keep going for a couple of years on what I have if I really had to, although its not a situation I would ever hope to be in. I also find the times I feel like splurging a bit are if it's been quiet and I need cheering up, but I work hard and don't beat myself up about it.

I had to start the savings again from just about nothing two years ago after I bought my apartment, but I don't really put big wedges into it from tours or whatever since there's a lot of work been done and still to do on my place, so I tend to stash it away to pay for particular jobs like my new bathroom, kitchen, new floors and so on. The rest goes on food, treats and hobbies (my pet fish don't swim about in Chanel No.5, but they're spoilt rotten nonetheless  :D).


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Re: How do you manage your money?
« Reply #4 on: 08 June 2010, 11:55:13 pm »
i use envolopes -     dont laught  ;D everthing i make each day goes in to an envelope at the end of the week i take out what i need for bank mortgage bills cars holidays  - ect and whats left i save i normally take 10 -15  a day in my purse for essentials and that it  im tighter than a scotsman and love saving money this way i know exactly what i have made /lost   

i keep 3 grand as an emergency float in case im off for a month or so and cant work the rest is saved seperatly for whatever 
i generally  save all my tour money as you can earn big wedges sometime 5-6 grand a week from a tour so this i save  seperatly   

sammy s

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Re: How do you manage your money?
« Reply #5 on: 20 June 2010, 06:11:44 pm »
I think you have the right idea lucy.
Having an emergency float is great as it takes away that element of stress if you have to stop work for a month or two.

Im quite bad for only doing as many bookings as I need for that month which means I never really save much.


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Re: How do you manage your money?
« Reply #6 on: 21 June 2010, 05:37:03 pm »
I just find it hard to manage money when Im getting paid 'bits and pieces' 1 or 2 times a day rather than when I get a big overnight and can make a list of things I need to do.

Putting money in 'pots and kettles' never seems to work for me cause there's always shit I need to do. Even more, I been on the road now for 12 days...And spent 11 of those days in hotels. My hotel cost average $55 a day...multiplied by 12 is $660. More than my rent.

I dont know how the fuck Im gonna pay my rent, but Im gonna do it  :P


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Re: How do you manage your money?
« Reply #7 on: 30 June 2010, 08:46:22 pm »
I am quite lucky, I still live at home with my parents and don't have to pay any rent to them. Just a little amount to chip in with the bills and stuff.

I try to stick to the rule of splitting my money in half into saving and spending. Work at our parlour has been rather quiet lately, and a bit hit and miss. Sometimes I'll earn nearly ?300 a day, but sometimes only ?50, so it varies. Going to be trying another parlour closer to my home which is a one girl brothel and apparently you earn very decent money.

If that works out ok then I will split it into thirds. One third will be put into an ISA to save for a flat, the other third in savings for things like holidays and trips, and the last third will be kept for speeeeending, like cigarettes, clothes, nights out etc.

I learned a hard lesson that the money in this business can be very hit and miss at times, so now I'm trying to be more sensible and not blow every penny. But the girls at the parlour reassured me almost everyone does it when they first start in the business.